Illustrated by Jérôme Brasseur. ... "A tear came to Nell's eye. She hated being alone in that big, dark place all night long, not able to sleep because she was worried about her grandfather. Every night he would go out and leave her on her own, and yet he never told her where he went or what he did. Then he would return early the next day, tired, worried and sad." From the Book In a run-down part of London, where criminals and honest people live side-by side, Nell lives with her grandfather in "The Old Curiosity Shop". They are very poor, and Nell is worried because her grandfather ... |
Започнете веднага - 24 проверени, едночасови урока! ... Само за 24 занимания с дължина един час или по-малко, вие ще се научите как да създавате завършени, надеждни и модерни приложения за Windows, използвайки Microsoft® Visual Basic® 2015. Използвайки един опростен подход тип "стъпка по стъпка", всеки урок се базира на наученото в предишните, давайки ви солидна основа за успех във всеки един аспект на програмирането с VB 2015. Забележките ви предоставят интересни факти. Съветите ви предоставят съвет или ви указват по-лесен начин за извършването на нещо. Предупрежденията ви консултират относно потенциални ... |
An American Journalist's Inside Look at Cuba, 1959 - 1969. ... Between 1959 and 1969, photojournalist Lee Lockwood documented Cuba and its victorious revolutionary Fidel Castro with unprecedented freedom and access, including a marathon seven-day interview with Castro himself. This volume includes Lockwood's evocative photographs of Cuba and Castro, his many insightful observations, and extensive excerpts from the unprecedented Lockwood - Castro conversations. A unique and telling portrait of Cuba and its enigmatic leader. On December 31, 1958, Lee Lockwood, then a young photojournalist, went to Cuba to cover ... |
According to The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Which - world's only totally reliable guide to the future, written in 1655, before she exposed - the world will end on a Saturday. Next Saturday, in fact. Just after tea... People have been pretending the end of the world almost from its very beginning, so it's only natural to be sceptical when a new date is set for Judgement Day. This time, though, the armies of God and Evil realy do appear to be missing. The Four Bikers of the Apocalypse are hitting the road. But both angels and demons - well, one first-living demon and a samowhat fussy angel - ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Hiro, a 20-year-old Japanese student, sits next to an old man on a train to Berlin. By mistake they exchange phones and read each other's text messages. Hiro believes that the man's messages show that he is going to Berlin to kill someone. Hiro's first day in the city is a race against time as he tries to warn people of an assassination plot. But is the plot real or does it exist only in Hiro's ... |
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. Everybody took photos of Prince William when he first arrived at the University of St Andrews. Crowds of photographers came to the little Scottish town next to the sea and took pictures of this new student - the nineteen year-old grandson of the Queen of England. But nobody photographed Kate Middleton on her first ... |
King Shahriyar cannot trust women. Every afternoon he marries a wife, but the next morning he always kills her. One day, the Vizier cannot find any more wives for the King. What can he do? "I can be Shahriyar's new wife!" says Sheherazade, his older daughter. "God willing I can stay alive, and help the women of our country." But how can Sheherezade stay alive for a thousand and one nights? And does Shahriyar learn to trust women again in the end? This famous story of stories has the answers. Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience ... |
The awesome final step of "The Long Earth" series. Authors of the No. 1 bestseller "The Long Earth". ... 2070-71. Nearly six decades after Step Day and in the Long Earth, the new Next post-human society continues to evolve. For Joshua Valienté, now in his late sixties, it is time to take one last solo journey into the High Meggers: an adventure that turns into a disaster. Alone and facing death, his only hope of salvation lies with a group of trolls. But as Joshua confronts his mortality, the Long Earth receives a signal from the stars. A signal that is picked up by radio astronomers but also in ... |
"Когато преди време написах Етюди за един пръст и през ум не ми минаваше, че един ден наново ще седна да пиша книга. Е, както казват: "Никога не казвай никога". Нещата си следваха определена логика и явно едно нещо влачи след себе си друго: първо книга, след това групата Осите. След това идеята да посвирим стари рок парчета, която пък доведе до писане на собствената музика в този стил. Покрай работата с Осите преслушах тонове със стари рок парчета и така ми хрумна идеята за настоящата книга - истории, вдъхновени от любими, леко позабравени, но оставили трайни следи в душите на моето поколение песни. Хем ... |
Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results. No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving - every day. James Clear, one of the world's leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results. If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change. You do not rise to the level ... |
This selection of a hundred of O. Henry's succinct tales displays the range, humour and humanity of a perennially popular short-story writer. Here Henry gives a richly colourful and exuberantly entertaining panorama of social life, ranging from thieves to tycoons, from the streets of New York to the prairies of Texas. These stories are famed for their "trick endings" or "twists in the tail": repeatedly the plot twirls adroitly, compounding ironies. Indeed, O. Henry's cunning plots surpass those of the ingenious rogues he creates. His style is genial, lively and witty, displaying a virtuoso ... |
Пътешествия из новия Трети свят: Европа ... Добре дошли в Европа – новия Трети свят? Не, не грешите, точно тук сте и не може да избягате! Ако смеете да погледнете трагикомичната реалност в очите, придружете американския автор на бестеселъри Майкъл Луис, който след феноменалния успех на „Големият залог: машината на Страшния съд отвътре“ удря отново право в десетката с „Бумеранг“ – историята на споделена от всички ни и обезпечена с леснодостъпни кредити общоевропейска лудост. „Европейци сме, ама не съвсем“ важи не само за българите – в тази лудост националният характер на затъналите в блатото държави се оказва далеч по- ... |