Chief Inspector Morse and Sergeant Lewis went into the house. Inside the sitting-room, the light was still switched on and a gas fire was burning. The dead body of a young man was lying on the carpet, in front of the fire. Near the body, on a small table, stood a bottle of sherry and a wine glass. The bottle almost full, the glass was almost empty. Morse smelt the sherry which was left in the glass. "This smells like cyanide, Lewis", he said. "This man was probably poisoned." From the Book This book is in British English. Here you can find: notes about this story; points for understanding ... |
"Angelina Sorensen writes with refreshing sense of humor, with light and slightly ironic take of the things in life. While I was reading the stories of Coupling and Uncoupling, I was reminded about the words of the song The Smile: With a light thread the smile ties one person to another..." Mihail Veshim, Chief Editor of Starshel newspaper "The book of Angelina Sorensen is a dialog with the intelligent reader, an awakening of his emotional memory, an invitation for spiritual interaction. It is very rare to find something like it in our nervous, hurried world nowadays. Rumen Belchev, Chief Manager and ... |
About 4000 years ago the lands of modern Bulgaria were inhabited by people who built fortifications and cities, buried their dead in monumental tombs, drank wine from gold and silver cups, and warred, traded and did politics with the ancient Greeks and Romans, with the Persians, the Scythians and the ancient Macedonians. Who were these people? What do we know about them? This book will take you to all of the sites related to Thracians, a mysterious nation that had no written language but that left behind a lot of marvelous heritage. It will guide you from their rock niches in the Rhodope to the richly decorated royal ... |
Английско-Български разговорник. ... With free audio in You tube. The phrase book is designed for quick-reference to help you make the most of your stay in Bulgaria. The book covers topics likely to be useful in a range of practical situations, arranged alphabetically. A subject index in English is found on page 151. ... |
"This book isn’t only about sugar-free, allergen-free cooking and baking. It’s about sharing the recipes that I love and use all the time. Recipes that can be more flexible, to incorporate local produce or adapt to different dietary needs. Some of these recipes are family traditions or meant for special occasions, and some are much newer, but they are recipes that I come back to time after time. This is our story told from a place we all love at home - the kitchen. My advice is to not be afraid experimenting. Once in a while, you may have to start over, but more likely you’ll come up with something different and ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Magic has enchanted humankind for millennia, evoking terror, laughter, shock, and amazement. Once persecuted as heretics and sorcerers, magicians have always been conduits to a parallel universe of limitless possibility-whether invoking spirits, reading minds, or inverting the laws of nature by sleight of hand. Long before science fiction, virtual realities, video games, and the Internet, the craft of magic was the most powerful fantasy world man had ever known. As the pioneers of special effects throughout history, magicians have never ceased to mystify us by making the impossible possible. This book celebrates more ... |
Ако вашето дете обича да оцветява то книжката от "Galt" е чудесен подарък за него. Тя съдържа 12 картинки, които малчуганът може да прекопира, а след това да оцвети. Преди всяка страница има прозрачна хартия с помощта, на която детето ще може да прекопира картинките. Книжката е формат А4 и е подходяща за деца над 5 годишна възраст. За да оцветите тази книжка препоръчваме да използвате моливи или пастели, за да избегнете цветовете да се отбележат на другата страница. ... |
Did you miss him? Admit it, you missed him. The demon that terrorized Gravity Falls is back from the great beyond to finally tell his side of the story in The Book of Bill, written by none other than Bill Cipher himself. Inside, Bill sheds light on his bizarre origins, his sinister effects on human history, the Pines family's most embarrassing secrets, and the key to overthrowing the world (laid out in a handy step-by-step guide). This chaotic and beautifully illustrated tome contains baffling riddles, uncrackable ciphers, lost Journal 3 pages, ways to cheat death, the meaning of life, and a whole chapter on Silly ... |
One summer. Two rivals. A plot twist they didn't see coming. Nora is a cut-throat literary agent at the top of her game. Her whole life is books. Charlie is an editor with a gift for creating bestsellers. And he's Nora's work nemesis. Nora has been through enough break-ups to know she's the woman men date before they find their happy-ever-after. That's why Nora's sister has persuaded her to swap her desk in the city for a month's holiday in Sunshine Falls, North Carolina. It's a small town straight out of a romance novel, but instead of meeting sexy lumberjacks, handsome doctors or cute ... |
Без претенции за реализъм и без изисквания за перфекционизъм - оцветявай както си искаш, с каквото си искаш. Време е почивка от изисквания, условия и задължения. Хващай флумастерите, маркерите, боите и пастелите и се шмугвай в листата на Bloom. В Bloom ще намериш 15 флорални илюстрации за оцветяване. За да си сигурен, че мастилото няма да пробие до долната страница, когато рисуваш в книгата - сложи резервен лист между страниците. Също така можеш да откъснеш всяка страница по перфорацията и да я оцветиш извън книгата. Или да я споделиш с другарче. А на гърба на някои има кратки послания. Просто така. За кураж. ... |
Изключи за момент. Подостри моливите, пусни си музика и просто рисувай. Оцветявай във, извън, около, над, под и върху линиите на FLow. Няма правила, а перфектното е надценено. Да живее креативният хаос. Във Flow ще намериш 15 абстрактни илюстрации за оцветяване. За да си сигурен, че мастилото няма да пробие до долната страница, когато рисуваш в книгата - сложи резервен лист между страниците. Също така можеш да откъснеш всяка страница по перфорацията и да я оцветиш извън книгата. Или да я споделиш с другарче. А на гърба на някои има кратки послания. Просто така. За кураж. Илюстрации: Елина Бучукова. За да оцветите тази ... |
Учебното помагало е предназначено за деца в предучилищна възраст или 1. клас. Книжката може да се ползва като помагало в курсове по английски език, както и за самостоятелна подготовка на деца в домашни условия. Помагало, подходящо за един въвеждащ, предварителен курс по ограмотяване преди започването на основния курс на обучение по английски език в началното училище. Предимства: в книжката се въвежда латинската азбука, както и ограничен брой думи (максимум 5) с всяка буква от азбуката, с които се илюстрират основните начини на изчитане на съответната буква; дадени са кратки текстчета за устно упражняване на буквите; ... |