Are you ready to "Work Your Light"? This beautiful 44-card oracle deck has been created to help you light up the world with your presence. By working with its five suits and connecting with your intuition, you will be able to start living a life in alignment with who you truly are. About the cards: Confirmation cards give a quick hit of instant guidance. Inquiry cards help you tune in to the whispers of your soul. Action cards guide you on what action to take. Activation cards invoke healing within you. Transmission cards connect you with supportive energies. Artwork by Danielle Noel. ... |
The 7 Rules for Richer, Happier Days. ... We are busier than ever. But do we really know which experiences bring us joy and success, and which don`t? Cultural commentator James Wallman, bestselling author of Stuffocation, investigates our fear of missing out and the problem of unfulfilling time, and finds a powerful answer - a revolutionary approach to life based on the latest scientific discoveries. Bursting with original stories, fresh takes on tales you thought you knew, and insights from psychology, economics and culture, Time and How to Spend It reveals a seven-point checklist that will help you avoid empty, waste- ... |
Complete and unabridged. ... As well as being one of the major literary figures of the twentieth century and the recipient of the 1923 Nobel Prize for Literature, William Butler Yeats (1865 - 1939) is the greatest lyric poet that Ireland has produced. His early work includes the beguiling When You are Old, The Cloths of Heaven and The Lake Isle of Innisfree but, unusually for a poet, Yeats's later works, including Parnell's Funeral, surpass even those of his youth. All are present in this volume, which reproduces the 1933 edition of W. B. Yeats's Collected Poems and also contains an illuminating ... |
"This book isn’t only about sugar-free, allergen-free cooking and baking. It’s about sharing the recipes that I love and use all the time. Recipes that can be more flexible, to incorporate local produce or adapt to different dietary needs. Some of these recipes are family traditions or meant for special occasions, and some are much newer, but they are recipes that I come back to time after time. This is our story told from a place we all love at home - the kitchen. My advice is to not be afraid experimenting. Once in a while, you may have to start over, but more likely you’ll come up with something different and ... |
This real book contains a collection of jazz standards by Milcho Leviev (1937 - 2019), transcribed by Todor Gadjalov and edited by Valeri Kostov. Part of it are compositions such as "Bulgarian Boogie", "Isaac's Touchstone", "Lydian Riff", "Moody Modes", "Sad, a Little Bit" and dozens of others, written and performed over a span of six decades. The book also includes photos, facsimilia, as well as words both by and about Milcho Leviev. ... |
Illustrated by Jérôme Brasseur. ... "A tear came to Nell's eye. She hated being alone in that big, dark place all night long, not able to sleep because she was worried about her grandfather. Every night he would go out and leave her on her own, and yet he never told her where he went or what he did. Then he would return early the next day, tired, worried and sad." From the Book In a run-down part of London, where criminals and honest people live side-by side, Nell lives with her grandfather in "The Old Curiosity Shop". They are very poor, and Nell is worried because her grandfather ... |
"I invite you to discover the Seychelles - A fishing and culinary paradise and one of the leading luxury destinations for discerning travelers. It is no accident that the early settlers described these heavenly islands as "The Original Garden Of Eden"." Ilian Iliev ... |
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Magic is the creation and application of the energy needed to make changes in the world. There is no better source of energy than the primary drive that moves us all. Just as sexual relationships can be passionate, wild, frightening, energizing, or playful, so too is the energy that created these qualities. This deck is a guide to using the most tantalizing source of power we all have. Art by Mauro De Luca. 78 cards with dimensions 6.6 x 12 cm and instruction booklet included. For an adult audience. ... |
Една от най-популярните колоди за картографиране: нейните 36 фигури имат страхотен чар, който идва от внушителната сила на символите, чиито значения могат да бъдат научени много лесно според правилата, установени от Мари Ан Ленорман, гадателката на Наполеон Бонапарт, известна като Сибила на Дневните. Броя на картите е 36, всяка с размери 8.8 x 12.5 cm. Към тях има и книжка с инструкции на английски език със 160 страници. ... |
"It is well know to all how much daily problems the Bulgarian people has in these days. However, more dangerous than anything is the tendency to loose identity and national selfconfidence. This is a clearly visible tendency in the inscriptions of foreign languages, mass emigration and the wish for imitation of foreign culture. At other side, the answer to the question, "Why are you ashamed to call youself Bulgarian?" is more than obvious: there is in the present time to be proud of. The above-described situation makes preservation and popularization of Bulgarian History extraordinarily important. If it ... |
Прости стъпки за трансформиране на вашия живот. ... Променете вярванията си, променете живота си. В живота на всеки от нас има моменти, когато резултатите от нашето поведение не отговарят на нуждите ни. В тази книга Хайръм Смит прави две безценни неща за хората, които искат да направят живота си по-комфортен. Първо, с помощта на ясен и прост модел той разкрива как да достигнем до точката, където нашето поведение предизвиква този тип проблем. После, с впечатляваща простота, описва стъпките, които трябва да предприемем, за да идентифицираме и коригираме вярванията, водещи до болезненото ни поведение. Резултатът е мощен ... |
The stories of Christian saints have been evoked over the centuries by beautiful and powerful icons, which transmit to men the example of religious virtues and the consequent action of the Divine Spirit in the world. For this reason, the precious art of the Russian illuminating monks is poured with meticulous care into the Arcana named after the tsars, defenders of Christian religiosity of the East. 78 cards, dimensions: 6.6 x 12 cm and multilingual golden edition instruction booklet included. ... |