Children will love finding out about busy machines with this 4-book vehicle pack. From planes to trains and boats to buses, kids will learn all about their favourite ways to travel, as each book takes a look at different types of vehicles in the air, and on water, tracks and road. Packed with information on all kinds of vehicles, engaging text and helpful labels throughout explain what different vehicles and modes of transport do. The book contains bright illustrations to engage young readers and plenty of fun details to spot on every page. Every page is packed with brilliant facts and super-bright illustrations that ... |
Can you fall in love when your life is falling apart? ... How do you change what’s already written in the stars? Christopher is the sort of guy that no one notices, yet when Air catches sight of him making intricate paper birds in the airport, she can’t look away. But their worlds are about to collide in ways they never expected. Someone they love is on Flight 0217 from London Heathrow. And it’s missing. Convinced that her brother was on a different flight, Air drives them hundreds of miles across the country, on a trip that will change their lives forever. But how do you tell the person you’re falling for that you ... |
Illustrated by Julia Pearson. ... "Anna opened carriage door and stepped down onto the platform. The wind and snow swirled around her and she took a deep breath of the freezing air. The storm was very powerful now. She took another deep breath and turned to go back into the train. As she turned, she saw Vronsky standing on the platform before her. He bowed to her and said a few words which she could not hear. All the time, he looked at her with the same expression - one of complete love. She was overcome by a feeling of great joy. "I did not know that you were travelling. Why are you coming to Petersburg?" ... |
Прекрасно подаръчно издание, изработено изключително луксозно. Книгата съдържа в себе си вечните Шекспирови сонети както в оригинал на английски език, така и в най-добрия български превод - този на Валери Петров. Книга за ценители!"Красавецо, младежкия си чар прахосваш ти за собствена изгода, но този чар го дава не във дар, а само в заем щедрата Природа. А щом е тъй, скъпернико красив, защо ѝ харчиш влога без остатък - нали затуй, чаровнико, си жив, живот и чар да предадеш нататък? Ти алчен си за себе си, но знай, човек така сам себе си предава, и щом Природата ти каже: "Край!", каква ще ти е ... |
This beautiful gift book presents 100 poems, organised by theme to encourage the discovery of new favourites. Bright, colourful illustrations are packed with charm and detail to capture the imaginations of young children. Poems include classics from Robert Burns, William Wordsworth, Christina Rossetti, Louisa M Alcott and Edward Lear. ... |
If a novel is long and torrid love affair, full of ups and downs and highs and lows, then a short story is just a quick kiss from a stranger in the dark - a fleeting, but intense experience that grips the heart, fires up the blood and lingers in the memory. This collection of darkly disturbing tales will suck you into the weird and wonderful world of the author's imagination, populated by vengeful witches, ravenous zombies, serial killers, alien monsters, bloodthirsty androids and even a man who feeds on dreams. Emil Minchev is born in 1984 in Sofia, Bulgaria, and has published six novels and a short story ... |
A 78-card deck and guidebook. ... Deluxe tarot radiant with mystical energy by renowned American Wiccan Priestess Phyllis Curott, illustrated by UK Hedgewitch Danielle Barlow. A new interpretation of the Tarot blending the divine magic of nature with modern Witchcraft, offering spiritual insight and life-changing wisdom to awaken the Witch within. "The Witches' Wisdom Tarot" brings you into the heart of what it means to be a Witch, a wise one who lives with reverence for the land, for life, and for the divine magic that connects us all. And you don't have to be a Witch to benefit from its wisdom. This ... |
Shelley's short, prolific life produced some of the most memorable and well-known lyrics of the Romantic period. But he was also the most radical writer in the English literary tradition of his day, a fiery political visionary committed to social change and progress. The generous selection in this volume represents the wide range of his writing, both poetry and prose. Arranged chronologically, the accompanying introductory essays set Shelley's works in their historical, social and political context. They provide a vivid insight into the life and times of this volcanic spirit whose inspiring voice called on the ... |
This summer, Reese Camden is trading sweet tea and Southern hospitality for cold brew and crisp coastal air. She's landed her dream marketing internship at Friends of Flavor, a wildly popular cooking channel in Seattle. The only problem? Benny Beneventi, the relentlessly charming, backwards-baseball-cap-wearing culinary intern and her main competition for the fall job. Reese's plan to keep work a No Feelings Zone crumbles like a day-old muffin when she and Benny are thrown together for a video shoot that goes viral, making them the internet's newest ship. Audiences are hungry for more, and their bosses at ... |
Модул 1: Устно общуване. Модул 2: Писмено общуване. Учебникът: е насочен към постигане на очакваните резултати за уменията слушане, говорене, четене и писане, заложени в учебната програма; включва варианти за проектни задания по двата модула и обобщителни теми; има включени аудио материали. На страниците на изданието има код за достъп до електронния вариант на продукта. Учебната система Destination English - ниво B1.1 по английски език от издателство Клет България се състои от: учебник - модул 1 и 2 учебник - модул 3 и 4 Настоящото издание е съвместимо с учебната програма за 2024/2025 г. Ако ... |
Успехът на наскоро приключилата ретроспективна кампания "Take A Look At Me Now" на Фил Колинс го върна на върха на класациите. "The Singles" обхожда цялата му солова кариера, от 1981 с дебютния сингъл "In The Air Tonight" до едноименната песен от последния му запис "Going Back", излязъл през 2010. Колекцията включва три песни, станали номер 1 в Обединеното кралство ("You Can't Hurry Love", "Easy Lover" c Филип Бейли, и "A Groovy Kind of Love") и цели 9 хита, стигнали до челната десятка ("In The Air Tonight"; "Against All Odds (Take A ... |
Делукс изданието с 3 CD-та за пръв път събира всичките 45 хита на Фил Колинс. ... Успехът на наскоро приключилата ретроспективна кампания "Take A Look At Me Now" на Фил Колинс го върна на върха на класациите. "The Singles" обхожда цялата му солова кариера, от 1981 с дебютния сингъл "In The Air Tonight" до едноименната песен от последния му запис "Going Back", излязъл през 2010. Колекцията включва три песни, станали номер 1 в Обединеното кралство ("You Can't Hurry Love", "Easy Lover" c Филип Бейли, и "A Groovy Kind of Love") и цели 9 хита, стигнали ... |