The Grammar Goals Pupil's Book pack include a Pupil's Book and a CD-ROM. Each full colour Grammar Goals Pupil's Book has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice and writing development section and reference material. The Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities, that support the material covered in each unit. The visually appealing nature of the course ensures that grammar is presented in a child-friendly format that keeps pupils actively involved in learning the language form, function and meaning. The careful staging of the units provides three levels of challenge and success - ... |
The Grammar Goals Pupil's Book pack include a Pupil's Book and a CD-ROM. Each full colour Grammar Goals Pupil's Book has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice and writing development section and reference material. The Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities, that support the material covered in each unit. The visually appealing nature of the course ensures that grammar is presented in a child-friendly format that keeps pupils actively involved in learning the language form, function and meaning. The careful staging of the units provides three levels of challenge and success - ... |
The Grammar Goals Pupil's Book pack includes a Pupil's Book and a CD-ROM. Each full colour Grammar Goals Pupil's Book has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice and writing development section and reference material. The Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities, that support the material covered in each unit. The visually appealing nature of the course ensures that grammar is presented in a child-friendly format that keeps pupils actively involved in learning the language form, function and meaning. The careful staging of the units provides three levels of challenge and success ... |
The Grammar Goals Teacher's Book Pack includes the Teacher's Book and the Class Audio CD. The Teacher's Book has full lesson notes for every unit of the Pupil's Book, along with extra activities and photocopiable material. The Audio CD includes all the audio necessary and the webcode gives teachers access to a wealth of extra information. The visually appealing nature of the course ensures that grammar is presented in a child-friendly format that keeps pupils actively involved in learning the language form, function and meaning. The careful staging of the units provides three levels of challenge and ... |
The Grammar Goals Pupil's Book pack include a Pupil's Book and a CD-ROM. Each full colour Grammar Goals Pupil's Book has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice and writing development section and reference material. The Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities, that support the material covered in each unit. The visually appealing nature of the course ensures that grammar is presented in a child-friendly format that keeps pupils actively involved in learning the language form, function and meaning. The careful staging of the units provides three levels of challenge and success - ... |
The Grammar Goals Pupil's Book pack include a Pupil's Book and a CD-ROM. Each full colour Grammar Goals Pupil's Book has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice and writing development section and reference material. The Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities, that support the material covered in each unit. The visually appealing nature of the course ensures that grammar is presented in a child-friendly format that keeps pupils actively involved in learning the language form, function and meaning. The careful staging of the units provides three levels of challenge and success - ... |
The epic story of how a young social climber from Malaysia pulled off one of the biggest financial heists in history. In 2015, rumours began circulating that billions of dollars had been stolen from a Malaysian investment fund. The mastermind of the heist was twenty seven year old Jho Low, a serial fabulist from an upper-middle-class Malaysian family, who had carefully built his reputation as a member of the jet-setting elite by arranging and financing elaborate parties for Wall Street bankers, celebrities, and even royalty. With the aid of Goldman Sachs and others, Low stole billions of dollars, right under the nose of ... |
Защитете финансовото си бъдеще. Стратегии за личните финанси. ... "Наръчник за инвестиране в злато и сребро" разказва на читателите: Същината на историята за икономическите цикли, превръщаща златото и среброто във върховен монетарен стандарт Как американското правителство допринася за инфлацията, като разрежда паричните запаси и отслабва покупателната ни мощ Защо ценните метали са една от най-печелившите, най-лесните и най-безопасните инвестиции, която може да направите Къде, кога и как да влагате вашите пари и да осъществявате максимална възвръщаемост, независимо от състоянието на икономиката. Същностни ... |
The American Grammar Goals include a Pupil's Books 1 and a CD-ROM. The Pupil's Books has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice and writing development section and reference material. The American Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities, that support the material covered in each unit. The visually appealing nature of the course ensures that grammar is presented in a child-friendly format that keeps pupils actively involved in learning the language form, function and meaning. The careful staging of the units provides three levels of challenge and success - bronze, silver and gold - ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Между десетките пътища, които следва съвременния човек, пътят на война е най-малко познат. Може би и най-неправилно разбраният. Но със сигурност е най-вълнуващият. Дан Милман е шампион по гимнастика и следва в университета Бъркли в Калифорния. Живее един обикновен живот, лутайки се между своите амбиции, страхове и илюзии. Само че, още не го е осъзнал. Тази книга е опитът му да сподели с всички това уникално изживяване. Казват, че това е книгата, която "може да промени живота ви". И това не е пресилено. Откликът на читателите и техните коментари го доказват. Това е така, защото във всеки от нас живее един ... |
A Big History of Everything from the Big Bang to the first stars, to our solar system, life on Earth, dinosaurs, homo sapiens, agriculture, an ice age, empires, fossil fuels, a Moon landing and mass globalization. And what happens next... ... "I have long been a fan of David Christian. In "Origin Story", he elegantly weaves evidence and insights from many scientific and historical disciplines into a single, accessible historical narrative." Bill Gates Most historians study the smallest silver of time. But what would it look like to study the whole of history, from the Big Bang through the present day ... |
Това е историята на една чудна терапия и обнадеждаващо послание към всички страдащи от проблеми със зрението. През 1939 г. в зрението на Олдъс Хъксли възниква сериозен проблем, в резултат на който се появява опасност да ослепее. Хъксли започва да прилага метода за повторно обучаване на правилни зрителни навици, който вече е бил разработен от д-р Уилям Бейтс. След два месеца практика под ръководството на специализиран инструктор, Олдъс Хъксли започва да чете без очила и без да се уморява, и зрението му е продължило да се подобрява по впечатляващ начин. В тази книга подробно се представят различните упражнения, които се ... |