Учебната тетрадка Tiger Time for Bulgaria за 2. клас от световноизвестните автори Carol Read и Mark Ormerod е предназначена за практическо прилагане на новите знания и умения, придобити при работата с учебника. В комплекта са включени и допълнителни материали за изрязване, оцветяване, лепене, които да спомогнат за по-занимателно прилагане на новите знания или за ползване при драматизации и работа по групи. Стикерите за залепване са поставени с средните 2 страници на тетрадката. Учебната тетрадка не е с включени отговори и е подходяща за работа в клас. Учебната система Tiger Time for Bulgaria: позволява гъвкавост ... |
Illustrated by Julia Pearson. ... "Anna opened carriage door and stepped down onto the platform. The wind and snow swirled around her and she took a deep breath of the freezing air. The storm was very powerful now. She took another deep breath and turned to go back into the train. As she turned, she saw Vronsky standing on the platform before her. He bowed to her and said a few words which she could not hear. All the time, he looked at her with the same expression - one of complete love. She was overcome by a feeling of great joy. "I did not know that you were travelling. Why are you coming to Petersburg?" ... |
Illustrated by Matilda Harrison. ... Xuma is from the north. He comes to live in Malay Camp, a township near Johannesburg, so that he can work in the mine. The job is very hard but Xuma is strong and learns quickly. Xuma is lonely in Malay Camp. He desperately wants Eliza's love but she wants the comforts of a white man's life. Xuma cannot give her these things, for he is black. Maisy is a simple, happy girl. She loves Xuma very much. Will Xuma overcome his desire for Eliza and accept Maisy's love? This book is in British English. Here you can find: points for understanding comprehension questions; ... |
Illustrations by Gay Glasworthy. ... The weather was terribly hot. Hot winds blew and the air was full of red dust. But everyone knew that the hottest weather came before the rain. In September the rain clouds would gather. But September came and there were no rain clouds in the sky. At the cattle posts, far out in the bush, the wells began to dry up and the cattle began to die... This book is in British English. Here you can find: points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult vocabulary; free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheet at www.macmillanreaders.com. ... |
Illustrated by Fausto Bianchi and Martin Sanders. ... "Ahab looked over the side of the boat and stared into the water. At first he saw only a white spot under the sea, but it grew bigger as it grew nearer to the surface of the water. Suddenly, Ahab could see two long rows of sharp teeth. It was Moby Dick's open mouth!" From the Book When Ishmael and his friend join the crew of the whaling ship the Pequod, they are unaware that its captain, the mysterious Ahab, is out for revenge. His plan is to pursue and kill the vicious white whale, Moby Dick, and no one can stop him! This book is in American English. ... |
Illustrated by Roberto Tomei. ... "The rain was still falling against the windows and the wind was blowing strongly. Inside the library, there was silence. Dorothea sat down on a couch in the middle of the room. Will sat down beside her and help her hand. "Oh, it is impossible!" Will cried. "We love each other, but we can never be married!" From the Book "Middlemarch" is George Eliot 's classic story of the lives and loves of people living in a small English town. The idealistic Dorothea, unhappy and bored with her marriage, begins a sensitive friendship with her husband's ... |
Illustrated by Kay Dixie. ... "Your mother, Esther, was your disgrace and you are hers." These words were Esther's earliest memory. But who was Esther's mother? What was the disgrace? And why did the ghost walk at Chesney Wold? This book is in British English. Here you can find: points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult vocabulary; list of titles at upper level; free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheet at www.macmillanreaders.com. ... |
Illustrated by Kay Dixie. ... "I am afraid", said Miss Morstan. "What should I do, Mr. Holmes?" Holmes jumped up excitedly. "We shall go tonight to the Lyceum Theatre - the three of us - you and I and Doctor Watson. We'll meet your unknown friend. And we'll try to solve the mystery." From the Book This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and vocabulary exercises; points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult vocabulary; free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheet at www.macmillanreaders.com. There are ... |
Изданието е на британски английски (British English). ... "Student's book pack" includes: print student's book + webcode access to "Student's Resource Center" including extra downloadable video worksheets, class audio MP3s and DVD with video. "Open Mind Elementary" is a ground-breaking six-level general English course for adults which targets their language needs and provides them with the professional, academic and personal skills they need for success in the 21st century. The key features of the series are: life skills - higher-order skills such as critical thinking, ... |
"Horses. Mr Carter's Plan" is a Level 6 reader. Its fun and informative subject matter will capture a child's interest in reading and learning English while reinforcing the basic structures and vocabulary found in most primary courses. Activities pages and picture dictionary can be found at the back of each reader. The book can be used as supplementary reading material with any primary course. The "Macmillan Children's Readers" series offers simplified English reading. The series is divided into six levels. The series brings children real and imaginary stories to arouse their interest. The ... |
Учебната система Tiger Time for Bulgaria позволява гъвкавост в методите на преподаване чрез наличния Presentation Kit, който улеснява визуализирането на съдържанието и помага за концентрацията на учениците. Tiger помага за изграждането на основните морални ценности на учениците. Чрез CLIL модулите, които са включени във всеки урок, учениците научават за световната култура и здравословния начин на живот. Всеки урок завършва с преговор на учебното съдържание с дейности, които са приятни за учениците. Учебната система Tiger Time for Bulgaria за 4. клас по английски език се състои от: учебник работна тетрадка 3 ... |
"Kino quickly pushed his knife into the shell. The shell tried to close, but Kino pushed hard and the shell fell open. The flesh of the oyster moved, then was still. Kino lifted the flesh and there lay a great pearl. The sunlight fell on the pearl and made it shine like silver. It was the largest pearl in the world." From the Book Kino and Juana are poor, and their difficulties are made worse when their baby son is bitten by a scorpion. When Kino finds a large pearl, they believe their prayers have been answered and that they will be able to buy medical help. But the pearl brings only greed and violence... ... |