Alphabetisierung fur Erwachsene. ... DLL - "Deutsch Lehren Lernen". Die neue Fort- und Weiterbildungsreihe des Goethe-Instituts. Diese Einheit enthält eine umfassende Zusammenstellung aktueller, wissenschaftlich fundierter und praxisnaher Grundlagen der Alphabetisierungsarbeit mit erwachsenen Migranten in Deutschland. ... |
Testbuilder for the TOEIC tests from the popular series of "Tests that teach" is designed to improve test performance and increase language competence for success in the TOEIC Listening and Reading test and the Speaking and Writing tests. Three practice tests full range of TOEIC test question types TOEIC test strategies section Further Practice and Guidance pages Include question-specific exercises to develop test techniques Focus on common problem areas in each test Build confidence in all test question types Focus on Speaking and Writing subskills Answer key Complete answer key with useful explanations Model ... |
Учебна система Passwort Deutsch Passwort Deutsch е учебна система, съобразена с изискванията на Общата европейска езикова рамка и одобрена от МОН със Заповеди No РД-09-1047/31.12.2003 г., No РД 09-246/31.03.2006 г. Системата е разработена за учениците от 9. до 12. клас, изучаващи немски като втори чужд език. Тя е подходяща и за обучение на младежи и възрастни в езикови курсове или университети. Всяка част включва материал за около 80 учебни часа. Структурата на системата осигурява плавен напредък, чрез който целенасочено се развиват и тренират четирите езикови умения: слушане, говорене, четене и писане. Учебната ... |
Изследвайте Златната ера на пиратството! Изживейте страхотно приключение, като разгледате пиратския кораб отвътре! Откакто кораби пренасят товари в морето, има и пирати, които се опитват да заграбят стоките. Стане ли дума за тях, повечето хора се сещат за епохата на ветроходните кораби, острите саби и сребърните испански долари. ... |
В Пътят към цялостност, Бек представя процес от четири етапа, които всеки може да използва, за да открие своята цялостност, а с нея и чувство за цел, емоционално изцеление и живот без психически страдания. Голяма част от това, което ни измъчва - да угаждаме на хората, да оставаме във връзки, които са в застой, негативните навици - сочи какво се случва, когато сме изгубили връзка с това, което ни кара да се чувстваме наистина пълноценни. Вдъхновена от Божествена комедия, Бек използва пътя на класическия герой на Данте като рамка, за да раздели процеса на постигане на лична цялостност на малки, управляеми стъпки. Тя ни ... |
Let vampires, werewolves, and other frights guide your tarot practice with this beautifully haunting tarot deck, featuring illustrations inspired by classic horror monsters. Add an element of horror to your tarot experience with this spooky and unique take on the traditional 78-card tarot deck. This dark tarot set features iconic characters from classic horror literature, films, and beyond in gorgeous and original illustrations. Featuring both major and minor arcana, the set also comes with a helpful guidebook explaining each card's meaning, as well as simple instructions for easy readings. Packaged in a sturdy, ... |
Let Eleven, Jim Hopper, and other beloved residents of Hawkins, Indiana guide your tarot practice with this otherworldly tarot deck and guidebook inspired by the hit Netflix series, Stranger Things. Netflix's Emmy Award-winning series Stranger Things has captivated the imaginations of viewers all around the world. The first official Stranger Things tarot deck, it features original artwork inspired by classic tarot iconography, and depicts fan-favorite characters and themes, including everything from the dreaded Demogorgon and the sinister Mind Flayer to dynamic duo Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley. The deck comes ... |
Noted Jane Austen artist Jacqui Oakley brings her beautiful work to the world of tarot with this sublime and whimsical package. Featuring 53 characters (including Elizabeth Bennet, Mr. Darcy, Elinor Dashwood, and more) and objects (such as well-trimmed bonnets and a stack of novels) from Austen's books, each card doubles as a playing card and tarot card. With Mr. Wickham from Pride and Prejudice as the Devil, a teapot representing strength, and Austen herself as the Magician, it's perfect for both longtime and new Austen fans. Oversized, sleek, and sophisticated, this deck comes in a hinged cigar box decorated ... |
Let Maleficent, Captain Hook, and other classic baddies guide your tarot practice with the only official tarot deck featuring Disney's most wicked villains. Disney's most iconic villains have taken over tarot in this dastardly take on a traditional 78-card deck. Featuring the notorious ne'er-do-wells from classic animated films like 101 Dalmatians, The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, and more, this tarot deck reimagines Cruella de Vil, Ursula, Maleficent and the whole motley crew in original illustrations based on classic tarot iconography. Including both the Major and Minor Arcana, the set also comes with ... |
Complete with instruction booklet. ... A. E. Waite's world famous 78-card deck, with the traditional tudor rose that was a feature of the first 1910 deck. Cards designed by Pamela Colman Smith. ... |
Weigh the past and seize your destiny-wherever the darkened path may lead-with The Sanctuary Tarot Deck and Guidebook, inspired by the mythos of Blizzard Entertainment's Diablo and its magic-infused world of Sanctuary. In this deluxe boxed set featuring 78 oversize cards and a 96-page guidebook, rekindle the traditions of those who threw bones, read tea leaves, and invoked the supernatural to light their path. With a team of artists led by Konstantin Vavilov and a comprehensive guidebook by Barbara Moore, this tarot set channels the beauty and terror of Sanctuary into an all-encompassing, visually stunning ... |
Featuring all new illustrations and a short guide to tarot, this 78 card deck aligns iconic "Dungeons & Dragons" characters and creatures with the Major and Minor Arcana of tarot. This officially licensed tarot deck pays homage to the lore of "Dungeons & Dragons" by pairing characters and encounters with the Major and Minor Arcana of tarot. The characters of the Major Arcana align to the Rider-Waite Tarot while the suits of the Minor Arcana are mapped to abilities within the game of "D&D". Beautifully illustrated with exclusive art, the deck also includes a booklet that introduces players to ... |