Учебникът по английски език Solutions - Elementary е изпълнен с интересни текстове и теми, подходящи за тийнейджъри, които ще ангажират вниманието на учащите. Уроците в учебника са структурирани по ясен и прегледен начин, което улеснява използването му. Акцентът на всеки урок е разположен в горната част на страницата, последван от целите на упражнението, за да помогне на учениците да виждат към какво се стремят. Учебната система е разработена така, че да подтиква към участие в учебния процес чрез говорене, писане и практически упражнения, осигурявайки постигането на отлични успехи. В учебника са поместени упражнения, ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Twelve-year-old Jim Hawkins sails with the Squire Trelawney to search for Captain Flint's treasure. But Long John Silver is on board The Hispaniola and he and his friends want the treasure for themselves. The story of Jim's adventure has been popular with young readers since it was first published in 1883. ... |
Based on the television series "Dawson's Creek", created by Kevin Williamson, this book is a specially retold version by F. H. Cornish. ... Joey, Dawson, Pacey and Jen - four teenagers living in the small town of Capeside. The friends attend the same high school. And they have the same problems - life, love, school work and parents. Winter in Capeside. Jen invites Joey, Pacey and Dowson to her parents' cabin in the mountains. It will be a great weekend. They will meet new friends and go skiing and snowboarding. But then... Joey meets lots of new boys. Jen is worried about her parents and she goes to ... |
Учебникът "Insight - Elementary" на издателство "Oxford University Press" съдържа поредица от информационно наситени текстове, съпътствани от интересни дейности и задачи, които мотивират учащите да изразяват своето мнение и да мислят критично към света, в който живеят. "Insight" помага на учениците да усъвършенстват разбирането си за това как работи езикът. Материалите в урочните единици разглеждат не само речниковите значения на думите, но и граматичните правила, които определят тяхното използване. По този начин се предоставя възможност на учащите да използват езика с по-голяма увереност. ... |
It is winter. It is raining and Tom is bored. He hates working in the library. He wants to be an artist and a photographer. But he failed his exams. So he can't go to art college. Then door of the library opens ans a girl walks in. A beautiful girl in a red coat. She smiles at him - and Tom falls in love. This book is in British English and here you can find a story, points for understanding comprehension questions. Free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheets at www.macmillanreaders.com. ... |
"The woman looked around my office. She looked at the old furniture and the dirty windows. She looked at the broken blind and the plastic coffee cups in the waste bin. Then she looked at me. I wasn't looking good. I hadn't shaved. And may suit and hair were untidy. The woman didn't speak. Suddenly, she took a handkerchief out of her bag. She wiped the dust from the chair and she sat down. – Mr. Samuel - she said. – I saw your name and address in the telephone book. Are you cheap? And are you a good detective? – I'm not good - I replied. – I'm the best. The best private detective in Los Angeles.& ... |
"Tales of Horror" is an adapted Elementary Level reader written by Bram Stoker. This book consists of three short stories that are strange and frightening. The stories are "The Judge's House", "The Iron Maiden" and "The Return of Abel Behena". This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and vocabulary exercise; points for understanding comprehension questions; free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheets at www.macmillanreaders.com. The book is two versions available: book + audio download (You have to buy these ... |
Each Student's Book provides 12 topical units with familiar Headway structure and integrated skills methodology. New vibrant photography unit openers use questions to engage learners with the unit topic and video introductions provide overviews of the content included. New and updated reading texts focus on topics and themes that students can relate to and demonstrate a specific language point. Access codes in the front of the Student's Books provide learners with 30 hours of Online Practice per level here. Online Practice lets students look again at Student's Book language they want to revise or they missed ... |
The Elementary Workbook can be used alongside the Student's Book and offers additional consolidation activities. Downloadable audio and the Workbook vox pop video is available on Cambridge One. Учебната тетрадка без отговори е с 88 стр., а тази с отговори - 96 стр. Учебната система по английски език Empower - ниво Elementary (A2) се състои от: учебник учебна тетрадка книга за учителя комплект Combo A комплект Combo B Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ... |
Workbook: Provides additional activities for further practice that are specifically tailored to fit with the Student's Book content; Includes extension activities with extra grammar and vocabulary exercises related to the unit topic to extend learning; Everyday English tasks present further opportunities to practice relevant, real life English; Review sections allow students to test themselves and to see how much they can remember. The answer key allows students to check their own answers and review their progress. Тетрадката се предлага в два варианта: с отговори - 96 стр. без отговори - 88 стр. ... |
Workbook: Further lesson-by-lesson practice of the material taught in class; More listening practice, with the audio available to download from the Student's Website; Vocab Boost! Provides vocabulary learning tips and activities to support students and encourage autonomous learning; Unit Reviews to develop students' awareness of their progress; Self-evaluation Self-checks with I can... statements at the end of every Unit Review to promote conscious learner development; Exam Skills Trainers to practise and prepare for exams including practise of exam techniques and tasks; New Cumulative Reviews consolidate ... |
Student's Book: Nine units per Student Book, each with eight lessons; A broad range of lesson types focusing on key skills, including vocabulary, grammar, reading, speaking, and writing, all with 100% new content; New listening and word skills lessons help develop confident communicators; Exam skills trainer sections prepare students for typical school-leaving/Cambridge tasks, and provide them with the language, strategies, and exam skills they need to achieve success; Extra speaking task sections provide additional opportunities for speaking practice; Grammar builder pages with each unit provide extra ... |