Сборникът от примерни тестове по английски език като втори чужд за специалностите "Международни икономически отношения", "Международни отношения" и "Европеистика" е насочен към студентите от "Университета за национално и световно стопанство", които завършват своя курс на обучение по английски език за специални цели на ниво B2 и B2.1 и желаят да придобият допълнителна практика по формата на писмения държавен изпит с оглед на успешното му полагане. Помагалото е подходящо и за студенти от други висши учебни заведения, както и за други обучаеми - ученици и работещи, които биха желали ... |
Държавен изпит по английски език "English finals" в "УНСС", провеждан от катедра "Чужди езици и приложна лингвистика" към факултет "Международна икономика и политика", се отнася за направления "Политически науки", "Икономика" и "Икономика с преподаване на английски език", с изучаване на първи чужд език след приемен изпит по английски език. Този изпит се полага след втори курс, а за специалности с преподаване на избираем втори чужд език държавен изпит по английски като втори чужд език се полага след четвърти курс. Настоящото пособие представя примерни ... |
Sample English tests. ... Това помагало съдържа 12 примерни теста, които са подходящи за класове с интензивно изучаване на английски език, както и за ученици в 8. клас на езиковите гимназии и паралелките с интензивно изучаване на езика. Приложени са отговори към всеки тест. Помагалото цели да улесни работата на ученици и учители. Учителите могат да го използват, за да оценят знанията на учениците и да определят напредъка им в изучаването на английския език. Първите 10 теста съдържат по 3 задачи - така наречения "multiple-choice test", глаголни форми и перефразиране. 11-ят и 12-ят тест съдържат по 50 изречения ... |
Authentic examination papers from Cambridge Assessment English provide perfect practice because they are EXACTLY like the real test. Inside IELTS 14 Academic with Answers (without audio) you'll find FOUR complete examination papers plus details of the different parts of the test and the scoring system, so you familiarise yourself with the test format and practise your exam technique. This book comes with answers, tape scripts and sample writing answers. This book does not contain the audio recordings. A Student's Book with Answers with Audio is sold separately and includes all the material for the Listening tests. ... |
Authentic examination papers from Cambridge Assessment English provide perfect practice because they are exactly like the real exam. Inside B1 Preliminary for Schools for the revised 2020 exam you'll find four complete examination papers from Cambridge Assessment English. Be confident on exam day by working through each part of the exam and scoring system so you can familiarise yourself with the format and practise your exam technique. The book contains transcripts, sample Writing answers, scripts for the Speaking test, and sample answer sheets. Download the audio for the Listening tests, example Speaking test video ... |
Учебникът подготвя за изпита "First Certificate in English". ... Four authentic "Cambridge English Language Assessment examination papers" for the B2 First exam. Inside B2 First you'll find four complete examination papers from "Cambridge Assessment English". Be confident on exam day by working through each part of the exam and scoring system so you can familiarise yourself with the format and practise your exam technique. The book contains transcripts, sample Writing answers, scripts for the Speaking test, and sample answer sheets. Download the audio for the Listening tests, example ... |
Учебникът подготвя за изпита "Key English Test". ... Authentic examination papers from "Cambridge Assessment English" provide perfect practice because they are exactly like the real exam. Inside A2 Key for the revised 2020 exam you'll find four complete examination papers from "Cambridge Assessment English". Be confident on exam day by working through each part of the exam and scoring system so you can familiarise yourself with the format and practise your exam technique. The book contains transcripts, sample Writing answers, scripts for the Speaking test, and sample answer sheets. ... |
Учебникът подготвя за изпита "Key English Test". ... Authentic examination papers from "Cambridge Assessment English" provide perfect practice because they are exactly like the real exam. Inside A2 Key for the revised 2020 exam you'll find four complete examination papers from "Cambridge Assessment English". Be confident on exam day by working through each part of the exam and scoring system so you can familiarise yourself with the format and practise your exam technique. The book contains transcripts, sample Writing answers, scripts for the Speaking test, and sample answer sheets. ... |
Учебникът подготвя за изпита "First Certificate in English". ... Authentic examination papers from "Cambridge Assessment English" provide perfect practice because they are EXACTLY like the real exam. Inside B2 "First for Schools" 4 you'll find four complete examination papers from "Cambridge Assessment English". Be confident on exam day by working through each part of the exam and scoring system so you can familiarise yourself with the format and practise your exam technique. The book contains transcripts, sample Writing answers, scripts for the Speaking test, and sample answer ... |
Authentic examination papers from Cambridge Assessment English provide perfect practice because they are EXACTLY like the real exam. Inside B1 Preliminary for the revised 2020 exam you'll find four complete examination papers from Cambridge Assessment English. Be confident on exam day by working through each part of the exam and scoring system so you can familiarise yourself with the format and practise your exam technique. The book contains transcripts, sample Writing answers, scripts for the Speaking test, and sample answer sheets. Download the audio for the Listening tests, example Speaking test video and answer ... |
Authentic examination papers from Cambridge Assessment English provide perfect practice because they are EXACTLY like the real exam. Inside "B1 Preliminary" for the revised 2020 exam you'll find four complete examination papers from Cambridge Assessment English. Be confident on exam day by working through each part of the exam and scoring system so you can familiarise yourself with the format and practise your exam technique. The book contains transcripts, sample Writing answers, scripts for the Speaking test, and sample answer sheets. Download the audio for the Listening tests, example Speaking test video ... |
Учебникът подготвя за изпита "Key English Test". ... Authentic examination papers from "Cambridge Assessment English" provide perfect practice because they are exactly like the real exam. Inside A2 "Key for Schools" for the revised 2020 exam you'll find four complete examination papers from Cambridge Assessment English. Be confident on exam day by working through each part of the exam and scoring system so you can familiarise yourself with the format and practise your exam technique. The book contains transcripts, sample Writing answers, scripts for the Speaking test, and sample answer ... |