Fluent from birth in French as well as his native Polish, Joseph Conrad (1857 - 1924) learned his third language, English, as an adult. And it was in English that he wrote his evocative stories and novels, drawing upon his experiences in the British and French navies to portray the struggles of humanity amid the world's vast indifference. This anthology offers readers the essential Joseph Conrad, including his debut novel, "Almayer's Folly". Other features include his political thriller, "The Secret Agent", along with his most famous novel, "Heart of Darkness", and a related account ... |
One of the Great Novels of the Century... ... "Catch-22" is a satirical, historical novel by the American author Joseph Heller, first published in 1961. The novel, set during the later stages of World War II from 1943 onwards, is frequently cited as one of the great literary works of the twentieth century. It has a distinctive non-chronological style where events are described from different characters' points of view and out of sequence so that the time line develops along with the plot. The novel follows Caesarian, a U.S. Army Air Forces B-25 bombardier, and a number of other characters. Most events ... |
Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. This elegant edition features an afterword by Dr Keith Carabine, specialist in American literature and former chair of the Joseph Conrad society. One night on the Thames, Charles Marlowe tells his fellow sailors the vivid and brutal tale of his time as a riverboat captain in the Belgian Congo. From the mists of London we are whisked to the darkness of Africa's colonial heart - and into the thrall of the ... |
"Dover" empower your life series. ... Change your life by changing your beliefs! This user's guide to the mind explains how to control the force of subconscious thought with the techniques of autosuggestion and visualization. Learn how to attain self-confidence, create harmonious relationships, accumulate wealth, overcome fears, banish bad habits, promote physical healing, and achieve well-being and happiness. Dr. Murphy's techniques have helped readers all over the world. Inspiring examples throughout this book attest to the effectiveness of his methods. ... |
Cambridge Primary Path is an English language and literacy course that will help young learners become articulate writers and speakers of English, empowering them to make the most of life's opportunities. Through its three essential pillars, Cambridge Primary Path offers a truly effective approach to learning. The comprehensive literacy-based approach ensures students receive essential language support alongside literacy training so they become fully literate in English. The groundbreaking research-based oracy framework enables students to become confident, collaborative speakers. The creativity principles encourage ... |
Cambridge Primary Path is an English language and literacy course that will help young learners become articulate writers and speakers of English, empowering them to make the most of life's opportunities. Through its three essential pillars, Cambridge Primary Path offers a truly effective approach to learning. The comprehensive literacy-based approach ensures students receive essential language support alongside literacy training so they become fully literate in English. The groundbreaking research-based oracy framework enables students to become confident, collaborative speakers. The creativity principles encourage ... |
Беседите са предадени от Жозеф Б. Маждалани. ... Тази изключителна книга за живота, може би първа по рода си, въпреки малкия си обем, включва 159 теми между кориците си. Тя засяга всичко, което касае човека - видимото и невидимото... Открива с проницателност и прецизност на различаването всичко, което интересува човека, за да може той да го разбере. С цел подобряване стила на живота към по-доброто, по-пълноценното, което помага за себереализацията, както Ви разказват мъдреците на познанието чрез светли изрази, споменаваме някои от тях: "Човекът върви по пътя на познанието, обръща се към себе си, пристига до края и ... |
Учебната тетрадка подготвя за изпита "Preliminary English Test". ... Към варианта на учебника без онлайн тетрадка с упражнения, всеки ученик може да използва като допълнително помагало учебната тетрадка в хартиен вариант. Тази тетрадка (в 7 нива) е тематично свързана със съдържанието в учебника и осигурява допълнителни практически упражнения. За всеки урок има разнообразни задачи, така че учениците да упражнят и затвърдят знанията си. Със задачите в учебната тетрадка учениците могат: да упражнят и усвоят новата граматика и лексика, въведени в уроците; да прочетат допълнителни текстове на различни теми и да ... |
Учебникът подготвя за изпита "Preliminary English Test". ... Съдържанието на учебника осигурява материал за 60 до 80 учебни часа. С помощта на допълнителните компоненти от системата учебните часове може да се разширят в интервал от 110 до 160 часа. Всеки учебник в различните нива се състои от уроци, които представят актуални теми и текстове, за да предизвикат интереса на учениците и дори да предизвикат дискусии. Едновременно с това са включени необходимите граматични и лексикални правила. Част от учебния материал са и практическите упражнения, които са разработени с помощта на примери, предоставени от Корпуса за ... |
Prepare Second Edition Level 5 combines teen-appeal topics with gradual preparation towards the revised 2020 B1 Preliminary for Schools exam. Students will enjoy interactive, personalised lessons with themes and resources relevant to their interests. The new Life Skills approach inspires learners to expand their horizons and knowledge and includes insights from The Cambridge Life Competencies Framework. Teachers can relax knowing every unit drives students towards exam success and that the course is creating confident English users with the enhanced vocabulary and grammar syllabus. Access the online Student's eBook ... |
Дискът с материали за учителя подготвя за изпита "Preliminary English Test". ... Мултимедийният "Presentation Plus DVD-ROM" осигурява цялото съдържание на учебната система, видео и аудиозаписите, допълнителни инструменти, линкове към онлайн материали и възможност за учителя да запамети създадените от него уроци на всеки компютър. Учебната система "Prepare! - First Edition" се състои от: учебник книга за учителя + DVD учебна тетрадка Presentation Plus - DVD-ROM Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния ... |
When darkness falls, heroes rise... ... If everything was taken from you, what would you do to get it back? Agatha patrols the sea wall with pride, despite those in her clan who question her right to be there, because of the condition she was born with. Jaime is a reluctant Angler, full of self-doubt and afraid of the sea. When disaster strikes, the pair must embark on a terrifying journey to a land where forgotten magic and dark secrets lurk in every shadow..."A brave new voice in fantasy fiction" Sally Green, author of "Half Bad" ... |