Божията изкупителна история. ... The Action Bible включва над 230 кратки истории в хронологичен ред, което улеснява следването на Библейската история и подсилва развитието до вълнуващата кулминация на Божията изкупителна история. Усъвършенстваните сюжетни линии се събират в на-пълната илюстрована Библия, събирани някога в една книга. Всяка страница предизвиква вълнение да изследваме Божието Слово и да Го познаваме лично. Историите в The Action Bible предават Библейската истина ясно и убедително на съвременните читатели. Това неустоимо съчетание на ясен текст и драматични изображения привлича хора от всички възрасти. ... |
A reading of Hegel 's "Philosophy of Right". ... "From Logic to Politics" is a study of a promise: the promise of philosophy as universal science that could comprehend, connect and guide, and of politics made transparent for thinking. Hegel's "Philosophy of Right" is built on that promise, and set on the goal of grasping its time and providing the ground of modern politics int he idea of right. The fulfilment of this task is made possible in the light of the first, fundamental science, which for Hegel, has to replace metaphysics the "Science of Logic". This is, therefore, a ... |
The Science Book is the ultimate guide to the world of science, with incredible facts, stunning photographs and artworks and fantastic design. Kids aged 9+ will be enthralled and excited from start to finish. The book contains: the most exciting facts and photos to keep your child interested; fantastic design concepts complement each subject to get kids hooked; covers everything from chemical reactions and the human body to the universe. Four amazing chapters in The Science Book: discover the breakthroughs that have shaped the world in Incredible Science; body science takes a top-to-toe tour of the human body ... |
Part of the hugely popular "Professional English in Use" series, this book offers management vocabulary reference and practice for learners of intermediate level and above (B1-C1). Key MBA topics, covered in 40 independent units, including Leadership, Change Management and Finance are presented through real business case studies. The course has been informed by the Cambridge International Corpus to ensure that the language taught is up-to-date and frequently used. Primarily designed as a self-study book, it can also be used for classroom work and one-to-one lessons. This book is a must for both students of MBA ... |
A 78-card deck and guidebook. ... Deluxe tarot radiant with mystical energy by renowned American Wiccan Priestess Phyllis Curott, illustrated by UK Hedgewitch Danielle Barlow. A new interpretation of the Tarot blending the divine magic of nature with modern Witchcraft, offering spiritual insight and life-changing wisdom to awaken the Witch within. "The Witches' Wisdom Tarot" brings you into the heart of what it means to be a Witch, a wise one who lives with reverence for the land, for life, and for the divine magic that connects us all. And you don't have to be a Witch to benefit from its wisdom. This ... |
Учебната система Insight - ниво A1 на издателство Oxford University Press е предназначена за изучаване на английски език в 8. клас, за неинтензивна форма на обучение. Учебната тетрадка допълва уроците от учебника с допълнителни упражнения към всеки урок. Учебната система по английски език за 8. клас се състои от: учебник за интензивно и разширено обучение учебна тетрадка за интензивно и разширено обучение учебник за неинтензивна форма на обучение учебна тетрадка за неинтензивна форма на обучение Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, ... |
Dana Schwartz's Anatomy: A Love Story is a gothic tale full of mystery and romance. Hazel Sinnett is a lady who wants to be a surgeon more than she wants to marry. Jack Currer is a resurrection man who's just trying to survive in a city where it's too easy to die. When the two of them have a chance encounter outside the Edinburgh Anatomist's Society, Hazel thinks nothing of it at first. But after she gets kicked out of renowned surgeon Dr. Beecham's lectures for being the wrong gender, she realizes that her new acquaintance might be more helpful than she first thought. Because Hazel has made a deal ... |
Over 200 paintings, sculptures, photographs, and conceptual pieces trace the story of modern art's innovation and adventure. With explanatory texts for each work, and essays introducing each of the major modern movements, this is an authoritative overview of the ideas and the artworks that shook up standards, assaulted the establishment, and trailblazed new ideas. A blow-by-blow account of groundbreaking modernism. Most art historians agree that the modern art adventure first developed in the 1860s in Paris. A circle of painters, whom we now know as Impressionists, began painting pictures with rapid, loose brushwork. ... |
The 10th anniversary edition of the bestselling foundational business training manual for ambitious readers, featuring new concepts and mental models: updated, expanded, and revised. Many people assume they need to attend business school to learn how to build a successful business or advance in their career. That's not true. The vast majority of modern business practice requires little more than common sense, simple arithmetic, and knowledge of a few very important ideas and principles. "The Personal MBA 10th Anniversary Edition" provides a clear overview of the essentials of every major business topic: ... |
Конструкторът е част от серията Playmobil Action Heroes, където ще намерите още интересни комплекти. ... Децата ще изпълняват спасителни мисии с конструктора от Playmobil. Той се състои от 13 части, които включват 2 -ма пожарникари, мъж, въздушна възглавница, кутия, мегафон и помпа. Фигурите са подвижни и са подходящи за разиграване на ролеви игри. Възглавницата може да се надуе, за да спаси падащ човек. След това може да се приспадне и да се съхрани в кутията. Малчуганите ще се забавляват и ще развият своето въображение. Инструкциите за сглобяване може да изтеглите от прикачения файл. ... |
Конструкторът е част от серията Playmobil City Action, където ще намерите още интересни комплекти. ... Малкият човек ще се впусне в смели приключения с конструктора от Playmobil. Той се състои от 59 части, от които могат да се сглобят четириколка, оръдие, 2 динамитни стрели, TNT динамит, мини фигурка на полицай и аксесоари. Те включват каска с козирка, шапка, жилетка и броня. Четириколката може да се преобразува в лодка с 2 плавника. Мини фигурката има подвижни глава, ръце и крака. Полицаят може да се трансформира в злодей чрез завъртане на главата му. Стрелите се изстрелват чрез натиск върху оръдието. Дайте шанс на ... |
Collections of documents. Edited by: Evgeniy Kandilarov, Soyoung Kim, Svetla Karteva-Dancheva. ... This collection of documents is dedicated to the relations between the European Union and the East Asian region, which includes three of the EU strategic partners in East Asia: China, Japan and the Republic of Korea. The EU's rising interest in Asia has been largely based on the economic and political importance of Asia in the post-Cold War period, as well as the impact that it has had on Europe's own international relations. The whole Indo-Pacific region is rapidly evolving and is becoming the centre of ... |