A graphic exploration of how our brains work with other brains. Professors and husband-and-wife team Uta and Chris Frith have pioneered major studies of brain disorders throughout their nearly fifty-year career. Here, in this pleasing mix of wonder, genial humor, and humility, they tell the compelling story of the birth of neuroscience and their paradigm-shifting discoveries across areas as wide-ranging as autism and schizophrenia research, and new frontiers of social cognition including diversity, prejudice, confidence, collaboration, and empathy. Working with their son Alex Frith and artist Daniel Locke, the Friths ... |
Предизвикателствата от екипната работа могат да ви научат на много ценни уроци в живота. Те са скрити и нямат определен ред, в който трябва да ги изтривате, с изключение на последното. Него изтрийте накрая. Книгата включва 31 забавни скреч предизвикателства за тийм билдинг. До всяко едно от тях има символ, който ще ви подсказва, дали е необходима предварителна подготовка и къде може да бъде изпълнено - в офиса или извън него. Може да пречупите предизвикателствата през вашата призма, бъдете креативни може да изключите или да добавете нещо от себе си."Тази книга ще ви помогне да изградите по-стабилна връзка с колегите ... |
A TV meteorologist and a sports reporter scheme to reunite their divorced bosses with unforecasted results in this electrifying romance from the author of "The Ex Talk". Ari Abrams has always been fascinated by the weather, and she loves almost everything about her job as a TV meteorologist. Her boss, legendary Seattle weatherwoman Torrance Hale, is too distracted by her tempestuous relationship with her ex-husband, the station's news director, to give Ari the mentorship she wants. Ari, who runs on sunshine and optimism, is at her wits' end. The only person who seems to understand how she feels is sweet ... |
A magical secret. A mythical hunt. And a love that could risk everything. In the dark, gothic town of Wickdon, Maggie Welty lives in an old creaking manor. Maggie's mother is an alchemist who has recently left town, leaving Maggie with just her bloodhound for company. But when Maggie spots a legendary ancient fox-creature on her porch, her fate is changed forever. Whoever tracks down and kills the hala in the Halfmoon Hunt will earn fame and riches - and if Maggie wins the hunt, she knows her mother will want to celebrate her. This is her chance to bring her home. But the rules state that only teams of two can join ... |
Don't let love pull you under. For fans of Nina LaCour and "The Spectacular Now", a powerful coming-of-age story about a girl with creative aspirations and the boy who charms his way into her life, centering on themes of addiction, loss, and the tumultuousness of first love and how to find strength when everything falls apart. Ever since her mom's cancer scare, Hadley hasn't been one for taking risks. And after seeing her sister go through one too many heartbreaks, she definitely has no interest in dating. Hadley just wants to keep her head down and enjoy the rest of high school with her friends, ... |
Be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity. From the time we learn to speak, we're told that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. When you become a manager, it's your job to say it-and your obligation. Author Kim Scott was an executive at Google and then Apple, where she worked with a team to develop a class on how to be a good boss. What emerged was her vital new approach to effective management, Radical Candor. Radical Candor is a simple idea: to be a good boss, you have to Care Personally at the same time that you Challenge Directly. When you challenge without caring ... |
Списание "360 градуса" обобщава най-интересното в света на приключенията и пътешествията, без да загърбва важните каузи на нашето време. Преглед на най-стойностното в света на екстремното: парапланер, алпинизъм, планинско колоездене, скейт, сърф, зимен фрирайд, както и градска и аутдоор култура. Специално място е отделено на алпиниста Людмил Янков и написаните преди трагичната му смърт през 1988 г. страници. Важен е погледът и към пожарите през изминалото лято и случващото се на Витоша, както и акциите с кауза, които през последните години промениха представите за гражданското общество в България. И още: ... |
A gripping new romance from the team that brought you New York Times bestseller "Five Feet Apart". Can you find true love after losing everything? Kyle and Kimberly have been the perfect couple all through high school, but when Kimberly breaks up with him on the night of their graduation party, Kyle's entire world upends - literally. Their car crashes and when he awakes, he has a brain injury. Kimberly is dead. And no one in his life could possibly understand. Until Marley. Marley is suffering from her own loss, a loss she thinks was her fault. As Kyle and Marley work to heal each other's wounds, ... |
Compiler: Neli Miteva. ... This book follows the process in the search for personal identity in Bulgarian fashion design through the three conceptual exhibition projects "XXSOFIA", "1.5 km of...", and "STATIONS". The garment is seen as a specific connection of the individual with its environment ("XXSOFIA"), as a visual commentary on the concept of "distance", its duration, length or transience ("1.5 km of..."), or as an interpretation of the global trend multilocalism through the study of our identity created through the experience collected by living in ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Картичката-таг на "Gespansterwald" е изработена от качествена хартия с атрактивен дизайн - сърце с надпис "Together is our favorite place to be" на розов фон. Подходяща е за подарък на любим човек за Свети Валентин, сватба, годишнина, проекти, изработени със смесена техника, скрапбукинг или като етикет за подаръци. Картичката има възможност да бъде пробита и с помощта на панделки да бъде закрепена към подаръчна торбичка или кутия. По този начин ще остане като висящ сувенир. Картичката-таг е с размери 10.9 / 16.1 / 0.15 cm, с включен плик. ... |
Книжката е част от серията C-More, в която ще откриете още бебешки продукти по темата. ... Меката книжка Dream Team от BabyOno ще привлече вниманието на вашето бебе със своите пъстри страници. Благодарение на различните текстури, тя ще забавлява детето, докато то развива своите сетива и когнитивни умения. Книжката е направена с ясни и контрастни цветове, които развиват зрението, въображението и способността за концентрация, а 3D елементите и лентите в страничната част насърчават детето да ги докосва и стиска, спомагайки за развитието на неговите двигателни умения. Предвидено е и безопасно огледалце, с което детето да ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Ikuko goes to England to study English, promising her boyfriend Hiroshi she will return to Japan to marry him. However, in Birmingham Ikuko discovers a whole new world and falls in love with another overseas student. Ikuko's journey across the world not only teaches her about different ways of life but also becomes a voyage of self-discovery. ... |