Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology is a workbook for students of medicine. It is designed in accordance with the approved programme in Medical Microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". Each exercise is a unit divided into three sections which include topics for home preparation and an outline of the forthcoming practical tasks and demonstrations, a Lab Report preceded by a brief overview of the topics covered in the unit and instructions on the practical tasks with opportunities to visualize the observations. At the end of each unit is a self-test with multiple choice ... |
The handbook, intended for Medical students, consists of 21 chapters. There are descriptions of basic terms and processes in the field of medical microbiology such as infections, causes of infections, bacteria, microbes, disinfections, sterilizations, as well as diagnostics and methods of microbiological researches of infections in the different systems of the human organism. The text is accompanied by tables and figures. ... |
Medical sciences. ... This textbook of Urology is intended for students of medicine. It complies with the academic Urology curriculum at the Faculty of Medicine, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. In the presentation of the teaching material, using clear and comprehensible language in accordance with the level achieved by our students, we have strived to strike a balance between the necessary and the sufficient amount of information that non-specialist urologists would need in order to acquire the basic knowledge of urology that is essential for their general medical culture and practice. We have deliberately avoided ... |
Цялото разнообразие на медицинската лексика е представено в 62 урока. Книгата включва теми като симптоми, болести, изследване и лечение, проучване и превантивни мерки и представя основната медицинска лексика, свързана с частите и функционирането на тялото, медицински персонал, образование и тренинг, проучване и презентации. Към изданието е включен ключ с верните отговори към упражненията от уроците. Учебната система "Professional English in Use" съдържа помагалата: Finance ICT Law Marketing Medicine Management Engineering Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За ... |