Super Minds 2nd Edition is a thoroughly updated and enhanced new edition of a much-loved English course from a renowned author team. It combines rich learning experience with the latest pedagogical research. Follow lively characters through exciting adventures as they guide the learner through a rigorous English syllabus towards B1, with authentic CLIL content, creative projects and extensive skills practice. Much more than an English course, Super Minds 2nd Edition is aligned to Cambridge Life Competencies, with a particular focus on developing critical and creative thinking skills, helping to create curious and ... |
Tom and Holly take part in the school play. They try on their costumes and issue invitations to the family. Then the big day arrives. "Macmillan English Explorers" is an eight-level reading scheme written specifically for young learners of English. They bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons in international classrooms. Informed by the National Literacy Strategy and by teaching methodology for first language speakers of English, "Macmillan Explorers" is supported by an understanding of the needs of young learners and teachers of English. ... |
Super Minds Second Edition is a thoroughly updated and enhanced new edition of a much-loved English course from this renowned author team. It combines a rich learning experience with the latest pedagogical research. Accompany your students on exciting adventures with the intrepid characters, as they enjoy creative projects, authentic CLIL content, and the flexibility of the extensive skills practice, whilst working towards B1 level. Aligned to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, Super Minds 2nd Edition has a particular focus on developing critical and creative thinking skills, helping to create curious and ... |
Учебното помагало е създадено по програмата на Министерството на образованието и науката за профилирано обучение по испански език в 11. и 12. клас за постигане на ниво B2, модули Езикът чрез литературата и Култура и междукултурно общуване. Помагалото съдържа две части. В първата са застъпени откъси или цели произведения на автори от Испания, а втората съдържа откъси или цели произведения на писателите, представители на литературата на Испаноамерика. В много от материалите има линкове към видеа, които да се ползват при задачите. Структурата е следната: Antes de leer - подготвителни дейности, свързани с авторите, ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Illustrator: Davide Ortu. ... Kit can’t STAND reading, She’d MUCH rather be outside, playing games and getting muddy, than stuck inside with a book. But when she’s dragged along to the library one day by her two best friends, she makes an incredible discovery - and soon it’s up to Kit and her friends to save the library.... and the world. ... |
Cambridge Primary Path is an English language and literacy course that will help young learners become articulate writers and speakers of English, empowering them to make the most of life's opportunities. Through its three essential pillars, Cambridge Primary Path offers a truly effective approach to learning. The comprehensive literacy-based approach ensures students receive essential language support alongside literacy training so they become fully literate in English. The groundbreaking research-based oracy framework enables students to become confident, collaborative speakers. The creativity principles encourage ... |
With 100 flaps to lift. ... The book contains: What does your brain do? How do muscles work? What are your lungs for? Why do you need bones? From bones to blood and brains to brawn, there`s much to explore inside your body. lift the flaps to find out how all these parts join together to make one amazing person and you. Illustrated by Kate Leake. Designed by Helen Lee. ... |
As the sun rises, a legend begins... ... Clark Kent has always been faster, stronger, better than everyone around him. He knows drawing attention to himself could be dangerous but lately it's difficult to stay in the shadows. A dark secret is lurking in Smallville and he's not the only one hiding something. With his best friend, Lana Lang, at his side, Clark is determined to discover what evil lies below the surface of their small town. But there are secrets in Clark's past that threaten to destroy the future Man of Steel. Before he can save the world, he must save Smallville. ... |
Packed with doodles and cartoons, this is the wry, witty and very funny diary of Norse god Loki and the trials of being trapped on Earth as a weedy eleven-year-old boy. After one prank too many, trickster god Loki is banished to live as a "normal" school boy. If he can show moral improvement within one month, then Loki can return to Asgard... and if he can't? Then it's eternity in a pit of angry snakes. To keep track of his progress, Odin has handed over this magical diary in which Loki is forced to confess the truth. (Even when that truth is as ugly as a naked mole-rat.) As if moral improvement and ... |
Поредицата от книжки за четене "Pepa Villa, taxista en Barcelona" запознава с разговорния испански език. Изданията са подходящи за учащите над 18 г. и покриват нивата от A1 до B2. Без да цензурира жаргоните от ежедневието, всяка книжка проследява историята на младата жена Пепа Вила, която е таксиметров шофьор в Барселона. Кратките текстове описват забавните ситуации, в които Пепа постоянно се забърква. Те бързо грабват интереса на читателя и по достъпен начин представят особеностите на разговорния испански. В края на книжките има обяснителни бележки, които осигуряват поглед върху културата на Испания и описват ... |
Двуезично издание на немски и английски език. ... Ferien in London! Britta soll die Ferien bei ihrer Tante verbringen - ganz allein, ohne ihren Vater. Ein bisschen mulmig ist ihr schon dabei. Aber dann schlittert sie zusammen mit ihrem Cousin Christopher unversehens in ein spannendes Abenteuer. Fesselnd von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite – Krimi-Spaß auf Englisch für Jungen und Mädchen! Die englische Lekture ist zweisprachig gehalten und eignet sich fur Kinder ab 10 Jahren. Die Dialoge sind auf Englisch geschrieben, die Geschichte aber in Deutsch - das erleichtert das Verstandnis, ohne den Lesefluss zu ... |
Двуезично издание на немски и английски език. ... Britta fahrt mit ihrer Tante und ihren Cousins zu den Highland Games nach Schottland in ein Schlosshotel. Sie ist die Erste, die es hort: ein unheimliches Gerausch, das aus den Tiefen unter dem Schloss zu kommen scheint. Unerschrocken geht sie der Sache auf den Grund... Ein Kinderkrimi in der Sprachkombi Englisch und Deutsch aus der Reihe "Krimis fur Kids". Spannende Storys von Jugendbuchautoren geschrieben. Auf Deutsch erzahlte Geschichten mit englischen Dialogen. Kurze Kapitel fur den schnellen Erfolg und keine langen Vokabellisten, sondern kleine ... |