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Търсене на: Big Ideas

/ над 500 продукта /
English Plus - ниво 3: Учебник по английски език за 7. клас : Bulgaria Edition
Ben Wetz, Katrina Gormley
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  14.90 лв.
When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing
Daniel H. Pink
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  16.00 лв.
The Bomber Mafia
Malcolm Gladwell
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Цена:  14.00 лв.
Bright ideas - ниво 5: Учебник по английски език
Katherine Bilsborough, Steve Bilsborough, Sarah Phillips
Цена:  39.90 лв.
Bright ideas - ниво 2: Учебник по английски език
Mary Charrington, Charlotte Covill, Cheryl Palin
Цена:  39.90 лв.
Bright ideas - ниво 6: Учебник по английски език
Katherine Bilsborough, Steve Bilsborough, Helen Casey
Цена:  39.90 лв.
Bright ideas - ниво 4: Учебник по английски език
Cheryl Palin, Sarah Phillips
Цена:  39.90 лв.
Fern and Otto: A Story About Two Best Friends
Stephanie Graegin
Цена:  16.00 лв.
Atomic Habits
James Clear
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Цена:  35.00 лв.
The Personal MBA 10th Anniversary Edition
Josh Kaufman
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  32.00 лв.
Big Bones
Laura Dockrill
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  14.90 лв.
Ученическа тетрадка : Формат A5 с широки редове
60 листа от серията Big City
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Цена:  3.50 лв.
Продукти отговарящи на търсене: Big Ideas
English Plus - ниво 3: Учебник по английски език за 7. клас Bulgaria Edition -

English Plus - ниво 3: Учебник по английски език за 7. клас : Bulgaria Edition

Ben Wetz, Katrina Gormley

Oxford University Press
Цена:  14.90 лв.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
"English Plus" поставя равен акцент върху развитието на четирите основни езикови умения - всяка единица съдържа четене, писане, слушане и говорене. Новият материал е представен както в контекста на урока, така и отделно в табличка. Секцията "Правила" насърчава учениците да помислят и да допълнят сами езиковите правила. Към всяка урочна единица има по четири допълнителни урока за упражнения. Те заедно с допълнителните материали в книгата за учителя и онлайн ресусите дават възможност за разширяване на урочните единици според потребностите на класа. Към системата има много богат дигитален материал с ...
When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing -

When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing

Daniel H. Pink

Penguin Books
Цена:  16.00 лв.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
New York Times bestseller. From the )1 bestselling author of "Drive" and "A whole new mind". "Brims with a surprising amount of insight and practical advice." The Wall Street Journal ... The groundbreaking book that unlocks the scientific secrets of good timing to help you flourish at work, at school, and at home. Every day we confront a never-ending stream of "when" decisions. When to change jobs. When to schedule a meeting or a class. When to get serious about a person or a project. Yet we make such decisions haphazardly-based on intuition and guesswork. In "When", ...
The Bomber Mafia -

The Bomber Mafia

Malcolm Gladwell

Penguin Books
Цена:  14.00 лв.
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
The Bomber Mafia is a case study in how dreams go awry. When some shiny new idea drops from the heavens, it does not land softly in our laps. It lands hard, on the ground, and shatters. In the years before the Second World War, in a sleepy air force base in central Alabama, a small group of renegade pilots put forth a radical idea. What if we made bombing so accurate that wars could be fought entirely from the air? What if we could make the brutal clashes between armies on the ground a thing of the past? This book tells the story of what happened when that dream was put to the test. The Bomber Mafia follows the stories ...
Bright ideas - ниво 5: Учебник по английски език -

Bright ideas - ниво 5: Учебник по английски език

Katherine Bilsborough, Steve Bilsborough, Sarah Phillips

Oxford University Press
Цена:  39.90 лв.
How do we discover things? What's exciting about exploring? How can we help at home? With a strong focus on the development of reading and writing skills through interactive learning, Bright Ideas Level 5 offers extensive exam and literacy support with the benefit of innovative content and familiar topics. Using Big Questions to challenge students and promote the development of 21st century skills in areas such as critical thinking, the course links the classroom with the real world and encourages the sharing of ideas through communication and collaboration. The comprehensive package of integrated print and digital ...
Bright ideas - ниво 2: Учебник по английски език -

Bright ideas - ниво 2: Учебник по английски език

Mary Charrington, Charlotte Covill, Cheryl Palin

Oxford University Press
Цена:  39.90 лв.
With a strong focus on the development of reading and writing skills through interactive learning, Bright Ideas Level 2 offers extensive exam and literacy support with the benefit of innovative content and familiar topics. Using Big Questions to challenge students and promote the development of 21st century skills in areas such as critical thinking, the course links the classroom with the real world and encourages the sharing of ideas through communication and collaboration. The comprehensive package of integrated print and digital material challenges traditional methods of learning with exciting new resources and ...
Bright ideas - ниво 6: Учебник по английски език -

Bright ideas - ниво 6: Учебник по английски език

Katherine Bilsborough, Steve Bilsborough, Helen Casey

Oxford University Press
Цена:  39.90 лв.
How do we learn things? How does nature affect us? What can we predict about the future? With a strong focus on the development of reading and writing skills through interactive learning, Bright Ideas Level 6 offers extensive exam and literacy support with the benefit of innovative content and familiar topics. Using Big Questions to challenge students and promote the development of 21st century skills in areas such as critical thinking, the course links the classroom with the real world and encourages the sharing of ideas through communication and collaboration. The comprehensive package of integrated print and digital ...
Bright ideas - ниво 4: Учебник по английски език -

Bright ideas - ниво 4: Учебник по английски език

Cheryl Palin, Sarah Phillips

Oxford University Press
Цена:  39.90 лв.
What's great about technology? What's fun about museums? Where do people work? With a strong focus on the development of reading and writing skills through interactive learning, Bright Ideas Level 4 offers extensive exam and literacy support with the benefit of innovative content and familiar topics. Using Big Questions to challenge students and promote the development of 21st century skills in areas such as critical thinking, the course links the classroom with the real world and encourages the sharing of ideas through communication and collaboration. The comprehensive package of integrated print and digital ...
Fern and Otto: A Story About Two Best Friends -

Fern and Otto: A Story About Two Best Friends

Stephanie Graegin


Цена:  16.00 лв.
Perfect for fans of Erin Stead and Emily Winfield Martin, here is a charming paperback picture book about two friends who enter a fairy-tale world hoping to find an exciting story to tell. When best friends Fern, a bear, and Otto, a cat, go searching for an exciting story in the forest, they have different ideas about what that means. Fern thinks they should stop and watch a race between a tortoise and a hare, but Otto worries that a tortoise is too slow to be exciting. Fern thinks listening to the three brothers talking about how to build a house is incredibly interesting, but Otto isn't convinced. Along the way, ...
Atomic Habits -

Atomic Habits

James Clear


Цена:  35.00 лв.
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results. No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving - every day. James Clear, one of the world's leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results. If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change. You do not rise to the level ...
The Personal MBA 10th Anniversary Edition -

The Personal MBA 10th Anniversary Edition

Josh Kaufman

Цена:  32.00 лв.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
The 10th anniversary edition of the bestselling foundational business training manual for ambitious readers, featuring new concepts and mental models: updated, expanded, and revised. Many people assume they need to attend business school to learn how to build a successful business or advance in their career. That's not true. The vast majority of modern business practice requires little more than common sense, simple arithmetic, and knowledge of a few very important ideas and principles. "The Personal MBA 10th Anniversary Edition" provides a clear overview of the essentials of every major business topic: ...
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното:
Big Bones -

Big Bones

Laura Dockrill


Цена:  14.90 лв.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
"It's a food diary. I have to tell the truth, that's the point." ... "A beautiful love litter to friends, family and food." Lindsey Kelk The latest teen novel from the sparkling Laura Dockrill, introducing Bluebelle, and her moving, hilarious take on food, body image and how we look after ourselves and others. A heart-warming teen story from the unique voice of Laura Dockrill, about Bluebelle, aka BB, aka Big Bones - a sixteen-year-old girl encouraged to tackle her weight even though she's perfectly happy, thank you, and getting on with her life and in love with food. Then a tragedy in ...
Ученическа тетрадка Формат A5 с широки редове -

Ученическа тетрадка : Формат A5 с широки редове

60 листа от серията Big City

Cool Pack
Цена:  3.50 лв.
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Красивият дизайн на тетрадката от серията Big City на Cool Pack ще внесе настроение в часовете на всяко дете. Характеристики: широки редове; брой листове: 60; формат: A5; корица: мека; хартия: 70 g/m 2. ...
Търсене на: Big Ideas Продукти 1-12 от над 500
Пенелъпи Дъглас
Ралица Генчева
Петър Стоянович, Ивайло Шалафов
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