An official Guide to cracking the Cube. ... The Rubik's Cube is the world's best-known puzzle, a magical object that has baffled and fascinated the world for more than forty years. This clearly-illustrated step-by-step guide teaches you a foolproof beginners' method for solving the Cube, plus advanced techniques if you want to learn to solve it in seconds. ... |
Модул 1: Устно общуване. Модул 2: Писмено общуване. Учебникът: е насочен към постигане на очакваните резултати за уменията слушане, говорене, четене и писане, заложени в учебната програма; включва варианти за проектни задания по двата модула и обобщителни теми; има включени аудио материали. На страниците на изданието има код за достъп до електронния вариант на продукта. Учебната система Destination English - ниво B1.1 по английски език от издателство Клет България се състои от: учебник - модул 1 и 2 учебник - модул 3 и 4 Настоящото издание е съвместимо с учебната програма за 2024/2025 г. Ако ... |
Test your maths and number skills in this jam-packed collection of colourful puzzles! Filled with super-cool number games to test your logical thinking, this book is guaranteed to provide hours of fun for both beginners and more experienced kids aged 7 and up. You never know until you try - it might just be a piece of Pi! ... |
Selection: Чавдар Атанасов. ... The fun continues! New and even funnier jokes with more amazing illustrations! More laughter and a new reason for your children to pick up and read a book! The jokes are approved by a child psychologist. Read more about the function of humor in the introduction. The first part of the booklet is in a larger font, suitable for beginners in reading. After the middle, the font gradually decreases after children have mastered the skill of independent reading. The book is part of the Jokes for Kids series by Vision Books. ... |
Keep track of your daily one-card readings for a rich tarot experience in just minutes a day. One of the best - and most common - ways to engage with tarot is to pull one card each morning and let its meaning set your intentions for the day. This practice is used by beginners and experts alike to incorporate tarot into their daily lives, without a major time investment. This journal acts as your daily companion - it offers space to jot down which card you pulled, what it represents, and how it might relate to your day, along a space at the bottom for an optional evening reflection. As the days pass, you can look back to ... |
A Beginner's Guide to Creating Characters. The popularity of manga among young people who love to draw continues to grow. In her third manga book, J.C. Amberlyn focuses on her favorite subject matter, animals, with a fun and lively how-to-draw book aimed at beginners. "How to Draw Manga Animals" takes readers through all the step-by-step drawing instructions they need to learn how to successfully create their own super-cute manga animal characters as well as the worlds they live in. In "How to Draw Manga Animals" J.C. Amberlyn takes readers through all the drawing techniques they'll need to ... |
Selection: Чавдар Атанасов. ... Who doesn’t enjoy a good laugh? Children of all ages love telling each other jokes and the wonderful illustrations in this book only add to the entertainment, being pretty funny in of themselves. This book will surely bring joy to the whole family. You can read more on the importance of humor in the introduction. We hope if your children have fun with these jokes they will be motivated to read even more. The first part of the booklet is in a larger font, suitable for beginners in reading. After the middle, the font gradually decreases after children have mastered the skill of independent ... |
The book is intended to give an introduction to the complicated topic of computer programming for complete beginners that is suitable for both university students in university programmes such as informatics, mathematics, applied mathematics, and engineers who would like to expand their knowledge in the field. Even though the reader is assumed to have no experience in computer programming, the book is not based on rudimentary examples. The text is written to correspond to and to be relatively synchronized with standard beginner courses in mathematics that are usually taught in the first semesters at a university programme ... |
Системата по английски език "New Headway - Beginner (A1)" предлага балансирана учебна програма със силен граматичен фокус и онлайн ресурси, които осъвременяват подходите за успешното усвояване на материала. Teacher's resource CD-ROM Към книгата за учителя е включен Teacher's resource CD-ROM, който предоставя дигитални ресурси и упражнения към уроците от учебника и учебната тетрадка. Той съдържа тестове в "PDF" и "Microsoft Word" формат, диалозите от учебника и списък с думи. Минимални системни изисквания: PC: Windows XP, Vista, 7 или Linux; Pentium II, 400 MHz Processor; ... |
Ако желаете да учите английски език, вие трябва да разгърнете страниците на тази книжка. Познавате ли латинските букви, вие няма да се затрудните при прочитането на димите. В английския език думата се изписва по един начин, а се изговаря по друг. За ваше улеснение произношението е изписано в скоби под всяка картинка. Разполагате с произношението на специфичните звукове в английския език. В книжката се предлагат някои правила правила от елементарната граматика, с които ще направите първите стъпки във вашите знания за усвояване на английския език. Децата могат да се забавляват, като оцветяват картинките на думичките, които ... |
A Beginner's Guide to Reading the Cards. ... Easy, practical, inclusive and super-positive... this specially commissioned tarot deck with guidebook by Cosmopolitan's TarotBella is for beginners who are nervous about trying tarot themselves. Ever feel as if you don't know which path to take, which decision to make, or what you really want in life? This beginner's guide to using tarot is specifically geared for personal guidance and self-development to help you understand your motivations, strengths, talents and inner wisdom on your journey through life. Whether you are looking for a simple yes or no answer ... |
Готов ли си за нови тайни удоволствия с календара Secret Stories? Нови пози, които няма да намериш в календара Love Stories! Предизвикателства за двама в категориите beginners и masters, които да те отведат до най-високото ниво в Кама Сутра на XXI век. 24-те локации на закрито и на открито ще създадат допълнителна тръпка и ще ви носят допълнителни точки за достигане на най-високото ниво в играта Разбираш ги нещата! Secret Stories ще ви отведе до тайните висоти на удоволствието, за които (не) разказваш на всеки, но помниш всяка подробност. Вземи календара, изтрий скреч любовното поле и сканирай QR кода за инструкции! ... |