Системата по английски език "New Headway - Beginner (A1)" предлага балансирана учебна програма със силен граматичен фокус и онлайн ресурси, които осъвременяват подходите за успешното усвояване на материала. Учебникът е изграден с помощта на надеждна методология, която съчетава солидна граматика и практически умения и насърчаваща интерактивния подход с помощта на комуникативни ролеви игри. Автентичният материал, събран от разнообразни източници, предоставя възможност на учениците да откриват нов език в контекста. В учебника са поместени редица задачи за разбиране, езикови упражнения и разширителни дейности. Те ... |
For real e гъвкава система по английски език, адаптирана за потребностите на българските ученици. Тя развива интегрирано четирите езикови умения чрез близки до интересите на ученика текстове и сюжети, свързани с реалния живот на младите хора във Великобритания и запознава учениците с богатството от изразни средства на съвременния език и успешно свързва овладяването на граматичния материал с изграждането на комуникативни умения. Също така подготвя учениците за изпитите на Кеймбридж ( PET, KET, FCE ) и Тринити и отваря пред тях вратите на англоговорещия свят. Учебникът съдържа и уроци за България, за да могат учениците ... |
Sometimes you can choose your family. ... Avery (Night Owl) is bookish, intense, likes to plan ahead, and is afraid of many things. Bett (Dogfish) is fearless, outgoing, and lives in the moment. What they have in common is that they are both twelve years old, and their dads are dating each other. Bett and Avery are sent, against their will, to the same camp for the summer vacation. Their dads hope that they will find common ground and become friends - and possibly, one day, even sisters. Against all odds, the girls soon can’t imagine a life without each other. But when the worst happens, and their dads break up, Avery ... |
Към учебника за включени онлайн упражнения и забавна книжка. ... Забавни и приятни занимания за актуализирания формат на изпита Cambridge English Young Learners - YLE, в сила от Януари 2018г. Книжка 2 от поредицата Storyfun предлага пълноцветен материал за подготовка за ниво Cambridge English: Starters. Книжката съдържа 8 истории в илюстрации, придружени от забавни дейности. Включени са песни и въпроси по формата на изпита, които упражняват граматиката, лексиката и уменията, необходими за съответното ниво. Допълнителни проекти и упражнения за говорене осигуряват възможност за разширена подготовка. Home Fun Booklet - ... |
The New York Times bestseller from the Grammy-nominated indie rockstar "Japanese Breakfast", an unflinching, deeply moving memoir about growing up mixed-race, Korean food, losing her Korean mother, and forging her own identity in the wake of her loss, which brought her to reclaim the gifts of taste, language, and history her mother had given her. In this exquisite story of family, food, grief, and endurance, Michelle Zauner proves herself far more than a dazzling singer, songwriter, and guitarist. With humour and heart, she tells of growing up the only Asian-American kid at her school in Eugene, Oregon; of ... |
Your Space for Bulgaria е мотивираща учебна система, създадена по актуализираната учебна програма на МОН за 5. клас. Your Space for Bulgaria помага на учениците да придобият дълготрайни знания и да усъвършенстват уменията си по английски език, като същевременно разширяват мирогледа си и познанията за света. Учебната система Your Space for Bulgaria за 5. клас е: адаптирана учебна система, специално за българското училище; разработена е за 119 учебни часа; предлага плавен, увлекателен и полезен час по английски език. Основната цел на учебника Your Space for Bulgaria е да отговори на различните стилове на учене, да ... |
Join Moomintroll, his family and their friends in beautiful Moominvalley, where everyone is welcome. Surprising things happen every day in Moominvalley - luckily the Moomin family and their friends embrace the unexpected with their characteristic humour, kindness and charm. This beautiful book contains nine exciting adventure stories - all closely based on the warm and whimsical Moomin world and characters created by the celebrated writer, artist and illustrator Tove Jansson. Presented in chronological order, each story in Adventures in Moominvalley is taken from an episode of the 3D animation series and set in the ... |
"This book isn’t only about sugar-free, allergen-free cooking and baking. It’s about sharing the recipes that I love and use all the time. Recipes that can be more flexible, to incorporate local produce or adapt to different dietary needs. Some of these recipes are family traditions or meant for special occasions, and some are much newer, but they are recipes that I come back to time after time. This is our story told from a place we all love at home - the kitchen. My advice is to not be afraid experimenting. Once in a while, you may have to start over, but more likely you’ll come up with something different and ... |
По романа на Чарлз Дикенс, преразказан от Елизабет Ферети. ... Dickens' favourite Christmas story shows us the difficult lives of the poor, but it is also a story of hope, where the future can be better. Ebenezer Scrooge loves only one thing - money. He has no friends, doesn't like his family and never helps anyone. But when Jacob Marley, who's been dead for seven years, arrives at his house one night, Scrooge learns that a good life is about much more than money. In this Reader you will find information about Charles Dickens' life, focus on sections: England in the 1800s, Christmas traditions and ... |
Don't let love pull you under. For fans of Nina LaCour and "The Spectacular Now", a powerful coming-of-age story about a girl with creative aspirations and the boy who charms his way into her life, centering on themes of addiction, loss, and the tumultuousness of first love and how to find strength when everything falls apart. Ever since her mom's cancer scare, Hadley hasn't been one for taking risks. And after seeing her sister go through one too many heartbreaks, she definitely has no interest in dating. Hadley just wants to keep her head down and enjoy the rest of high school with her friends, ... |
The Pupil's Book is the core component of the series. It features nine units, plus an introductory unit. Every unit divides into twelve lessons filled with opportunities for learning and play either through songs, chants, adventures of Pippa and Pop, original children's literature, or arts and crafts and fun stickers. Inside the front cover, learners will find a unique access code to the Digital Pack with all the songs, chants adventures and stories. There are also printable worksheets and mini flashcards for games at home. It's the perfect resource for parents to support their child's learning at home. ... |
The Teacher's Book is your teacher-friendly guide and companion to teaching with Pippa and Pop. Here you can find: Teaching notes for every stage of the lesson and how to incorporate different components (the digital pack, the puppet and other). Games Bank involving flashcards and interactive games in Presentation Plus. Guided Play support. Literacy development tips. Formative Assessment support. Guidance on Life Competencies - look out for the shield icons that flag those activities. The Teacher's Digital Pack brings you all the teaching resources in one place, on Cambridge One. The code inside the ... |