Complete and unabridged with an afterword by Sam Giplin. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... When young Jim Hawkins finds a mysterious map in a dead sailor’s sea trunk, it marks the start of a thrilling treasure hunt - and a very dangerous adventure. Accompanied by the local doctor and squire, he sets off on the high seas as a cabin-boy, determined to find the buried hoard. But they are not alone in their quest, a band of pirates - led by the enigmatic, one-legged Long John Silver - will stop at nothing to take back what they believe is theirs. One of the best-loved children's stories of all time, Robert Louis ... |
Дисковете се предлагат в метална кутия. ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Истории от Япония. От събраните кратки истории в четвъртата ѝ книга Хай хай, Япония читателят може да научи за страната на изгряващото слънце повече от някои богато илюстровани и най-детайлни пътеводители. Авторката търси не екзотика и сензации, а пролуки към самото ядро на японската душевност. Като дългогодишен дипломат и съпруга на японец Юлияна Антонова-Мурата има възможността да живее на различни места по света - Германия, Русия, Англия, Китай, които опознава с любопитство и описва с любов. Има дипломатически специализации в Индия и Хърватия. Сърцето ѝ обаче завинаги остава в Япония, където живее и до ... |
А 78-Card Deck and Guidebook. ... This 78-card tarot deck is a healing tool and guide to explore both the light and shadow sides of our nature. By reimagining the traditional tarot archetypes and symbols in a contemporary, boho, and intuitive style, "The Light Seer's Tarot" expresses the light and shadow sides of our natures and explores the lessons that can be learned from both. The expressive characters who live within the landscapes of the cards tell stories, ask questions, and provide guidance. This deck is an ideal companion as you seek to uncover the places in your life-and in yourself-that are most ... |
A 78-card deck and guidebook. ... Deluxe tarot radiant with mystical energy by renowned American Wiccan Priestess Phyllis Curott, illustrated by UK Hedgewitch Danielle Barlow. A new interpretation of the Tarot blending the divine magic of nature with modern Witchcraft, offering spiritual insight and life-changing wisdom to awaken the Witch within. "The Witches' Wisdom Tarot" brings you into the heart of what it means to be a Witch, a wise one who lives with reverence for the land, for life, and for the divine magic that connects us all. And you don't have to be a Witch to benefit from its wisdom. This ... |
A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook. The energy of the Moon has a formidable effect on our everyday life. Use these gorgeously illustrated oracle cards to tap into Her ancient wisdom for healing, guidance and protection, and learn how to work with Her magical energy during each lunation. The accompanying guidebook reveals how to interpret the cards and work with them to create, plan and predict your life. Whenever you need to make an important decision, just pick a card and let the Moon guide you! Artwork by Nyx Rowan. ... |
А 48 Card Deck and Guidebook. ... Manifesting with the Moon has never been easier! Discover how to use the Moon as a cosmic timer to create the life of your dreams. Supercharge your manifesting powers and find out how to consciously create positive change in your life with this magical 48-card oracle from bestselling Moonologer Yasmin Boland. Featuring beautiful cosmic collage imagery, each card explains what you're bringing into your life, and how and when to supercharge your manifesting powers to achieve what you most desire. This captivating oracle deck will: reveal the true answers to your questions show ... |
A beautiful, diverse card deck to help users access divine messages. Connect with the divine feminine and masculine energies of this sacred oracle and receive guidance for inner healing and spiritual growth. The 44 vibrant and soulful cards depict a diverse collection of powerful global deities and spiritual guides to divinely support, empower and inspire your path. The accompanying guidebook will teach you about each sacred figure's origins, how to intuitively interpret their messages and connect with their healing energies. Let the goddesses, gods and guardians walk alongside as you create a life of self-healing, ... |
Достъп до архива на душата и нейния път. Вселената е жива и съхранява информация за развитието на всяка една душа. Този енергиен архив, известен като Акашовите записи, е готов да ви води и напътства с любов. Книгата Как да работим с Акашовите записи ви предоставя цялостна програма и всички необходими инструменти, за да можете да достигнете до този източник на дълбока мъдрост и да получите информацията, която ви интересува. Линда Хау, която години наред търси истината за своята душа и за земния си път, е разработила надежден метод за достъп до Акашовите записи - медитацията Молитва за Пътя. Тази свещена молитва ви издига ... |
From bats to bees to elephants to elk, discover powerful animal spirit energy to guide you through the darkest, toughest times and discover the light. This tarot deck is an invitation to find beauty wherever you are on your path and to remember that there is always light to be found - even on the darkest nights. Based on the traditional Rider Waite Tarot, The Guardian of the Night Tarot blends the essence of the animal spirits with the Major and Minor Arcana. The archetypal creatures of this deck will become your guardians as they walk beside you, offering their individual gifts of wisdom and inspiration to your readings. ... |
A 55-Card Deck and Guidebook Cards. ... We are surrounded by countless guides who want to share their knowledge with us to bring healing and change. Among them are the Angels and Ancestors. In whichever culture or religion they appear, Angels have always had one mission: to love, help and guide humans. On the earthly plane, Ancestors are the wise ones, healers and warriors who have offered to share their knowledge and magic with us. In this empowering 55-card oracle deck, Celtic, Native American, Aboriginal and Earth-based spiritualities bridge the gap between this world and the next. The Angels and Ancestors know what ... |
Двуезични разкази на английски и на български език за ниво A1 - A2. ... "Поредицата Bilingual stories на издателство Веси е предназначена за читатели, които са начинаещи (I - II ниво) в обучението си по английски език. Оригиналният текст е съпътстван паралелно с превод на български език. А за онези, които са средно напреднали или напреднали (III - VI ниво) по английски език е поредицата Adapted stories на издателството. В нея текстовете не са съкратени, а имат обяснителни бележки, упражнения и речник." Галин Йорданов ... |