"Поезията на Даниела Найберг предлага деликатни отражения - на времена и пространства. Поезия, която наблюдава света с тиха, утешителна вдълбоченост. Но няма как да бъде измамен погледът на този, който е изкатерил планината. Защото е вдишал от същността ѝ. Тези стихотворения знаят за трансцендентното, тихомълком спотайващо се наоколо ни - шума на вълните, параклиса, чая, снега, улиците без изход, децата. Всичко е знак." Ина Иванова Даниела Найберг е с докторска степен по етнохореология от Института за изследване на изкуствата - БАН. Възпитаник е на СУ Св. Климент Охридски, където завършва българска ... |
In traditional societies, the individual exists only as far as taking its place in a group, a place that is often destined from birth in a social hierarchy. It is governed by the collective beliefs, rules and norms shared by all present that are not in dispute, because they come "from above" - transcendence based on social connections and "pre" - mythical past and valuable. The modern man of the XXI-the century chooses his preferred beliefs and values in a pluralistic world, where conflicting values co-exist and are subject to the critique of reason. The past is no longer a perfect world, ... |
"Laurent spoke slowly. If your husband was dead, we could be happy together. If... If he was dead, Therese repeated. She looked down at her lover. Her eyes looked very dark in her pale face. Sometimes, people die suddenly, she said." From the Book This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and vocabulary exercises; notes about the life of Emile Zola; points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult vocabulary; free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheet at www.macmillanreaders.com. There are exercises at the end of the book. Included ... |
The Second World War began on 1 September 1939 with the German invasion in Poland and ended in August 1945 with surrender of Japan. That global military conflict involved all of the great powers and most of the world’s nations. There were two opposing alliances: the Allies (USSR, Great Britain, USA etc.) and the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan). Second World War in Europe was fought on three fronts: Eastern, Western and Italian. The most bloody and devastating fights were on the Eastern front. The war ended with the total defeat of the Axis powers. Shortly after the outbreak of the war Hitler's Germany managed ... |
Bestselling author of "Divergent". Sequel to "Carve the Mark". ... He'd die for him. She'd kill for him. The lives of Cyra Noavek and Akos Kereseth are ruled by their fates, spoken by the oracles at their births. The fates, once determined, are inescapable. Akos is in love with Cyra, in spite of his fate: he will die in service to Cyra's family. And when Cyra's father, Lazmet Noavek - a soulless tyrant, thought to be dead - reclaims the Shotet throne, Akos believes his end is closer than ever. As Lazmet ignites a barbaric war, Cyra and Akos are desperate to stop him at any cost. For ... |
The production of this Reader in the 20th century British literature is a result of years of lecturing on the subject of English literature to the English Students undergraduates at the South Western University, and the cooperation of my students and colleagues as well as the support of the faculty bodies and administration. ... |
100 Bulgarian Folk Tales will give you one hundred reasons to love Bulgaria and its people. Broadly divided into six chapters, this book covers a wide range of the most common topics and characters, pertaining to Bulgarian folklore. Starting with the practical wisdom of everyday stories, the collection then dips into tales of magical adventures and encounters with supernatural creatures. Further, it will make you relax with witty sketches, sprinkled with local humour. Following the trail, you will gradually discover a closer and deeper bond to the life of our ancestors. The surviving legends of creation and shared ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Dan Combes is a former MI6 agent living peacefully in France. After being attacked by a former colleague, he realises his relationship with the British Secret Service has not yet finished. He believes the attack is linked to his roles in Berlin and Central America. But that was years ago so why do they want him dead now? Dan returns to England and confronts his difficult past - a web of lies and deceit that he knows ... |
A crime buried for years. And one that's just began... On New Year's Eve at the end of one of the hardest years in history, hundreds of revelers shoot their guns into the air in time-honoured LA tradition. But as the rain of lead comes down, a man is shot dead in the middle of a crowded street party. Detective Renee Ballard soon connects the bullet to an unsolved cold case last worked by legendary ex-LAPD detective Harry Bosch. As they investigate where the old and new cases connect, a new crime shatters the night shift. The Midnight Men are a pair of violent predators who stalk the city during the dark hours, ... |
За големите почитатели и малките пънкари! Кои са най-важните творци в световен мащаб? Как са започнали със своите групи и кариери? Какво те прави рок звезда? Книгата Историята на рока е разделена на глави, всяка от които започва с въведение в определен жанр. Успоредно с илюстрациите ще откриете любопитни факти за музикантите от съответното музикално течение, смешни случки, информация за произхода на изпълнителите и за жанровете, в които творят. Споменават се и песни на други важни изпълнители, които не са включени в книгата. ... |
"To Reuturn to Your Father's House" contains poems by Dimcho Debelyanov, selected and translated by Christopher Buxton. Christopher Buxton is a novelist and translator of Bulgarian literary texts into English. From 1977 onwards he has been an active advocate for Bulgarian culture in the United Kingdom. This work was recognised in 2015 by an award and medal from The Bulgarian Ministry of Culture. Dimcho Debelyanov, whose life was ended by a British sniper's bullet on the Doiran Front in 1916, deserves a place alongside fellow poets Wilfred Owen and Isaac Rosenberg. ... |
Complete and unabridged. ... As well as being one of the major literary figures of the twentieth century and the recipient of the 1923 Nobel Prize for Literature, William Butler Yeats (1865 - 1939) is the greatest lyric poet that Ireland has produced. His early work includes the beguiling When You are Old, The Cloths of Heaven and The Lake Isle of Innisfree but, unusually for a poet, Yeats's later works, including Parnell's Funeral, surpass even those of his youth. All are present in this volume, which reproduces the 1933 edition of W. B. Yeats's Collected Poems and also contains an illuminating ... |