Star Wars exploded onto our cinema screens in 1977, and the world has not been the same since. After watching depressing and cynical movies throughout the early 1970s, audiences enthusiastically embraced the positive energy of the Star Wars galaxy as they followed moisture farmer Luke Skywalker on his journey through a galaxy far, far away, meeting extraordinary characters like mysterious hermit Obi-Wan Kenobi, space pirates Han Solo and Chewbacca, loyal droids C-3PO and R2-D2, bold Princess Leia Organa and the horrific Darth Vader, servant of the dark, malevolent Emperor. Writer, director, and producer George Lucas ... |
The Gardener's Year is a charming and light-hearted insight into the life of an amateur gardener. Structured loosely around what to plant, grow or cultivate each month, Karel Capek takes us on a rollicking journey through a year in his own small garden. Complete and unabridged. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, pocket-sized classics with ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features lively black and white illustrations by Czech artist Josef Capek and is translated by M. and R. Weatherall. From making puddles with an ... |
Herbalism, Garden Magic, and Foraging for Spells, Rituals, and Remedies. Learn how to cultivate your own magical garden, begin your journey with folk herbalism, and awaken to your place in nature through practical skills from an experienced Appalachian forager and witch. Witchcraft is wild at heart, calling us into a relationship with the untamed world around us. Through the power of developing a relationship with plants, a witch-beginner or experienced-can practice their art more deeply and authentically by interacting with the beings that grow around us all. Bridging the gap between armchair witchcraft and the hedge ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. ... "Искрено завиждам на всеки, стъпил за пръв път на Антарктида. Най-студеният, най-ветровитият, най-високият и най-пустинният континент на Земята неудържимо привлича хората през последните два века от човешката история. Всеки, стъпил на суровите ледено-каменни брегове с мързеливо изтягащи се тюлени и тромаво поклащащи се пингвини, които ловко се гмуркат в леденостудените и кристалночисти води. Там властват космически студове и ураганни ветрове, феерия от цветове в играта на слънчевите лъчи, безкрайните снежни простори и ледени скулптури сякаш са изваяни от ръката на ... |
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"This collection of Thomas Marent"s images, 16 years in the making, brings alive the sheer and awe-inspiring beauty of the rainforest." Sting - founding patron, The Rainforest Foundation Photographs by Thomas Marent Rainforest is the stunning result of half a lifetime’s work by Swiss photographer Thomas Marent. Inspired by a visit to the rainforest in Australia when he was 24, Marent has spent the ensuing 16 years exploring and photographing the world’s rainforests. With all the immediacy of the best documentaries, Rainforest celebrates the fascinating behaviour and incredible variety of rainforest animals ... |
Mup's dad has been kidnapped by witches, and Mup - along with her mam, brother and dog - must journey to an enchanted world to rescue him. Danger awaits them. Witches Borough is a beguiling place of rhyming crows, talking cats and forbidden magic, ruled by tyrannical queen and her band of raggedy witches. And Mam seems strange on this side of the border - striding, powerful and increasingly distant. Even if they can save her father, Mup knows that nothing will ever be the same again. "Ireland's answer to J. K. Rowling." Sunday Independent ... |
A Select Your Own Choose-Venture! Blendin Blandin is searching for the legendary Time Pirates' Treasure, and he needs Dipper and Mabel's help... and yours, too! Journey through time and explore the dragon-infested medieval era, the Weird-and-Wild West, and the laser-and-giant-baby-filled future. You choose from multiple paths that lead to different wacky adventures! You might end up finding the greatest treasure ever known, or you could send the twins and Blendin into an abyss from which they will never escape! This all-new Select Your Own Choose-Venture time-travel treasure hunt book features thrilling ... |
Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience. In Atlas of the Heart, Brown takes us on a journey through eighty seven of the emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human. As she maps the necessary skills and an actionable framework for meaningful connection, she gives us the language and tools to access a universe of new choices and second chances - a universe where we can share and steward the stories of our bravest and most heartbreaking moments with one another in a way that builds connection. Over the past two decades, Brown's extensive research into the experiences that ... |
Based on the story of John Christopher. Retold by Susan Binder. ... In the distant future, Harl and Ellen talk about their work and their lives. Their work as scientists is more important to them than love. Harl plans to leave Earth, on a long journey through space. Ellen plans to stay on Earth, to change the way the human mind works. When Harl returns to Earth, the world will be a very different place. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1 - C1 of the CEFR. Word count: 6.250 ... |
A Beginner's Guide to Reading the Cards. ... Easy, practical, inclusive and super-positive... this specially commissioned tarot deck with guidebook by Cosmopolitan's TarotBella is for beginners who are nervous about trying tarot themselves. Ever feel as if you don't know which path to take, which decision to make, or what you really want in life? This beginner's guide to using tarot is specifically geared for personal guidance and self-development to help you understand your motivations, strengths, talents and inner wisdom on your journey through life. Whether you are looking for a simple yes or no answer ... |
The Earth Book is the ultimate guide to our planet, with astounding facts, unbelievable photographs and stunning design. Kids aged 9+ will be enthralled and excited from start to finish. The book contains: the most exciting information and photos to keep kids interested; fantastic design concepts complement each subject to get kids hooked; covers everything from beautiful wonders to natural forces. Four amazing chapters in The Earth Book: in Active Earth, find out more about the natural forces that are constantly changing our planet; journey through Earth's biggest and most mysterious habitat in Vast ... |
Multilingual Edition. ... Designed to be a companion to our classic title 1000 Chairs, this edition contains an awesome selection of over 1000 lights. Presented chronologically by decade are the 20th century's most interesting electric lights, from Tiffany's beautiful leaded-glass shades to completely outrageous designs from the late 1960s and 1970s to the latest high-tech LED lamps. All major styles are represented here - Arts & Crafts, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Modern Movement, De Stijl, Postwar, Pop, Radical, Postmodern, and Contemporary in 640 pages of truly illuminated works. You'll find 1000 bright ideas ... |