Be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity. From the time we learn to speak, we're told that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. When you become a manager, it's your job to say it-and your obligation. Author Kim Scott was an executive at Google and then Apple, where she worked with a team to develop a class on how to be a good boss. What emerged was her vital new approach to effective management, Radical Candor. Radical Candor is a simple idea: to be a good boss, you have to Care Personally at the same time that you Challenge Directly. When you challenge without caring ... |
Uncover the sidesplitting life of cucumber scaredy-cats, non-stop pooping hamsters, exploding fish and everything in-between (and some things that have nothing to do with pets but are still ridiculously funny). This hilarious book answers all the big questions, like: do sausage dogs eat sausages? Why has my cat done a poo behind my wardrobe? And how can I persuade my parents to get me a pet? For real-life pet facts, imaginary stories, and a generally laugh-so-hard-snot-comes-out-your-nose read, this is the only pet book you'll ever need! Written by the outstanding children's comedian James Campbell, prepare ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
21 начина да избегнете пилеенето на време и да вършите повече по-бързо. ... Никога няма да имате време да свършите всичко, което сте набелязали за вършене! Затова успелите хора се фокусират върху най-важните си цели и ги осъществяват до край. Изяж жабата! ви дава 21 безценни и проверени в практиката начина как и вие да постигнете същата ефективност и да поемете по пътя на неограничените възможности. Тук и сега! Брайън Трейси синтезира най-добрите идеи за управление на времето и ги поднася с неподражаемия си стил, превърнал се в негова запазена марка. Ще се научите да организирате деня си така, че да вършите повече по- ... |
Easy-to-follow, practical activities help young learners develop digital literacy - learning to do useful things with computers - as well as how to plan screentime and stay safe online. Lively illustrations keep readers engaged and wipe-clean pages mean the activities can be repeated again and again. ... |
Наоми не просто е избягала от сватбата си. Тя е дошла на помощ на своята близначка в малкото градче Нокъмаут, където жителите уреждат споровете си по старомодния начин - с юмруци и бира. Обикновено в тази последователност. Но за нещастие, безотговорната ѝ близначка Тина изобщо не се е променила и изчезва без предупреждение, задигайки вещите ѝ. Наоми се оказва без пари, кола и работа в непознатото градче, но за сметка на това се сдобива с нещо неочаквано - с грижата за единайсетгодишна племенница, за чието съществуване дори не е подозирала. Нокс е лошото момче на Нокъмаут и предпочита живота си точно както ... |
Пуф-паф! Минава влак. Бип-бип! Карам кола. Подай пръстче и надникни през отворите. Картонената книжка с пъстри картинки и опростен текст, помага на най-малките деца да научават и назовават някои от най-често срещаните превозни средства - автобус, колело, влак, тротинетка и други. Допълнителните отвори ще предизвикат децата да произнасят първите си думи, да откриват още повече неща и да се забавляват. Превозните средства е част от поредицата Първата ми книжка от Матю Олдам. Илюстрации: Тони Нийл. ... |
Straight people should have to come out too. And the more awkward it is, the better. Simon Spier is sixteen and trying to work out who he is - and what he's looking for. But when one of his emails to the very distracting Blue falls into the wrong hands, things get all kinds of complicated. Because, for Simon, falling for Blue is a big deal... It's a holy freaking huge awesome deal."The love child of John Green and Rainbow Rowell." Teen Vogue ... |
Оцветяването на мандали (рисунки в кръг) е любимо занимание на децата от цял свят. В тази книга то е комбинирано със задачи за децата от 1. и 2. клас за упражняване на действията събиране и изваждане до 20 без и с преминаване. Книгата е част от поредицата Докато играеш, можеш всичко да узнаеш! на издателство Фют. ... |
Based on the story of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text adaptation by Susan Kingsley. ... "You said that you wanted danger, didn't you?" says McArdle, the editor of the Daily Gazette. And he sends his young reporter, Malone, on a strange journey into South America with the famous Professor Challenger. Challenger believes he can find a lost world full of dinosaurs in the middle of the Amazon forest. But this world is dangerous to reach, and, once the Professor and his small group of explorers arrive, things get even more dangerous for them. Will they return alive? Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive ... |
A heart-warming series about friendship, compassion and finding your kindred spirits. When two strangers meet at a party and realise they both feel different from everyone else there, they start the "The Sad Ghost Club" - a secret society for the anxious and alone, a club for people who think they don't belong. But when a third ghost wants to join the club, things get a bit more complicated. Can the two ghosts overcome their insecurities and uncertainties in their new friendship, and find a way to welcome new members to the club? Stunningly illustrated, this is Volume 2 in a new graphic novel series, for ... |
This gorgeous paperback bind-up includes "Shadow Me" and "Reveal Me", the third and fourth novellas in the series, both in print for the first time ever. ... In "Shadow Me", Juliette is still reeling from Warner's betrayal, and Kenji is trying to balance his friendship with her with his responsibilities as a leader of the resistance against the Reestablishment. Things get even more interesting when an unexpected person from Omega Point's past surfaces. Reveal Me brings readers back to the Shatter Me world one last time before the final novel installment in the series hits shelves in ... |
The first official Stranger Things novel. Before the Demogorgon... before the Mind Flayer... terror wore a human face. ... A mysterious lab. A sinister scientist. A secret history. If you think you know the truth behind Eleven’s mother, prepare to have your mind turned Upside Down. It's the summer of 1969. The world is changing, and Terry Ives isn't content to watch from the sidelines. When word gets around about an important government experiment, she signs on as a test subject. But behind the walls of Hawkins National Laboratory - and the piercing gaze of its director, Dr. Martin Brenner - lurks a dark ... |