Учебен комплект по английска и американска литература за ученици от 12. клас на профилираните гимназии - учебник и тетрадка в едно книжно тяло. Изданието е комбинация от: учебник с тестове и задачи по литература - подборът на произведения е съобразен с изучаваните вече автори и творби в предходните години в училищата с чуждоезиков профил, както и с утвърдените програми за обучение по английски език за 12. клас; работна тетрадка с езикови секции. Десетте езикови секции предлагат: лексически раздел - упражняване на лексика, включена в литературни откъси от учебника чрез синоними и антоними, обогатяване на ... |
Part 1: Fro the Beginings to 1700 Part 2: 1700-1832 ... В настоящата книга се проследява развоят на английската литература от времето на първите литературни паметници (VII в.) докъм 1830 г., когато завършва периодът на романтизма. На фона на историческото, общественото, културното и техническото развитие на Англия от онова време авторът представя английската литература като постоянно развиващ се процес, очертава новите тенденции в съответните епохи, новите идеи и разкрива пътя, който поезията, драмата и прозата са изминали за десет века: през старо- и средноанглийския период, през епохата на ренесанса, барока и ... |
The Pupil's Book is the core component of the series. It features nine units, plus an introductory unit. Every unit divides into twelve lessons filled with opportunities for learning and play either through songs, chants, adventures of Pippa and Pop, original children's literature, or arts and crafts and fun stickers. Inside the front cover, learners will find a unique access code to the Digital Pack with all the songs, chants adventures and stories. There are also printable worksheets and mini flashcards for games at home. It's the perfect resource for parents to support their child's learning at home. ... |
The Pupil's Book is the core component of the series. It features nine units, plus an introductory unit. Every unit divides into twelve lessons filled with opportunities for learning and play either through songs, chants, adventures of Pippa and Pop, original children's literature, or arts and crafts and fun stickers. Inside the front cover, learners will find a unique access code to the Digital Pack with all the songs, chants adventures and stories. There are also printable worksheets and mini flashcards for games at home. It's the perfect resource for parents to support their child's learning at home. ... |
The Pupil's Book is the core component of the series. It features nine units, plus an introductory unit. Every unit divides into twelve lessons filled with opportunities for learning and play either through songs, chants, adventures of Pippa and Pop, original children's literature, or arts and crafts and fun stickers. Inside the front cover, learners will find a unique access code to the Digital Pack with all the songs, chants adventures and stories. There are also printable worksheets and mini flashcards for games at home. It's the perfect resource for parents to support their child's learning at home. ... |
Comparisons and interactions within/across cultures from Ludmila Kostova, Iona Sarieva and Mihaela Irimia. ... |
Dr. Alexandra Glavanakova received her MA and PhD degrees at Sofi a University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, where she has been a tenured lecturer at the Department of English and American Studies for over 20 years. She teaches courses in American and Canadian culture and literature, in digital culture, multimodal writing, and literature in the age of the Internet. Her publications have explored the major cultural shift in literacy, education and literature under the impact of digital technology. Posthuman Transformations: Bodies and Texts in Cyberspace explores the re/positioning of the human body and the evolution of the ... |
In the year in which the debut novel Life in 3 was born, Stanimir Kiskinov won Bulgarian National Culture funding for translation of Bulgarian fiction into foreign languages. The author holds a Ph.D. in Political Science and a B.A. in Astrology. He holds dual US-Bulgarian citizenship. He teaches in the sociology department at Sofia University and through the foundation Europartners 2007. The entirety of his entire professional and emotional experience is in evidence in his literary project–including short theatrical and journalistic careers, 15 years in the Cultural Office of the US Embassy in Bulgaria, and extensive ... |
This book was initially planned as a record of a series of lectures to my first classes of Bulgarian Philology, English Philology and Applied Linguistics, and Public Relations undergraduate and graduate students at the South West University of Bulgaria where, back in the early 1990s, we were to lay the foundations of an academic tradition in a fast changing world. It was meant as a record of the fast restructuring of our minds and attitudes in time of economic and sociopolitical transition and cultural transcendence, seen from a changing Bulgarian perspective where the world came upon our horizon English-speaking. The ... |
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Книгата съдържа литературни произведения от епохата на Средновековието. ... |
The production of this Reader in the 20th century British literature is a result of years of lecturing on the subject of English literature to the English Students undergraduates at the South Western University, and the cooperation of my students and colleagues as well as the support of the faculty bodies and administration. ... |
"Machu Picchu. Through the Fence" is a Level 6 reader. Its fun and informative subject matter will capture a child's interest in reading and learning English while reinforcing the basic structures and vocabulary found in most primary courses. Activities pages and picture dictionary can be found at the back of each reader. The book can be used as supplementary reading material with any primary course. The "Macmillan Children's Readers" series offers simplified English reading. The series is divided into six levels. The series brings children real and imaginary stories to arouse their interest. ... |