Достопаметности от небеса и адове поднася на българския читател непубликувани досега съчинения на Сведенборг благодарение на Фондация Слово и дух и неуморния ѝ ръководител адвокат Снежана Трендафилова. Изданието представя извадки от Истинната християнска религия. Емануел Сведенборг е една от най-загадъчните и обвеяни в мистична мъгла световни личности - естественик, теософ, автор на редица пророчески видения. Поразителна е широтата на неговите духовни търсения, анатомията на човешкия мозък, механиката, металургията и прочие, но най-значими са теософските му творби Arcana Coelestia I - VII, 1749 - 1756 (Небесни ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. ... Юбилеен сборник в чест на 60-годишнината на професор доктор на науките Стела Дерменджиева на издателство УИ Св. св. Кирил и Методий. ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
В романа на Вера Мутафчиева Аз, Анна Комнина, преведен майсторски на турски език от опитната преводачка Сабрия Тете, също е задействана диалогична връзка с текстове от миналото. Романовият разказ е житиепис на именитата византийска държавничка и писателка, целящ да "разобличи" собственото и апологетично произведение за царуването на Алекси Комнин, озаглавено Алексиада. Житейската съдба на героинята, представена през погледа на заобикалящите я жени, е типична за тъй наречената андрократична цивилизация, в която господстват гледната точка и ценностите на мъжа. Силейки се (не винаги по свое желание) да се равни с ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Marina Sarah Preston. ... This beautiful hardback "Ladybird books" edition of "The Elves and the Shoemaker" is a perfect first illustrated introduction to this classic fairy tale for young readers. "Ladybird Tales" are based on the original Ladybird retellings by Vera Southgate, with beautiful pictures of the kind children like best - full of richness and detail. Children have always loved, and will always remember, these classic fairy tales and sharing them together is an experience to treasure. "Ladybird books& ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Victoria Assanelli. ... This beautiful hardback "Ladybird book" edition of "Pinocchio" is a perfect first illustrated introduction to this classic story for young readers. The tale is sensitively retold, following the story of a little wooden puppet who wants to be a real little boy. "Ladybird Tales" are based on the original Ladybird retellings by Vera Southgate, with beautiful pictures of the kind children like best - full of richness and detail. Children have always loved, and will always remember, these classic ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Yunhee Park. ... This beautiful hardback "Ladybird books" edition of "Rapunzel" is a perfect first illustrated introduction to this classic fairy tale for young readers. The tale is sensitively retold, retaining all the key parts of the story beginning with the princess finding her way to the castle one stormy night, through to her sleepless night on top of twenty mattresses! "Ladybird Tales" are based on the original Ladybird retellings by Vera Southgate, with beautiful pictures of the kind children like best - full ... |
Защо На изток от Рая? Защото там е краят на света! Това е една устойчива митологемна схема на мистичното пътуване Отвъд, предприемано от посветения в орфическите тайнства, за да постигне вечен и блажен живот посредством сакралното познание за безсмъртието... Намерението на предлаганата книга е да бъдат подирени конкретни литературни връзки между някои раннохристиянски творби с апокалиптичен характер и евентуалните техни орфически първоизточници, интерпретиращи „географията на Отвъдното” в една устойчива есхатологична традиция. Като специфични интеграли в тези взаимоотношения са въведени Житието на св. Макарий и традицията ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Yunhee Park. ... "Ladybird" has published fairy tales for over forty-five years, bringing the magic of traditional stories to each new generation of children. This classic version of "Hansel and Gretel" is based on the original "Ladybird" retelling by Vera Southgate, with beautiful new illustrations of the kind children like best - full of richness and detail. An essential part of any child's bookshelf, "Ladybird Tales" are perfect for sharing together and creating memories to treasure forever. ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Yunhee Park. ... This beautiful hardback "Ladybird books" edition of "Beauty and the Beast" is a perfect first illustrated introduction to this classic fairy tale for young readers. The tale is sensitively retold, retaining all the key parts of the story beginning with Beauty's father traveling to the beast's castle through to the day Beauty returns to the castle to find the beast alone in the rose garden. "Ladybird Tales" are based on the original Ladybird retellings by Vera Southgate, with beautiful ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Kou Lan. ... This beautiful hardback "Ladybird books" edition of "Aladdin" is a perfect first illustrated introduction to this classic fairy tale for young readers from. The story is sensitively retold, following the a young boy's adventures with a wicked magician, a beautiful princess and two amazing genies. "Ladybird Tales" are based on the original Ladybird retellings by Vera Southgate, with beautiful pictures of the kind children like best - full of richness and detail. Children have always loved, and will ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Lisa Fox. ... This beautiful hardback "Ladybird books" edition of "Chicken Licken" is a perfect first illustrated introduction to this classic fairy tale for young readers. The tale is sensitively retold, following "Chicken Licken" and his friends as they go to tell the king the sky is falling down. "Ladybird Tales" are based on the original Ladybird retellings by Vera Southgate, with beautiful pictures of the kind children like best - full of richness and detail. Children have always loved, and will always ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Melanie Florian. ... This beautiful hardback "Ladybird books" edition of "The Enormous Turnip" is a perfect first illustrated introduction to this classic fairy tale for young readers. "Ladybird Tales" are based on the original Ladybird retellings by Vera Southgate, with beautiful pictures of the kind children like best - full of richness and detail. Children have always loved, and will always remember, these classic fairy tales and sharing them together is an experience to treasure. "Ladybird books" has ... |