It is 1866, and there is trouble in the world's oceans. What is the extraordinary thing that people have seen there, travelling faster than a whale and cutting holes in the bottom of the strongest ships? Dr Aronnax joins the search for the monster, hoping for an exciting adventure. But when he meets the mysterious Captain Nemo, his adventure becomes more extraordinary than he had ever imagined, and he discovers a new underwater world, full of wonders, but of strange dangers too... Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading ... |
Based on the story of Jules Verne. Text adaptation by Lesley Thompson. ... When ship after ship goes down in the Atlantic, Dr Pierre Aronnax and his servant, Conseil, journey from Paris to learn more. What - or who - is attacking these ships? Aronnax, Conseil, and the Canadian, Ned Land, find the answer to this question when they meet the strange Captain Nemo. Finalist The Language Learner Literature Award 2016. Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on-page glossaries the new edition of ... |
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Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Three adventurers set out to kill a sea monster, but all is not as it seems. Out in the vast expanse of the Pacific they find not a beast but a submarine - the Nautilus, an advanced craft captained by the enigmatic Captain Nemo. Captured and hauled aboard, they accompany him through coral reefs, shipwrecks, and ancient ruins. There they hunt sharks, and battle giant squid, not realizing that the greatest danger is Nemo himself, who will stop at nothing in his quest for vengeance. Beautifully illustrated by the French painter Édouard Riou, who worked ... |
The production of this Reader in the 20th century British literature is a result of years of lecturing on the subject of English literature to the English Students undergraduates at the South Western University, and the cooperation of my students and colleagues as well as the support of the faculty bodies and administration. ... |
Take a journey through the makers and shapers of celluloid history. From horror to romance, noir to slapstick, adventure to tragedy, Western to new wave, this selection gathers the greats of 20th-century cinema into one indispensable guide to movie gold. The collection is arranged chronologically and in an extra-handy format. Film entries include a synopsis, cast/crew listings, technical information, actor/director bios, trivia, and lists of awards, as well as film stills, production photos, and the original poster for each film. From Metropolis to Modern Times, A Clockwork Orange to Bunuel's The Young and the ... |
"The Deep. The City Under the Sea" is a Level 6 reader. Its fun and informative subject matter will capture a child's interest in reading and learning English while reinforcing the basic structures and vocabulary found in most primary courses. Activities pages and picture dictionary can be found at the back of each reader. The book can be used as supplementary reading material with any primary course. The "Macmillan Children's Readers" series offers simplified English reading. The series is divided into six levels. The series brings children real and imaginary stories to arouse their interest. ... |
Museum Ludwig Cologne. ... The history of photography began nearly 200 years ago, but only relatively recently has it been fully recognized as a medium in its own right. Cologne’s Museum Ludwig was the first museum of contemporary art to devote a substantial section to international photography. The L. Fritz Gruber collection, from which this book is drawn, is one of the most important in Germany and one of the most representative anywhere in the world, constituting the core of the museum’s holdings. This book provides a fascinating insight into the collection's rich diversity; from conceptual art to abstraction to ... |
Multilingual Edition: English, French, German. ... Time-travel through the Automobile Age with a collection that puts you in the driver’s seat. 20th Century Classic Cars offers a lush visual history of the automobile, decade by decade, via 400-plus print advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of auto advertising, this book traces the evolution of the auto from horseless carriage to rocket on wheels and beyond. With an introduction and chapter text by New York Times automotive writer Phil Patton, as well as an illustrated timeline, this volume highlights the technological ... |
Edited by Gaby Morgan. ... Poems of the Sea is an anthology of classic poetry that celebrates the sea; from the power of a stormy ocean to ships and sailors and beaches strewn with shells. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, pocket-sized classics with ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features an introduction by author Adam Nicolson. For generations, poets have taken inspiration from ocean mists and rugged coastlines to conjure up adventures on the high seas and joyous days at the seaside. From Emily Dickinson 's ... |
В недалечното бъдеще климатът на земята е доста по-горещ и животът не е такъв, какъвто го познаваме. Заради глобалното затопляне нивото на световния океан се е повишило. Стават три страшни наводнения и огромни вълни заливат и унищожават крайбрежни градове по целия свят. В малкото австралийско градче Аксъл Мийна и брат й Марк водят спокоен, но не напълно безопасен живот. Винаги съществува опасност от бандитски нападения, а и от следващо страшно наводнение... Заглавието е част от атрактивна поредица от оригинални книги за четене, написани специално за учениците в 8. клас, които изучават интензивно английски език. Книгата ... |
Държите в ръцете си уникално издание - книга албум на Живко Петров, побрала негови размисли, фотографии, най-вече нотите на композициите в двата му албума After 4 и Ten. 20 прелюдии за пиано съдържа пиеси, написани с обич и поклон пред мощта на музикалното изкуство. Това е своеобразна изповед, съчетание на текст, музика и образ, с приложена флашпамет с композициите от двата албума като подарък за почитателите на известния български пианист, композитор и аранжор."Пътят на истинския артист е изтъкан от търпение и пълна отдаденост. Егото е враг номер 1 на музиката." Живко Петров Живко Петров е композитор, ... |
It is with pleasure that I write a preface to the English version of this book, "The Black Sea, the Flood and Ancient Myths" It was originally written in Bulgarian by the distinguished father and son team of oceanographers, Petko and Dimitar Dimovi, and it is a major geologic past. ... |