Illustrated by Fausto Biabchi. ... "I have got to do it, because she has given me a reason to do it which I will not say out loud. She must die, because if she doesn't die she'll deceive other men. I'll put out the light of this torch, and then I'll put out the light of her life." From the Book When Othello, the Moorish general of Venice, marries Desdemona, the daughter of a rich Venetian, he must prove that they are really in love. But his "honest" friend Iago has other plans, for power revenge. They travel to the island of Cyprus, and Iago works to set Othello against his new wife ... |
"Remember you? Yes, I'll remember you. All other memories will fade, but not your story. Your foolish, wicked wife and her new husband. The greatest villain in the whole of Denmark! I have sworn revenge. Poor ghost, i'll not forget you!" Hamlet Shakespeare's famous story of the young Prince Hamlet's journey into despair and revenge after learning that his uncle is his father's murderer. This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and vocabulary exercises; notes about the life of William Shakespeare; notes about this story; points for understanding comprehension ... |
Изданието е на британски английски (British English). ... "Student's book pack" includes: print student's book + webcode access to "Student's Resource Center" including extra downloadable video worksheets, class audio MP3s and DVD with video. "Open Mind Elementary" is a ground-breaking six-level general English course for adults which targets their language needs and provides them with the professional, academic and personal skills they need for success in the 21st century. The key features of the series are: life skills - higher-order skills such as critical thinking, ... |
This is a horror story about a scientist and his investigations into his own character, but soon he finds himself under the control of a darker, evil force. "– Mr. Hyde? - Utterson asked. The small man dis not look at Utterson. – That is my name - he said in a low voice. – What do you want? – I am a friend of Dr Henry Jekyll - said Utterson. – You won't find him here - said Mr. Hyde. – How do you know who I am? – Dr. Jekyll told me about you - said Utterson. – He never told you - said Mr. Hyde. – You're lying! Mr. Hyde opened the door quickly. He disappeared into the house and locked the door behind him. – I ... |
Twelve-year-old Jim Hawkins sails with the Squire Trelawney to search for Captain Flint's treasure. But Long John Silver is on board The Hispaniola and he and his friends want the treasure for themselves. The story of Jim's adventure has been popular with young readers since it was first published in 1883. ... |
Учебната система Tiger Time for Bulgaria позволява гъвкавост в методите на преподаване чрез наличния Presentation Kit, който улеснява визуализирането на съдържанието и помага за концентрацията на учениците. Tiger помага за изграждането на основните морални ценности на учениците. Чрез CLIL модулите, които са включени във всеки урок, учениците научават за световната култура и здравословния начин на живот. Всеки урок завършва с преговор на учебното съдържание с дейности, които са приятни за учениците. Учебната система Tiger Time for Bulgaria за 4. клас по английски език се състои от: учебник работна тетрадка 3 ... |
"Gateway Second Edition" поддържа ясната структура на първото издание и е фокусиран към подготовка за матура и сходни по формат изпити. Учебната система дава възможност за достъп до ресурсен сайт за учениците, където могат да ползват допълнителни интерактивни упражнения, безплатна книжка в електронен вариант, игри, видео и аудио упражнения. Кодът за достъп до онлайн ресурсите се намира от вътрешната страна на корицата. Кодът е валиден 18 месеца от датата на активиране. Всеки код дава възможност да бъде регистриран само 1 потребител. Системата включва 7 нива, от A1+ до C1. Новост в това издание са две ... |
Illustrated by Julia Pearson. ... "Anna opened carriage door and stepped down onto the platform. The wind and snow swirled around her and she took a deep breath of the freezing air. The storm was very powerful now. She took another deep breath and turned to go back into the train. As she turned, she saw Vronsky standing on the platform before her. He bowed to her and said a few words which she could not hear. All the time, he looked at her with the same expression - one of complete love. She was overcome by a feeling of great joy. "I did not know that you were travelling. Why are you coming to Petersburg?" ... |
Учебната тетрадка Tiger Time for Bulgaria за 2. клас от световноизвестните автори Carol Read и Mark Ormerod е предназначена за практическо прилагане на новите знания и умения, придобити при работата с учебника. В комплекта са включени и допълнителни материали за изрязване, оцветяване, лепене, които да спомогнат за по-занимателно прилагане на новите знания или за ползване при драматизации и работа по групи. Стикерите за залепване са поставени с средните 2 страници на тетрадката. Учебната тетрадка не е с включени отговори и е подходяща за работа в клас. Учебната система Tiger Time for Bulgaria: позволява гъвкавост ... |
This book is in British English. ... Marco is young and bored. He dislikes working on his father's farm, picking and packing boxes of peaches all day in the hot sun. He wants freedom, money and excitement. One weekend, he decides to leave home. He takes a train to the city, but he is not prepared for what he finds there. Included CD contains audio versions of all the chapters of the book. Free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheets at ... |
Illustrated by Kay Dixie. ... "Oliver stared round the dirty room. There was a rope tied across one corner of the room. Many brightly-coloured silk handkerchiefs were hanging over the rope. Fagin smiled again."My handkerchiefs are pretty, aren't they, Oliver?", he said. "And they're all waiting to be washed!"To Oliver's surprise, all the boys laughed." From the Book This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and vocabulary exercises; notes about the life of Charles Dickens; points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult ... |
3 CD с аудиоматериали Tiger Time for Bulgaria за 4. клас от световноизвестните автори Carol Read и Mark Ormerod съдържа всички материали за слушане за учебника Tiger Time for Bulgaria за 4. клас по английски език. Учебната система Tiger Time for Bulgaria: позволява гъвкавост в методите на преподаване чрез наличния Presentation Kit, който улеснява визуализирането на съдържанието и помага за концентрацията на учениците; Tiger помага за изграждането на основните морални ценности на учениците; чрез CLIL модулите, които са включени във всеки урок, учениците научават за световната култура и здравословния начин на ... |