A multimedia course in contemporary Bulgarian for English speakings foreigners. ... The set contents: textbook exercise book with answers multimedia materials bonus illustrated history of Bulgaria ... |
Bulgarian for Foreigners - A Virtual Tour of Bulgaria "Bulgarian for Foreigners" is the first of its kind interactice course for learning Bulgarian as a foreign language and as such is unique in content and structure. it is designed in six versions - English, German, French, Czech, Dutch, Bulgarian, and covers linguistic competence levels from A1 to B2 as per CEF. With its 'easy to use' structure, attractive presentation, interesting topics and in-depth information, it offers a lot more than a traditional language course. This modern course for teaching Bulgarian language and culture has been designed to ... |
Bulgarian for Foreigners - A Virtual Tour of Bulgaria "Bulgarian for Foreigners" is the first of its kind interactice course for learning Bulgarian as a foreign language and as such is unique in content and structure. it is designed in six versions - English, German, French, Czech, Dutch, Bulgarian, and covers linguistic competence levels from A1 to B2 as per CEF. With its 'easy to use' structure, attractive presentation, interesting topics and in-depth information, it offers a lot more than a traditional language course. This modern course for teaching Bulgarian language and culture has been designed to ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
A comprehensive guide to Bulgarian grammar and usage. Clear explanations, real - life examples and varied exercises. ... The practical Bulgarian Grammar for English Speakers is a grammar book intended to serve as a textbook and reference manual for all learners of Bulgarian at all learning levels. If you are at the very start of a Bulgarian language course and you need more information about the basic grammar rules, or you already speak the language but you are baffled by construction that you hear in spoken Bulgarian and were not explained in your basic course, this book will give you more knowledge about how the ... |
Those who have it already speak Bulgarian! ... "Bulgarian for English Speakers" is a brand new self-study book specially designed to meet the needs of anybody intending to learn Bulgarian well in a short time. Whoever you are - a student, a businessperson or a visitor to the country, this book is for you. "Bulgarian for English Speakers" contains all the knowledge that you need, emphasizing on real-world tasks. The book includes many dialogues and other texts specially created to help you speak and be understood. It develops your vocabulary systematically and also covers all the required grammar skills. ... |
The best traditional recipes ... In the course of 35 years the author of this book has collected more than 4,500 cooking recipes from all over Bulgaria. They reflect the thousand-year old cultural traditions and relations, as well as part of the present-day life-style of the people who live in this country, famous for its extraordinary natural beauty. This book presents to the readers attention some of the most popular recipes of the culinary richness of the Bulgarian cuisine. ... |
Английско-Български разговорник. ... The phrase book is designed for quick-reference to help you make the most of your stay in Bulgaria. The book covers topics likely to be useful in a range of practical situations, arranged alphabetically. A subject index in English is found on page 151. ... |
Как се чете с български букви? Формат: 11.7 x 16.4 cm. ... Английско-българският речник в това издание съдържа 3000 най-използвани английски думи. Те представляват 98% от ежедневната образована реч в нейния най-пълен обем. Ако сега започвате да изучавате езика или вече го знаете в някаква степен, прегледайте текста и отбележете думите, които не знаете. Може да ги научите направо от речника, като използвате една от двете транскрипции - с международни знаци или с български букви. Транскрипцията отразява британските норми, а в някои случаи, когато произношението се отличава значително, е посочен и американският вариант. ... |
Над 40 000 думи и изрази. Различията между британския и американския правопис и употреба. Таблица на неправилните глаголи в английския език. ... |
Българска национална кухня на английски език. ... This seems to me to be the real deal and the very last word on genuine Bulgarian cuisine. Most of the recipes lean heavily toward meat ingredients except, of course, for the salads which are chiefly reminiscent of Greek-type salads (no lettuce.) There are also bounties of unique regional bread and dessert recipes which I doubt that you would find anywhere else. It's not really a down-side of the work to point out that this book design wreaks of a 1950s American cookbook in its actual presentation. The assembled food photos with the traditional chef standing behind ... |
Оцветяване, рисуване, любопитни факти. Двуезично издание на български и английски език. ... В тази книга представяме някои от най-живописните български крепости. Строени през различни епохи, те показват величието на България. Всяка илюстрация е съпътствана от кратък текст на български и английски език, а пътешествието ни започва с карта, на която е нанесено местоположението на забележителностите. Подготвили сме и времева скала – ориентир за периода им на построяване. Предлагаме на детето Ви да опознае красотата и историята на България, докато оцветява крепостите в книгата. Чрез въображението си то може да възроди ... |
Книга 9 от поредицата "Bulgarian Academic Monographs". ... Bulgarian Folk Music is a scientific work offering a large-scope investigation of the issue of musical folklore dialects in Bulgaria in connection to the specificity of all-Bulgarian musical folklore style. It is for the first time that the history of Bulgarian musical folkloristics is presented in its entirety - from its initial steps to the latest publications. The activites of Bulgarian folklorists in the basic trends of musical folklore science create a prerequisite for its integration into the world musicology. ... |