Complete and unabridged with an afterword by Sam Gilpin. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "Oliver Twist" is one of Charles Dickens's most popular novels, with many famous film, television and musical adaptations. It tells the story of the orphaned Oliver who is brought up in a harsh workhouse, then initiated into the criminal world of Fagin and his gang, before being eventually rescued by a loving family. This is a classic story of good against evil, packed with humour and pathos, drama and suspense, and peopled with some of Dickens' most memorable characters. ... |
Illustrated by Kay Dixie. ... "Oliver stared round the dirty room. There was a rope tied across one corner of the room. Many brightly-coloured silk handkerchiefs were hanging over the rope. Fagin smiled again."My handkerchiefs are pretty, aren't they, Oliver?", he said. "And they're all waiting to be washed!"To Oliver's surprise, all the boys laughed." From the Book This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and vocabulary exercises; notes about the life of Charles Dickens; points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult ... |
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Адаптация - Тоби Форуърд, илюстрации - Ясен Гюзелев ... Ясен Гюзелев е един от най-изтъкнатите илюстратори в наши дни. Неговото изкуство се характеризира с брилянтна техника, вдъхновена от Ренесанса, реалистичните школи на XIX век и Сецесиона. Илюстрациите му са модерни в своята концепция за дизайн, гледни точки, игра между светло и тъмно. Характерната перспективна игра ни препраща към изкуството на Ешер. В списъка на книгите, които е илюстрирал, присъстват заглавия като: "Алиса в страната на чудесата" и "Алиса в огледалния свят" на Луис Карол "Пинокио" на Карло Колоди "Дама пика& ... |
Книга четиридесет от поредицата "Златни детски книги". ... Подобно на самия Чарлз Дикенс, главният герой - Оливър Туист, израства в нищета. Той не познава родителите си, принуден е да отрасне в приют за сираци, а гладът и побоите са негови неразделни спътници. Въпреки многобройните несгоди, Оливър Туист успява да съхрани доброто си сърце. Когато успява да избяга в Лондон малкото момче попада в компанията на джепчии и крадци, водени от хитрия Фейгин. След много премеждия Оливър узнава тайната на своя произход и намира истински приятели. ... |
One summer. Two rivals. A plot twist they didn't see coming. Nora is a cut-throat literary agent at the top of her game. Her whole life is books. Charlie is an editor with a gift for creating bestsellers. And he's Nora's work nemesis. Nora has been through enough break-ups to know she's the woman men date before they find their happy-ever-after. That's why Nora's sister has persuaded her to swap her desk in the city for a month's holiday in Sunshine Falls, North Carolina. It's a small town straight out of a romance novel, but instead of meeting sexy lumberjacks, handsome doctors or cute ... |
The Science Book is the ultimate guide to the world of science, with incredible facts, stunning photographs and artworks and fantastic design. Kids aged 9+ will be enthralled and excited from start to finish. The book contains: the most exciting facts and photos to keep your child interested; fantastic design concepts complement each subject to get kids hooked; covers everything from chemical reactions and the human body to the universe. Four amazing chapters in The Science Book: discover the breakthroughs that have shaped the world in Incredible Science; body science takes a top-to-toe tour of the human body ... |
Колко далеч си готов да стигнеш, за да избягаш от живота, който водиш? Хедър никога не си е помисляла, че един ден може да се състезава в Паника - легендарна игра за току-що завършили гимназисти, в която залогът е висок, а наградата - още по-висока. Никога не се е смятала за безстрашна, за човек, готов да се бори, за да изпъкне сред другите. Но когато открива нещо и някого, заради които да се бори, Хедър ще разбере, че е по-смела, отколкото си е представяла. Додж никога не се е боял от Паника. Неговата тайна ще му вдъхва сили и ще го тласка да продължи напред до края на играта - сигурен е в това. Но има нещо, което не ... |
The crayons are back in this board book all about feelings from the creators of the № 1 New York Times bestselling "The Day Crayons Quit" and "The Day the Crayons Came Home"! Everyone knows the crayons love to color, but did you know that crayons have feelings too? Sometimes they are happy and sometimes they feel downright blue. From the creative minds behind the "The Day the Crayons Quit" and "The Day the Crayons Came Home", comes a fun board book to help young readers understand and express their feelings. Illustrated by Oliver Jeffers. ... |
Чудите се какво да готвите? Джейми идва на помощ. Той е подбрал 18 най-често използвани продукта, които приготвя по 7 начина. Така може да избирате между над 120 рецепти за вкусни ястия, приготвени с минимални усилия."Където и да отида през последните три години - на родителска среща, на обществени събития или просто на улицата - ме питат кога ще напиша втора част на "Рецепти с 5 съставки". Философията на тази книга много ви допадна, затова се опитах да я приложа и тук. Приемете тази книга като продължение на "Рецепти с 5 съставки" - и тук рецептите са лесни, стремим се към богат вкус с малко ... |
They helped cause the 2008 financial crash. They created a global tax avoidance industry. They lurk behind the scenes at every level of government... The world's "Big Four" accountancy firms - PwC, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, and KPMG - have become a gilded elite, with an average partner's salary rivalling that of a Premier League footballer. How has this seemingly humdrum profession achieved this, and what price are we paying for their excesses? Informed by numerous insider interviews, investigative journalist Richard Brooks charts the profession's rise to global influence and offers a gripping expose ... |
This will be your third descent into the world of the Unexpected. The surprises awaiting you here, are penned again by classical and modern authors. Again, you will try to guess the ending and again will fail, and to those of you who do succeed in this, we offer an apology on behalf of the Masters of the Genre. What happens when: Two spouses hate each other and go to the mountain? A princess is attacked by a mountain lion? A high life girl meets a low-class boy? Three messengers make haste with contradictory orders for the execution of a death sentence? What do two archeologists search for in an ancient catacomb? ... |
She's the inconvenience he never saw coming... and the one he would kill for Damien Black. American royalty. Gorgeous asshole. Shameless rake. Also... my new boss. One night of mistakes and he's running to my rescue like the prince on a white horse. But a liar is no damsel. There's no escaping Rosehill's bad boy when fate keeps pushing you together. But if the souls of the foul are doomed, why does every night feel like heaven? What do you do when a pretty little thing walks through the doors of your exclusive nightclub? You take a front row seat to the show. Ivy Thanos. Brilliant dancer. Dangerous vixen. ... |