More than 100 puzzles to exercise your mind. From the creators of the bestselling "Brain Games for Clever Kids", this book contains mental maths conundrums to solve. Clever kids can test their mental arithmetic by working out simple fractions, times tables, number pyramids and much more. All the answers can be found at the back of the book. From bestselling puzzle book author Dr. Gareth Moore, the creator of the chart-topping "Clever Kids" series. ... |
Англоезичната учебна тетрадка е предназначена за студенти по Дентална медицина в Медицинския колеж на МУ-Варна. ... |
Second expanded and revised edition ... |
Review Study Questions and Laboratory Manuals - a Clinical Approach. ... Handbook of Biochemistry for Dental Medicine Students. Review Study Questions and Laboratory Manuals - a Clinical Approach is a useful tool for student's preparation for the colloquia and the final examination. This handbook is a companion to the biochemistry course included in the curriculum of dental medicine students. Its aim is to aid the students when mastering theories, techniques, methodologies as well as during practice classes. The material focuses on the most important theoretical aspects. ... |
Tailored for medical and dental students, this lab book offers a comprehensive guide to essential chemistry experiments. It covers key topics in general and organic chemistry, including acids and bases, electrochemistry, and biomolecules. The notebook features clear instructions, safety protocols, and dedicated report sheets to help students thoroughly document their lab work. Designed for hands-on learning, it provides the foundational chemistry knowledge crucial for future healthcare professionals. A practical resource for both classroom and independent study. ... |
There are two types of questions in the testbook: multiple choice, where only one of the given answers is correct, and open-ended, where the applicant must submit short answers. The issue has no answer key. ... |
Second edition. ... This is the second edition of the second part of the English language edition designed for first-year students majoring in Dental Medicine. The book includes two main sections - Lecture notes and Laboratory classes reports. Information concerning the structure and properties of the dental materials is published in the first section where theory and practice are skillfully combined. The second section presents graphically separate laboratory classes reports which are included in the curriculum. They are designed for the students' self-study and to facilitate their learning at the Faculty of Dental ... |
Second edition. ... This is the first part of the textbook Dental materials science, intended for the students of dentistry. The present book consists of two chapters - lecture notes and laboratory classes' reports. The textbook is developed on the basis of the lectures on dental materials science according to the approved syllabus of the Dental Faculty at the Medical University of Varna. The lecture notes' chapter includes topics on general materials science: structure of materials and their properties - physical, optical, mechanical and technological. Along with the theoretical knowledge, many practical ... |
This handbook is a humble contribution and modest attempt to provide a comprehensive teaching guide in dermatology and venereology to English-educated medical, dental and pharmacy students in Bulgaria. Ultimately, it may be a useful tool for all Board-preparatory specializing dermatologists. ... |
Въведение в логотерапията и екзистенциалната анализа. Тази книга, базирана на лекции на тема Теория и терапия на неврозите във Виенския университет, представя по най-системен начин цялостната теория на Франкъл за психичните разстройства и за начина, по който логотерапията може да бъде използвана в лечението на почти всички разстройства като основна или като допълнителна терапия. Повече от всяка друга, тя го представя като психиатър философ и теоретик, потопен в медицинската практика."Не бива да се смята, че отчаянието е нещо патологично. Да се питаш за смисъла на собствения си живот, всъщност да поставяш под ... |
The historical depth, into which we can penetrate into the past of the cultural-and-spiritual center of Bansko, extends as far back as to that limit, which marks the beginning of the legends and the traditions. That is the reason why every story about Bansko, even the most common one, heard in that town, sounds lifelike when told in the irresistible in its charm “Bankovskite speech”, which is both music and poetry with an inimitable dramatic intonation. The conquering with its magnificence mountainous scenery, allotted to Bansko, is a perfect natural creation which has in itself been a challenge to the artists, the poets ... |
Певицата и актриса Идина Мензел обяви кои песни ще бъдат включени в предстоящия й коледен албум "Holiday Wishes". В записа са включени класики като "All I Want For Christmas Is You" и "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas", както и любимата на Мензел "River" от Джони Мичъл. Друг акцент в албума е дуетът на изпълнителката с международната звезда Майкъл Бубле за песента "Baby It’s Cold Outside". Кариерата на Идина Мензел слива сцената с киното, телевизията и музиката. Последно нейният глас озвучава героинята Елза в блокбъстъра на "Disney" - "Замръзналото ... |