Супер делукс бокс сет включва: Ремастерирано аудио на 3 CD-та и четири 180-грамови плочи; DVD на албума с Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround и PCM Stereo, както и фотогалерия; Карта за дигитално изтегляне на цялото аудио съдържание с високо качество на 96kHz/24 bit; Книжка с редки непубликувани досега снимки на бандата на всеки един от концертите, плюс сувенири; Обложката на оригиналния албум с високо качество, индивидуално номерирана за първите 30 000. Албумът с изпълнения на живо на Led Zeppelin "How The West Was Won" е ремастериран под ръководството на Jimmy Page! "How The West Was Won" ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
"Dear Child, This book will introduce you to some of the birds that you can see in the park, in your garden, on your way to school or when you go out into the countryside. You will learn from their "conversations" how they spend the winter, what their favorite meal is and how they make their homes. The information I have given is scientifically correct and I have done the drawings as accurately as I would for scientific publication. I hope you enjoy my pictures as much as I have enjoyed drawing them." Ekaterina Kozuharova ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Seven journeys which change lives for ever. A New York fashion buyer returns to her English home. A successful author meets an old friend. A reporter travels to an execution. A lorry driver gives an escaped prisoner a lift. A taxi driver picks up 'Bruce Lee'. A man's love for a tram driver leads him to follow her. And four strangers meet at a motel for the first and last time. ... |
"A Cook's Book" is the story of Nigel Slater's life in the kitchen. From the first jam tart Nigel made with his mum standing on a chair trying to reach the Aga, through to what he is cooking now, this is the ultimate Nigel Slater collection brimming with over 200 recipes. He writes about how his cooking has changed from discovering the best way to roast a chicken to the trick to smoky, smooth aubergine mash. He gives the tales behind the recipes and recalls the first time he ate a baguette in Paris, his love of jewel-bright Japanese pickled radishes and his initial slice of buttercream-topped ... |
When Mr Dog meets a fawn whose forest home is in danger, he know he needs to help... quickly. As Mr Dog joins the search for the fawn's missing mother, trouble lies ahead for the whole herd. Mr Dog has a plan, though, that might just keep them all safe... ... |
Thought leader, visionary, philanthropist, mystic, and yogi, Sadhguru presents Western readers with a time-tested path to achieving absolute well-being: the classical science of yoga. The practice of hatha yoga, as we commonly know it, is but one of eight branches of the body of knowledge that is yoga. In fact, yoga is a sophisticated system of self-empowerment that is capable of harnessing and activating inner energies in such a way that your body and mind function at their optimal capacity. It is a means to create inner situations exactly the way you want them, turning you into the architect of your own joy. A yogi ... |
"Мъжът е в пълното си право да има и куче, и жена. Но ако не разполагаш със средства да си позволиш и едното, и другото, по-скоро си вземи куче". Граучо Маркс ... |
"Once upon a time, a very long time ago now, about last Friday, Winnie the Pooh lived in a forest all by himself under the name of Sanders... " The adventures of Christopher Robin and his friends from the Hundred-Acre Wood include Pooh Bear using a balloon to get honey, Piglet meeting a Heffalump, and Eeyore having a birthday. For nearly 70 years, Milne's classic story about young Christopher Robin and his adventures with his friends from the Hundred-Acre Wood has captivated readers of all ages. ... |
A new perspective on the overused and misunderstood concept of "karma" that offers the key to happiness and enlightenment, from the world-renowned spiritual master Sadhguru. What is karma? Most people understand karma as a balance sheet of good and bad deeds, virtues and sins. The mechanism that decrees that we cannot evade the consequences of our own actions. In reality, karma has nothing to do with reward and punishment. Karma simply means action: your action, your responsibility. It isn't some external system of crime and punishment, but an internal cycle generated by you. Accumulation of karma is ... |
Retold by Nicole Irving. ... The story of Hachiko, Japan's most famous dog, begins in the early 1920s, when he comes to live in Tokyo with Professor Ueno. Hachiko loves his new master. When the professor takes the train to work every morning, Hachiko goes with him to the station - and when the professor comes home in the evening, his faithful dog is always waiting. Hachiko soon has many friends in the streets of Tokyo - people like Nobu, the young son of a food seller. Life is good for Hachiko - until one day, everything changes... Here, Nobu tells the true story of Japan's most faithful dog. Classics, modern ... |
Поздравителната картичка от серията "Romantique" на "Gespansterwald" е със стилен и модерен дизайн с имитация на дантела по край ѝ. С нея може да оповестите новия член на семейството ви с близките за вас хора. Тя е с надпис "It's a Girl". ... |
Поздравителната картичка от серията "Romantique" на "Gespansterwald" е със стилен и модерен дизайн с имитация на дантела по край ѝ. С нея може да оповестите новия член на семейството ви с близките за вас хора. Тя е с надпис "It's a Boy". ... |