Ниша се радва на привилегирования живот на съпруга на заможен и влиятелен бизнесмен, с когото обикалят целия свят. Неочаквано той подава документи за развод и я лишава от бляскавия ѝ лайфстайл. Ниша буквално остава без нищо, но е твърдо решена да си върне онова, което ѝ се полага. Саманта просто се опитва да оцелее - мъжът ѝ изпада в депресия, след като загубва баща си и работата си, и прекарва дните си пред телевизора. Сам се опитва да му помогне, макар самата тя да се нуждае от подкрепа. Не се чувства комфортно и на работа, където се превръща в мишена за новоназначения ѝ шеф. Бъдещето ѝ в ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Потенето на краката е естествен процес, който играе ролята на терморегулатор, особено през летните месеци. Топлината и влагата обаче са идеалната среда за развитието на бактерии. Те стават най-честата причина за появата на неприятна миризма, а тя от своя страна създава доста неудобства и притеснения. Мъжкия дезодорант за обувки от "Farmona" се грижи за вашето удобство. Той е висококачествен спрей, който е специално предназначен за мъже и осигурява ефективна защита срещу появата на неприятна миризма и дискомфорт до 24 часа*. Формулата моментално освежава и възстановява свежестта и комфорта, елиминира бактериите ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Hans Christian Andersen is the best-loved of all tellers of fairy tales. This collection of over forty of Andersen’s most popular stories includes The Mermaid, The Real Princess, The Red Shoes, The Little Match Girl, The Snow Queen, The Tinder Box, The Ugly Duckling and many more. It is delightfully illustrated in black-and white by those remarkable brothers, Charles, Thomas and William Heath Robinson. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Charlie does not go to school. He works all day. Charlie shines shoes at Cafe Colombo. Charlie wants to be rich. He wants to sit in Cafe Colombo and drink coffee. This book is in British English. Free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheets at www.macmillanreaders.com. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Ikuko goes to England to study English, promising her boyfriend Hiroshi she will return to Japan to marry him. However, in Birmingham Ikuko discovers a whole new world and falls in love with another overseas student. Ikuko's journey across the world not only teaches her about different ways of life but also becomes a voyage of self-discovery. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
"Smart and kind and wise". Katherine Rundell ... That year she found the power to be extraordinary. With a grandmother from China and another from Ghana, fifteen-year-old Wing Jones is often caught between worlds. But when tragedy strikes, Wing discovers a talent for running she never knew she had. Wing's speed could bring her family everything it needs. It could also stop Wing getting the one thing she wants. "I loved "Wing Jones". And it makes you want to pull on your shoes and start running." Katherine Rundell "In her darkest time, Wing finds her own strength. I fell in love ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
The award-winning author of The hate u give returns with a powerful story about hip hop, freedom of speech and fighting for your dreams, even as the odds are stacked against you. Bri wants to be one of the greatest rappers of all time. As the daughter of an underground hip hop legend who died right before he hit big, Bri's got massive shoes to fill. But when her first song goes viral for all the wrong reasons, Bri finds herself at the centre of controversy and portrayed by the media as more menace than MC. And with an eviction notice staring her family down, Bri no longer just wants to make it - she has to. Even if ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Contains 25 stories. ... Get ready for broomstick rides and bubbling cauldrons in these magical short stories from a much-loved storyteller. This bumper collection of 25 short stories is populated by every sort of magical and mysterious creature, from a grumpy wizard who is outwitted by an elf to pixie who rides on a rabbit. The stories are the perfect length for reading aloud in a classroom or at bedtime. With lots of humour and fantastic characters, these will appeal to newly confident readers to read alone as well as to younger children being read to. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Marymount girls are good girls. Even if they weren't, no one would know, because girls like Clay Collins keep their mouths shut. Not that Clay has anything to share, anyway. Always in control, she owns the hallways, walking tall on Monday and then dropping to her knees like the good Catholic girl she is on Sunday. What she wants she has to hide. Liv Jaeger crosses the tracks every day for one reason: to graduate from high school and get into the Ivy League. But Clay - with her beautiful skin, clean shoes, and rich parents - torments her daily and thinks Liv won't fight back. At least not until Liv gets Clay alone ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Английско-Български разговорник. ... The phrase book is designed for quick-reference to help you make the most of your stay in Bulgaria. The book covers topics likely to be useful in a range of practical situations, arranged alphabetically. A subject index in English is found on page 151. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Compiled by: Tig Thomas. ... "Illustrated Treasury of Hans Christian Andersen" is a delightful hardback book for children aged 7+ to celebrate one of the most famous storytellers of all time. The book contains a wealth of enchanting illustrations that bring the wonderful fairytale world of Hans Christian Andersen to life. Taking readers on a magical journey in which mermaids are enchanted, princes are turned into swans, and tin soldiers are always brave, this is truly an anthology to treasure. Discover magic, wonder and adventure woven throughout this charming collection. "Illustrated Treasury of Hans ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Това е първото издание на бандата с новия вокалист Джеф Гът. Въпреки, че са една от най-добре продаваните групи от 90-те години с платинени записи и награда "Grammy" зад себе си, китаристът Дийн Делио казва: "Това ново въплъщение на "Stone Temple Pilots" е фокусирано върху това, което предстои. Най-добрият начин за нас да почетем миналото си е като градим над него и продължаваме да правим нова музика." На въпроса какво да очакваме от предстоящото турне, Робърт Делио отговаря: "С цялото това време и опитът, който имаме, почувствахме, че трябва да се върнем назад в 30-годишния ни каталог, ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |