"The textbook The Lingua Franca of Diplomacy: English for International Relations’ is a result of a years-long quest of the author for compiling a teaching aid of English for specific purposes in the fields of IR and foreign policy. This effort was necessitated by a practical reason - the absence of a relevant handbook, which has presented a major setback in the process of language training of bachelor degree students in IR and European Studies. Therefore, they constitute the main target group of potential users. It can also be of interest for students, specialising in Political Science, International Security, and ... |
The New York Times bestseller from the Grammy-nominated indie rockstar "Japanese Breakfast", an unflinching, deeply moving memoir about growing up mixed-race, Korean food, losing her Korean mother, and forging her own identity in the wake of her loss, which brought her to reclaim the gifts of taste, language, and history her mother had given her. In this exquisite story of family, food, grief, and endurance, Michelle Zauner proves herself far more than a dazzling singer, songwriter, and guitarist. With humour and heart, she tells of growing up the only Asian-American kid at her school in Eugene, Oregon; of ... |
Поредицата включва 4 нива от A2 до C1 и осигурява на учащите теми и ситуации от ежедневието, допълнени от разнообразни упражнения. Подходящи са за самостоятелна подготовка и за работа в клас. С помагалото "Writing" учащите могат да развият уменията, от които се нуждаят, за да пишат уверено английски, където и да се намират - у дома, на работа, на пътуване, учене или просто в социални ситуации с англоговорящи приятели. Изданието включва отговори на упражненията и CD. Учебно-помощната система по английски език "Cambridge English Skills Real - ниво 2 (A2 - B1)" се състои от: помагало "Listening ... |
Compiled and edited by Nevena Dishlieva-Krysteva. ... This anthology contains twenty-six personal tales of youthful adventures, ridiculous hairstyles, bootleg cassette tapes, mafia thugs, hitchhiking and guitar-playing, free falling, and hopes for a bright future. All this took place against the backdrop of political and social cataclysms during the most vertiginous decade in Bulgaria’s recent history. A chronicle of euphoria, aspirations, and painful collapse. Stories from the '90s is the third and final book in the series of themed anthologies published by ICU, which also include My Brother's Suitcase and ... |
Introduced by The Revd Richard Coles. Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Poetry is the perfect medium to capture the elusive nature of happiness and this beautiful anthology explores happiness in all its forms - whether it be a fleeting moment, the promise of freedom and adventure, surviving adversity or the comfort of nature. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library, a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold-foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features an introduction by writer, ... |
Most up-to-date review and practice tests currently available. ... The book includes: 2 full-length practice GMAT tests. Comprehensive subject of all the core GMAT content areas tested in Quantitative, Verbal, Analytical Writing Assessment, and Integrated Reasoning. Strategy tailored to the unique challenges of a Computer Adaptive Test. Practice sets for each topic area and level of difficulty found on the real test. The CD will help you to hone your GMAT skills with a fully adaptive practice CAT. Additional practice questions will full explanations drown from the CAT question pool. ... |
The purpose I pursue with this book is to compare the information that has come down to us from old writers and to draw some conclusions about the people who spread the Bulgarian state to the Balkans, without resorting to the numerous contemporary books that I have read and that fill my library. I do this not out of disrespect for the tremendous work of contemporary Bulgarian writers and historians, but out of a desire to make an independent assessment of events and to draw my own conclusions about the relationship and sequence of events and their consequences by reading only older authors. I hope the book will find a ... |
Уроците в "face2face - Second Edition" се фокусират към говоримия английски език в ежедневни ситуации, който често е трудност за учащите да разбират в реалната среда. Освен с внимание към обучението и развитието на езиковите умения, учебният материал е съобразен с базата от милиарди писмени и разговорни думи на "Cambridge Learner Corpus". Използваната лексика във всеки урок е съпоставена и с базата на "English Vocabulary Profile", която предлага надеждна информация за това кои думи и фрази са известни и към кое ниво от Общата европейска езикова рамка (CEF) могат да бъдат въведени. С внимание ... |
The Pre-intermediate Student's Book provides 80 hours of core teaching material, which can be extended to 120 hours with the inclusion of the photocopiable resources in the Teacher's Book (with Teacher's DVD). Vocabulary and Grammar are given equal importance and there is a clear focus on improving student's listening and speaking skills in social situations. The Student's Book includes optional video for the Real World lessons (available on the Teacher's DVD) with vocabulary selection informed by English Profile and the Cambridge Learner Corpus. Учебната система "face2face - Ниво Pre- ... |
The Starter Student's Book provides 70 hours of core teaching material, which can be extended to 100 hours with the inclusion of the photocopiable resources in the Teacher's Book (with Teacher's DVD). Vocabulary and Grammar are given equal importance and there is a clear focus on improving student's listening and speaking skills in social situations. The Student's Book includes optional video for the Real World lessons (available on the Teacher's DVD) with vocabulary selection informed by English Profile and the Cambridge Learner Corpus. Учебната система "face2face - Ниво Starter (A1)" ... |
Книгата за учителя осигурява на преподавателите подробни насоки за всеки урок, както и допълнителни материали. Всичко това намалява много от времето на учителя за подготовка на часа. С книгата преподавателите получават: подробни насоки към всеки урок; отговорите на всички упражнения от учебника; допълнителни материали, сред които тестове за проверка на напредъка, комуникативни упражнения и работни листове за четене, които учителят може да ксерокопира; приложен безплатен DVD диск, който включва необходимите видеоматериали за задачите от разделите "Real World" в учебника и цялото съдържание на книга за ... |
Книгата за учителя осигурява на преподавателите подробни насоки за всеки урок, както и допълнителни материали. Всичко това намалява много от времето на учителя за подготовка на часа. С книгата преподавателите получават: подробни насоки към всеки урок; отговорите на всички упражнения от учебника; допълнителни материали, сред които тестове за проверка на напредъка, комуникативни упражнения и работни листове за четене, които учителят може да ксерокопира; приложен безплатен DVD диск, който включва необходимите видеоматериали за задачите от разделите "Real World" в учебника и цялото съдържание на книга за ... |