"In a fast paced world with media focused on single, dramatic images there is the danger that extended documentary work like that of Babak Salari’s may be missed in the rush for the next great cover shot. Salari’s photographs, by contrast, require us to slow down and savour the moments he has rendered on film. Like any story, the best way to experience “Remembering the People of Afghanistan” is to be conscious of the telling and willing to let ourselves be affected by it. Salari’s photos form a rich, complex story told in a soft voice. It is the story of a people recounted with empathy and respect. At times, it is ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Christina, who works in an art gallery in Buenos Aires is waiting at the traffic lights on her motorbike. She notices two men with a gun in the car next to her. Seconds later she is hit by a taxi, and wakes up in hospital with no memory of the accident or the two men. However, the men are afraid of what might happen if her memory returns and plan to make sure it never does. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Hello. Kate. This is Jan. I'm sorry, but you'll have to come down to Mother's. We've got to talk. I can't go on like this. It's becoming impossible. I know you're always busy but you'll have to come, Kate. I can't manage with Mother any more. Please call me back as soon as you can. Two sisters struggle to come to terms with their mother's illness and its effect on their lives. ... |
Keep this gorgeous journal alongside your collection of tarot and oracle card decks to unlock the secrets of your readings and awaken your psychic abilities. The Ultimate Tarot & Oracle Journal is more than just a diary, it's a tool to jog your memory and give you greater insight into your subconscious mind. Using this journal will assist you in remembering and interpreting your readings with more accuracy and detail, and help you realize the messages being communicated to you. A stunningly beautiful book with exquisite finishes, this product is designed specifically for the reader to easily keep a record of their ... |
The Academy Award winning actor, father of three, and bestselling author of "Greenlights" distills more than three decades of journaling experience to help you reflect, seek clarity, and forge your own path with this life-changing practice. "Greenlights: Your journal, your journey" is a guided companion to the New York Times bestselling memoir "Greenlights", filled with prompts, pithy quotes, adages, outlaw wisdom, and advice on how to live with greater satisfaction from Matthew McConaughey. Matthew has been writing in journals since he was fifteen years old. His adventures have taken him ... |
Bestselling Author of "They Both Die at the End". ... In his twisty, gritty, profoundly moving New York Times bestselling-debut, Adam Silvera brings to life a charged, dangerous near-future summer in the Bronx. In the months after his father's suicide, it's been tough for sixteen-year-old Aaron Soto to find happiness but with the support of his girlfriend Genevieve, he's slowly remembering what that might feel like. When Genevieve leaves for a couple of weeks, Aaron starts hanging out with a new guy, Thomas. Aaron's friends notices, and they're not exactly thrilled. But Aaron can't deny ... |
Настоящото издание има за цел да насърчи съзнанието за важността на документите на жените и други групи, които не са били в центъра на историческото познание. То има за цел да покаже значението на архивните политики и необходимостта от целенасочени усилия за запазване на тази памет за историческите изследвания, както и да представи опита и инициативите в някои други страни и някои изследвания, свързани с тази тематика. ... |
Пол и модернизъм подлага модернистичното движение на критическа преоценка в търсене на отговор на въпроса доколко бунтът на самоназовалите се модернисти се ангажира с актуалните за времето полови норми, както и каква е ролята на радикалните реформатори в областта. Като се фокусира главно върху връзките между северноамериканските и европейските модернисти, Мария Букур демонстрира защо анализът на половите аспекти на модернизма е ключов за осмислянето на неговото наследство. Авторката се спира върху най-важните изследвания на движението и проследява как дефинициите за модернизма са еволюирали заедно с посветената му наука. ... |
Езиковата система Jetstream - ниво B2.1 е продължение на системата For Real - нива А1 - В1. Това е езикова система, която съчетава мотивиращи теми, съвременен език и разнообразни образователни задачи като подтиква учениците да станат активни участници в учебния процес. В Jetstream граматиката се въвежда плавно и логично, в контекст, с достатъчно на брой примери от живия език. Тя възпитава учениците в духа на толерантност, междукултурно общуване и интерес към ключови произведения на световното кино и литература. Включените в учебника теми са изцяло съобразени с интересите на учениците, като подтикват към формиране и ... |