Story by Tsugumi Ohba. Art by Takeshi Obata. ... Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects - and he's bored out of his mind. But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami death god. Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies, and now Light has vowed to use the power of the Death Noteto rid the world of evil. But when criminals begin dropping dead, the authorities send the legendary detective L to track down the killer. With L hot on his heels, will Light lose sight of his noble goal... or his life? This contains the first two volumes of Death Note. ... |
Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects - and he's bored out of his mind. But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami death god. Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies, and now Light has vowed to use the power of the Death Note to rid the world of evil. Will Light's noble goal succeed, or will the Death Note turn him into the very thing he fights against? Contains Volumes 9 and 10 of Death Note. Art by Takeshi Obata. ... |
Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects - and he's bored out of his mind. But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami death god. Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies, and now Light has vowed to use the power of the Death Note to rid the world of evil. Will Light's noble goal succeed, or will the Death Note turn him into the very thing he fights against? Contains Volumes 7 and 8 of Death Note. Art by Takeshi Obata. ... |
Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects - and he's bored out of his mind. But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami death god. Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies, and now Light has vowed to use the power of the Death Note to rid the world of evil. Will Light's noble goal succeed, or will the Death Note turn him into the very thing he fights against? Final Volume - Contains Volumes 11 and 12 of Death Note. Art by Takeshi Obata. ... |
Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects - and he's bored out of his mind. But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami death god. Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies, and now Light has vowed to use the power of the Death Noteto rid the world of evil. But when criminals begin dropping dead, the authorities send the legendary detective L to track down the killer. With L hot on his heels, will Light lose sight of his noble goal... or his life? This contains volumes 5 & 6 of Death Note. Art by Takeshi Obata. ... |
Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects - and he's bored out of his mind. But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami death god. Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies, and now Light has vowed to use the power of the Death Note to rid the world of evil. But when criminals begin dropping dead, the authorities send the legendary detective L to track down the killer. With L hot on his heels, will Light lose sight of his noble goal... or his life? Art by Takeshi Obata. ... |
There are films of these stories. ... Can you solve these mysteries? Sherlock Holmes, and his assistant Dr. Watson, investigate the cases of "The Speckled Band", "The Dancing Men" and "The Red-Headed League". This book is in British English and here you can find a story and points for understanding and glossary. There are audio downloadable materials for this book, which are available to buy at ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
"Край до край" показва новото лице на младото поколение в българската проза – дръзко, по-скоро смело и вярващо, отколкото алиенирано и песимистично. Следователно и по-различно от вече омръзналия ни постмодернистичен "О-писател". Повестите на Стефан Стефанов ще ни спечелят със заразяващата страст към истината, но и с равновесието между факт и художествена измислица, внушаващо тревожни, даже ужасяващи метафори за настоящето и бъдещето ни. Без да са пряко свързани идейно-тематично с големите български сатирици от класиката ни, повестите от "Край до край" показват раждането на нов истински талант, ... |
There is a film of this story. ... "– This is wonderful, Professor Challenger! - I said. – You have found a place which no one knows about - a lost world. A world where creatures from the past still live. – But nobody in London believes my story - said the professor. – People say the drawing and the photograph are fakes - they aren't real. – I want to return to the Lost World. Other people must see the Lost World. Then everyone will know it is real!" From the book This book is in British English. Here you can find: a note about the author; a note about the story; the people in this story; points for ... |
Поради многото разкази за селото в българската литература, винаги се налага да се направи уточнение, когато става дума за кратки градски. Е, тези са точно такива – категорично софийски, писани на живо, за да се изживее този град както никога досега. Все едно центрираш Google Earth върху София и приближаваш докъдето си поискаш (пилоните на НДК, апартамент в Надежда, подлеза на Софийския) или пък се отдалечаваш (до България като цяло, до островите на сентинелците в Бенгалския залив, че и още по-далеч в пространството и скречовете на времето). Защото един град може да се разкаже най-добре именно в сборник с разкази. Особено ... |
Based on production by Hideo Kojima and Novelized by Hitori Nojima. Translated by Carley Radford. The second volume of the official novelization of "Death Stranding", the new franchise from legendary game-creator Hideo Kojima. Mysterious explosions have rocked the planet, setting off a series of supernatural phenomena known as the Death Stranding. Spectral creatures that devour the living have pushed humanity to the brink of extinction, causing countries to fall and survivors to scatter and live in pockets of isolation. Sam Porter Bridges, the legendary porter with the ability to return from the world of the ... |
Based on production by Hideo Kojima and Novelized by Hitori Nojima. Translated by Carley Radford. The first volume of the official novelization of "Death Stranding", the new franchise from legendary game-creator Hideo Kojima. Mysterious explosions have rocked the planet, setting off a series of supernatural phenomena known as the Death Stranding. Spectral creatures that devour the living have pushed humanity to the brink of extinction, causing countries to fall and survivors to scatter and live in pockets of isolation. Sam Porter Bridges, the legendary porter with the ability to return from the world of the ... |