От ефективност към съвършенство. ... Тази книга показва как като лидери и организации да открием посоката и да постигаме устойчиви резултати на прага между две епохи - индустриалната и ерата на знанието. Богатството премина от парите и вещите към хората, пише Стивън Кови. Затова от нивото на тяхното лидерство зависи успехът на всички инвестиции в бизнеса. "Меките" доскоро умения се превърнаха в най-твърдите умения в новото управление през 21-ви век. За да постигаме устойчив растеж, ефективността вече не стига. Повикът е за съвършенство (excellence или greatness). Кови показва как осъзнато да изберем и да ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Книга 1 от поредицата "Bulgarian Academic Monographs". ... The book is a comprehensive crystallogenetic overview on the morphology of minerals based on the authors’ original ideas. Current theories of crystal growth are briefly dealt with, attention being paid to the classical layer-by-layer and dislocation mechanisms. The modification of crystal forms of the most important rock-forming and ore-forming minerals, presented by their principal crystal habits, is checked by both observation in their natural occurrences and laboratory experiments. Crystal growth by accretion of clusters and/or submicroscopic ... |
This brilliant bag is stuffed full of wonderful Peppa stories that every fan with love! It includes the titles: Grandpa Pig's Lawnmower Peppa's Lunch Peppa's Painting Peppa's Pen Pal Peppa's School Project Rock Pools The Library The Museum The Power Cut The Time Capsule ... |
This brilliant bag is stuffed full of wonderful Peppa stories that every fan with love! It includes the titles: Daddy Pig's Lost Keys Miss Rabbit's Day Off Mr Bull in a China Shop Fancy Dress Party The Naughty Tortoise The Wishing Well Mr Fox's Shop Horsey Twinkle Toes A Trip to the Moon The Toy Cupboard ... |
Come join Peppa and her all her friends as they explore and play in this collection of ten books. It includes the titles: George and the Noisy Baby Grampy Rabbit In Space The Children's Fete Stars! Peppa Plays Basketball Peppa Meets the Queen George's Balloon The Rainbow Pedro's Pirate Treasure The Train Ride ... |
След като правят първите си стъпки на сцената на 13 юни 2013 г., през юни 2023 г. BTS отбелязват 10-ата годишнина от дебюта си. Издигнали се до върха като емблематични световни изпълнители, те поглеждат назад към пътя си дотук с тази първа официална книга. Така BTS подхранват силата да създават по-светли дни и избират да направят още една стъпка по път, по който никой друг не е минавал. BTS споделят лични истории иззад кулисите на своето пътешествие. Базирана е на интервюта, дадени пред Мьонг Сок Канг, който задълбочено отразява К-поп музиката и корейската популярна култура в различни медии. Представени в седем ... |
Действена стратегия за личностна промяна. ... Актуализирана и допълнена от Шон Кови. Седемте навика на високоефективните хора представя холистичен, интегриран, принципноцентриран подход за разрешаването на личните и професионални проблеми. Проницателно и интригуващо Стивън Кови разкрива последователен път към достигане на цялостен живот, изпълнен с честност, справедливост и човешко достойнство. Запознава ни с принципите, които дават сигурност, мъдрост и сила, откривайки ни нови възможности за промяна."Тази книга има дарбата да бъде необикновена, когато говори и за най-обикновените неща." Морган Скот Пек, ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... One of the first great spy novels, "The Riddle of the Sands" is set during the long, suspicious years leading up to the First World War. In spite of good prospects in the Foreign Office, sardonic civil servant Carruthers is finding it hard to endure the boredom of his life in London. He accepts an invitation from a college friend, Davies, a shyly intrepid yachtsman, and joins him on a sailing holiday in the Baltic, and there, amidst the sunshine and bright blue seas, they discover a German plot to invade England... Like much contemporary British ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Controversial and sexually charged, The Taming of the Shrew is possibly William Shakespeare's first play, and certainly among the most performed. Petruchio's courtship of the unwilling shrew Katherina poses the question: is it an examination of brute male domination or a passionate love story with a powerful moral message? To read it is to gain unique insight into a portrait of a marriage as created by a true master. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition is illustrated throughout by renowned artist Sir John Gilbert (1817 - 1897), and ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Strange things are going on at the Paris Opera House; a mysterious phantom - a skeleton in dinner dress - is wreaking havoc amongst the singers and backstage staff. But when new managers take over and dismiss the rumours of the Opera Ghost, the terror really begins. Who is the curious figure stalking the stage at night? How can he be in so many places at once, entering and leaving locked rooms at will? And what is his connection to the beautiful and talented young soloist, Christine? "The Phantom of the Opera" is perhaps best known for its many ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Shooting stars tear across the night sky, then a gigantic artificial cylinder descends from Mars to land near London. Inquisitive locals gather round, only to be struck down by a murderous Heat-Ray. Giant destructive machines disgorge from the cylinder, destroying everything in their path on a merciless march towards the capital. Can humanity survive this Martian onslaught? A gripping adventure written in semi-documentary style, "The War of the Worlds" by H. G. Wells is the seminal man versus machine adventure which has inspired countless ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... In "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", one of the best-known and best-loved poems in the English language, a grizzled old sailor stops a man on his way to a wedding and tells a terrifying story. He speaks of how he doomed the crew of his ship by shooting dead an albatross, awakened the wrath of ocean spirits, met Death himself, and must now walk the earth for ever and share his tragic tale of sin, guilt and - ultimately - redemption. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s longest major poem features ... |