Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Anton Chekhov was one of the world's most accomplished short-story writers and this collection displays the breadth and variety of his genius. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library, a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold-foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. In the Ravine & Other Stories are translated by Constance Garnett and selected and introduced by novelist Paul Bailey. Chekhov had an incomparable ability to write about the seemingly every day ... |
Романът Драма по време на лов е една от най-ранните и най-известни творби на Чехов. Написана е в необичайния за писателя детективски жанр. Повествованието следва два сюжета - детективски и мелодраматичен. Основната тема на първата линия е изповедта на един престъпник, а втората е за любовните и екзистенциални преживявания на героите. Тя включва и разказ за живота, любовта и смъртта на младата и красива Оленка Скворцова. Някои от съвременниците на Чехов приемат Драма по време на лов за пародия на модерния криминален роман, други за обикновена мелодрама, а трети са удивени как от един вестникарски роман се ражда пълноценно ... |
Among the country's greatest artistic contributions, twentieth-century Russian literature was revolutionary on its approach to realism, injecting characters with human weaknesses familiar to all. It also provided fodder for other such important concepts as existentialism and even passive resistance, which was rooted in the works of Tolstoy and practiced successfully by Gandhi and Martin Luther King. The twelve powerful short stories in this collection are excellent examples of writing by the foremost authors from Russia's Golden Age of Literature. Ideal for students of Russian literature, this magnificent ... |
В англискйта версия на сборника, разказите на всички класици са запазени. За тези от вас, които са чели българските версии, ще забележете, че няколко разказа липсват, но пък са добавени няколко нови. В книгата са включени разкази на: O. Henry Katherine Mansfield Jack London Hector Hugh Munro Ambrose Bierce Frank R. Stockton Arthur Conan Doyle Oscar Wilde F. Scott Fitzgerald Anton Chekhov Kate Chopin W. W. Jacobs Rabindranath Tagore Guy de Maupassant Joseph Hall Henry Cuyler Bunner ... |
Quick reads by great writers. To buy books would be a good thing, observed Arthur Schopenhauer, if we also could buy the time to read them. All devoted readers long for more time to spend with their books, and the next best thing to buying time is making the most of the available moments. Great Short Short Stories: Quick Reads by Great Writers offers that opportunity. An outstanding collection of 30 brilliant short stories, each just six or fewer pages in length, it provides the chance to absorb an entire story (or two or three) in just one sitting. Quick Reads are bite-sized books by bestselling writers and well-known ... |