Книга е част от поредицата "Мъглороден" от Брандън Сандерсън на издателство "Artline". ... Убийството на лорд Владетеля слага край на Последната империя. Изглежда правилно - но дали е така? Защото сега, когато мъглите се завръщат и са много по-пагубни, когато зачестяват саждопадите и трусовете стават все по-мощни, Вин и Елънд започват да се съмняват. Преди много-много време на Гибелта - едно от древните същества, създали този свят - било обещано правото да го разруши. Сега, когато Вин е подмамена да я освободи при Кладенеца на Възнесението, Гибелта очевидно смята да осъществи замисъла си. ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. Illustrated by John Gilbert. ... Comedy and tragedy intertwine when two very different couples fall in and out of love in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features illustrations by renowned artist Sir John Gilbert and an introduction from Professor Tiffany Stern. Whilst Beatrice and Benedick both despise love, exchanging ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
The historical depth, into which we can penetrate into the past of the cultural-and-spiritual center of Bansko, extends as far back as to that limit, which marks the beginning of the legends and the traditions. That is the reason why every story about Bansko, even the most common one, heard in that town, sounds lifelike when told in the irresistible in its charm “Bankovskite speech”, which is both music and poetry with an inimitable dramatic intonation. The conquering with its magnificence mountainous scenery, allotted to Bansko, is a perfect natural creation which has in itself been a challenge to the artists, the poets ... |
Why monasteries in Bulgaria are so interesting and one has to devote some of his or her time to visiting them? Probably one of the major reasons is that, due to the historical development of the country, they are among the few,,live" historical monuments preserved to the present day. Some of them are still acting and in the yards one can meet real monks like 500 or more years ago. Monastic scriptoria and libraries set the beginning of Bulgarian culture and preserved Bulgarian nationality, especially during the five dark ages of Ottoman rule. Books were written in the monasteries in the Bulgarian language, the same ... |
Едно петнадесетгодишно момче се събужда без спомени в училищен автобус, пълен с тинейджъри на екскурзия. Няма минало, но очевидно си има гадже на име Пайпър и най-добър приятел смешник, който се казва Лио. Когато странна буря отприщва група страховити създания срещу него и приятелите му, а после и една хвърковата колесница ги отнася на място, наречено лагера на нечистокръвните, той се надява да научи кой е и защо има способността да призовава мълнии и да контролира ветровете... С "Изчезналият герой" - първата книга от поредицата "Героите на Олимп", Рик Риърдън продължава историята за митичните ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. ... Това не е просто обикновена книжка за оцветяване, а завладяващо пътешествие из българската култура и наследство. Хващайте моливите и поемете из чудния свят на кукерите, мистичните същества пропити с богатите традиции на българската култура. Оставете въображението ви да се развихри и разкрийте магията на България с всяко движение на вашия молив! Книжката съдържа и две маски за оцветяване и изрязване. За да оцветите тази книжка, са ви необходими моливи, пастели, боички или флумастери. ... |
More than thirty years of archaeological research and observation led to a cm conclusion - the conque Serdica by the Bulgarian the settlement of new population in the city was not connected with the destruction of the city wall or the buildings in the city. Undoubtedly, the information by Theophanes about the destruction and massacre of the population and the garrison are an overstatement. The campaign of Khan Krum into this part of the Balkan Peninsula was not an ordinary military incursion but a premeditated action towards the annexation of these lands to the Bulgarian territories. The Bulgarians needed the captured ... |
The first novel of "The Last Hours". ... From internationally bestselling author Cassandra Clare comes the first novel in a brand new Shadowhunters trilogy. Evil is hiding in plain sight and the only thing more dangerous than fighting demons is falling in love. Cordelia Carstairs is a Shadowhunter, a warrior trained since childhood to battle demons. When her father is accused of a terrible crime, she and her brother travel to Edwardian London in hopes of preventing the family's ruin. Cordelia's mother wants to marry her off, but Cordelia is determined to be a hero rather than a bride. Soon Cordelia ... |
"The Merchant of Venice" is most associated not with its titular hero, Antonio, but with the complex, unforgettable figure of the money-lender, Shylock. It is Shylock who finances Antonio's friend Bassanio in his pursuit of the beautiful Portia, and who demands a gruesome bond from the wealthy merchant. Described as a comedy in the First Folio, Shakespeare's explorations of prejudice, duty and the nature of justice make for a far darker play. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition is illustrated throughout by Sir John Gilbert (1817 - 1897), and includes an introduction by Ned Halley. Designed ... |
Part 1: Fro the Beginings to 1700 Part 2: 1700-1832 ... В настоящата книга се проследява развоят на английската литература от времето на първите литературни паметници (VII в.) докъм 1830 г., когато завършва периодът на романтизма. На фона на историческото, общественото, културното и техническото развитие на Англия от онова време авторът представя английската литература като постоянно развиващ се процес, очертава новите тенденции в съответните епохи, новите идеи и разкрива пътя, който поезията, драмата и прозата са изминали за десет века: през старо- и средноанглийския период, през епохата на ренесанса, барока и ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... One of the most irrepressible and exuberant characters in the history of literature, Tom Sawyer explodes onto the page in a whirl of bad behaviour and incredible adventures. Whether he is heaving clods of earth at his brother, faking a gangrenous toe, or trying to convince the world that he is dead, Tom's infectious energy and good humour shine through. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is Mark Twain's joyful and nostalgic recollection of tall tales from his own boyhood by the Mississippi. It was an instant success on first publication in ... |
The story of Edmund Dantes, self-styled Count of Monte Cristo, is told with consummate skill. The victim of a miscarriage of justice, Dantes is fired by a desire for retribution and empowered by a stroke of providence. In his campaign of vengeance, he becomes an anonymous agent of fate. The sensational narrative of intrigue, betrayal, escape, and triumphant revenge moves at a cracking pace. Dumas' novel presents a powerful conflict between good and evil embodied in an epic saga of rich diversity that is complicated by the hero's ultimate discomfort with the hubristic implication of his own actions. Our edition ... |