Over 200 paintings, sculptures, photographs, and conceptual pieces trace the story of modern art's innovation and adventure. With explanatory texts for each work, and essays introducing each of the major modern movements, this is an authoritative overview of the ideas and the artworks that shook up standards, assaulted the establishment, and trailblazed new ideas. A blow-by-blow account of groundbreaking modernism. Most art historians agree that the modern art adventure first developed in the 1860s in Paris. A circle of painters, whom we now know as Impressionists, began painting pictures with rapid, loose brushwork. ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. ... Книгата е замислена като поредица от книги за малки и пораснали деца. Всяка книга от поредицата обхваща хронологично подредени периоди от изкуството. Началото е поставено с Праисторията. Следват приказки и игри за Асирия, Вавилон, Египет, Рим, Византия, Западното средновековие, Ренесанса, Барока, изкуството на XVII век, романтизма, реализма, класицизма и импресионизма. Поредицата обхваща и XX век с неговата пъстрота от стилове и личности. Всяка книжка съдържа една приказка, кратък, но образователен текст посветен на един исторически период, стил или епоха. Децата ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. ... Книгата е замислена като поредица от книги за малки и пораснали деца. Всяка книга от поредицата обхваща хронологично подредени периоди от изкуството. Началото е поставено с Праисторията. Следват приказки и игри за Асирия, Вавилон, Египет, Рим, Византия, Западното средновековие, Ренесанса, Барока, изкуството на XVII век, романтизма, реализма, класицизма и импресионизма. Поредицата обхваща и XX век с неговата пъстрота от стилове и личности. Всяка книжка съдържа една приказка, кратък, но образователен текст посветен на един исторически период, стил или епоха. Децата ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. ... Книгата е замислена като поредица от книги за малки и пораснали деца. Всяка книга от поредицата обхваща хронологично подредени периоди от изкуството. Началото е поставено с Праисторията. Следват приказки и игри за Асирия, Вавилон, Египет, Рим, Византия, Западното средновековие, Ренесанса, Барока, изкуството на XVII век, романтизма, реализма, класицизма и импресионизма. Поредицата обхваща и XX век с неговата пъстрота от стилове и личности. Всяка книжка съдържа една приказка, кратък, но образователен текст посветен на един исторически период, стил или епоха. Децата ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. Художник на 3D макета: Константин Марков. ... Книгата е замислена като поредица от книги за малки и пораснали деца. "История на изкуството в приказки и игри - книга 4" е посветена на Древна Елада. Това е една "жива" книжка. Тя е част от поредица, която диша, расте и се развива заедно със своята художничка и авторка - Елена Маркова. Наслаждавайте се на тази книга. Тя съдържа игри, диск и 3D макет на гръцки храм, което ви позволява да се потопите истински във времето на древна Елада. Радвайте се на всеки пълноценно изживян миг и носете късчета приказно ... |
One of the most accomplished human beings who ever lived, Leonardo da Vinci remains the quintessential Renaissance genius. Creator of the world’s most famous paintings, this scientist, artist, philosopher, inventor, builder, and mechanic epitomized the great flowering of human consciousness that marks his era. "Leonardo da Vinci. The Graphic Work" features top-quality reproductions of 663 of Leonardo's drawings, more than half of which reside in the Royal Collection of Windsor Castle. From anatomical studies to architectural plans, from complex engineering designs to pudgy infant portraits, delve in and ... |
In endless odes to the female form, Amedeo Modigliani (1884 - 1920) traced elongated bodies, almond eyes, and his own name into art history. His languid female subjects are as instantly recognizable as they are startling, sensual, and swan-necked. Modigliani's unique figuration corresponded to his own personal idea of beauty, but drew upon a rich variety of visual influences, including contemporary Cubism, African carvings, Cambodian sculptures, and 13th-century painting from his native Italy. Although most renowned for his nude females, he applied similar stylistic techniques to portraits of male artistic ... |
With motion and machines as its most treasured tropes, Futurism was founded in 1909 by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, along with painters Giacomo Balla, Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carrà, and Gino Severini. With affiliate painters, sculptors, designers, architects, and writers, the group sought to subsume the dusty establishment into a new age of sleek, strong, purified modernity. Futurism's place in art history is as ambivalent as it is important. The movement pioneered revolutionary methods to convey movement, light, and speed, but sparks controversy in its glorification of war and fascist politics. Their frenzied, ... |
Dedicated to the 60 th anniversary of Bulgaria`s accession to UNESCO. ... The basic thematic units in the volume include theoretical understandings related to the interpretation and maintenance of cultural heritage; sharing of innovative ideas for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage or of the preservation of tangible cultural heritage; as well as articles dedicated to pertinent problems of the representation of cultural heritage in a museum and archival environment together with the national and regional experience in the implementation of cultural policies. During the conference the problems of tangible and ... |
Rembrandt van Rijn (1606 - 1669) never left his homeland of the Netherlands but in his massive body of painting, drawing, and etching, he changed the course of Western art. His prolific oeuvre encompasses religious, historical, and secular scenes, as well as one of the most extraordinary series of portraits and self-portraits in history. Rembrandt's work foregrounds texture, light, and acute observation. Like sudden, startling apparitions in a shadowy street, his subjects are illuminated against deep, dark backgrounds and rendered with immense physical as well as psychological scrutiny. Whether biblical or ... |
Though numbering just 35 known works, the œuvre of Johannes Vermeer (1632 - 1675) is hailed as one of the most important and inspiring portfolios in art history. His paintings have prompted a New York Times bestseller, a film starring Scarlett Johansson, and record visitor numbers at art institutions from Amsterdam to Washington. Vermeer's subjects focus on daily domestic activities, from letter writing to music playing to preparations in the kitchen. The scenes astound with their meticulous detail, majestic planes of light, and with Vermeer’s extraordinary ability to draw out narrative intrigues. In such ... |
Vincent van Gogh's story is one of the most ironic in art history. Today, he is celebrated the world over as one of the most important painters of all time, recognized with sell-out shows, feted museums, and record prices of tens of millions of dollars at auction. Yet as he was painting the canvases that would subsequently become these sell-out modern masterpieces, van Gogh was battling not only the disinterest of his contemporary audiences but also devastating bouts of mental illness, with episodes of depression and paralyzing anxiety which would eventually claim his life in 1890, when he committed suicide shortly ... |