Език на книгата - италиански. ... L'autore di questo libro ha raccolto in 35 anni oltre 4500 ricette culinarie di tutta la Bulgaria. Esse riflettono le millenarie tradizioni culturali del popolo bulgaro e, nel contempo, sono parte della vita quotidiana nei giorni nostri. Stanno anche a indicare che, insieme alla storia antica e alle bellezze della natura, la cucina saporita e sana e una delle attrazioni del nostro paese che vale la pena conoscere. Il libro presenta all'attenzione dei lettori alcune delle ricette piu affermate facenti parte della ricca cucina bulgara. ... |
Las mejores recetas de la cocina tradicional. ... A lo de 35 anos, el autor de este libro ha reunido mas de 4500 recetas culinarias de tode Bulgaria. Estas son un reflejo de las milenarias tradiciones culturales del pueblo bulgaro y, al mismo tiempo, son parte de la vida cotidiana del presente. Demuestran tambien que, junto con la historia antigua y la hemosa naturaleza, la comida sabrosa y sana es uno de los atractivos del pais, que vale la pena conocer. El libro propone a la atencion del lector algunas de las recetas mas populares de la riqueza culinaria de la cocina bulgara. ... |
Les meilleures recettes de cuisine traditionnelles. ... L'auteur de ce livre a recueilli pendant 35 annees plus de 4500 recettes de cuisine a traverrs la Bulgarie entiere. Elles refletent d'une part les tradition culturelles millenaires du peuple bulgare et d'aute part, elles sont partie integrante de la vie quotidienne de nos jours. Les recettes montrent egalement que, tout aves l'historie antique et la belle nature, la cuisine savoureuse et saine est une des particularites du pays qui vaut la peine d'etre connue. ... |
The best traditional recipes ... In the course of 35 years the author of this book has collected more than 4,500 cooking recipes from all over Bulgaria. They reflect the thousand-year old cultural traditions and relations, as well as part of the present-day life-style of the people who live in this country, famous for its extraordinary natural beauty. This book presents to the readers attention some of the most popular recipes of the culinary richness of the Bulgarian cuisine. ... |
Следвайки структурата на учебника и учебната тетрадка, помагалото позволява интензивно упражняване на речниковия запас, изразни средства и граматика и мотивира учащите чрез разнообразни задачи. Учебната система "Aspekte Neu - ниво B1 plus" се състои от: учебник учебна тетрадка ръководство за учителя тетрадка с упражнения комплект от учебник и учебна тетрадка - част 1 комплект от учебник и учебна тетрадка - част 2 граматика 2 CD с аудиоматериали от учебника медиен пакет Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте ... |
Следвайки структурата на учебника и учебната тетрадка, помагалото предлага допълнителен материал за упражнение. Позволява интензивно упражняване на речниковия запас, изразни средства и граматика и мотивира учащите чрез разнообразни упражнения по формата на изпитите "TestDaF" и "DSH". Учебната система "Aspekte Neu - ниво C1" се състои от: учебник учебна тетрадка тетрадка с упражнения ръководство за учителя + DVD-ROM комплект от учебник и учебна тетрадка - част 1 комплект от учебник и учебна тетрадка - част 2 граматика 3 CD + аудиоматериали медиен пакет Изброените ... |
A grammar reference and practice book for learners of English at advanced (CEFR C1 - C2) level. Perfect for self-study, but also ideal for supplementary activities in the classroom. This fourth edition is the highest level in a series that has been used by millions of language learners and teachers around the world. It contains 105 units, including five new units on grammar for academic purposes. Online resources are also included: a 36-month subscription to the eBook version with audio and answer keys, plus over 200 quick, Online Tests to check understanding and get feedback on grammar points needing further study. ... |
In this Greek myth, Odysseus, king of Ithaca, sets sail from war in Troy to return to his island home. Before they can't reach Ithaca, Odysseus and his men must face one terrifying challenge after another, from deadly sea monsters to man-eating giants. "Macmillan English Explorers" is an eight-level reading scheme written specifically for young learners of English. They bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons in international classrooms. Informed by the National Literacy Strategy and by teaching methodology for first language speakers of English, "Macmillan Explorers" is supported ... |
Aladdin meets an evil wizard who tricks him into finding a magic lamp. But a genie helps him escape the wizard and return home. Then Aladdin falls in love with the Royal Princess and wants to marry her. Can the magic lamp help his dreams to come true? "Macmillan English Explorers" is an eight-level reading scheme written specifically for young learners of English. They bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons in international classrooms. Informed by the National Literacy Strategy and by teaching methodology for first language speakers of English, "Macmillan Explorers" is supported by ... |
Geppetto carves himself a puppet out of wood. He loves the puppet and calls him Pinocchio. Pinocchio doesn't want to be a puppet. He wants to be a real boy, but he is naughty and cannot tell the truth... "Macmillan English Explorers" is an eight-level reading scheme written specifically for young learners of English. They bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons in international classrooms. Informed by the National Literacy Strategy and by teaching methodology for first language speakers of English, "Macmillan Explorers" is supported by an understanding of the needs of young ... |
"Oxford Grammar for Schools" gives students the opportunity to explore grammar for themselves and encourages them to be aware of their progress through regular self-evaluation and review. As students activate their grammar through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities, they activate their English. Covers all the grammar students need to know for the Cambridge exams Approximately 30 units per level - the right length for one academic year Clearly stated "I can". The learning outcomes for every unit: contextualised explanations; opportunities to practise grammar and to practise ... |
Учебна система „Cambridge Academic English“ Създадена специално за студенти, учебната система „Cambridge Academic English“ развива академичния английски език и уменията за учене, необходими за успешното университетско обучение. Тя се състои от следните нива: ниво „ Intermediate “ – покрива B1 ниво „ Upper Intermediate “ – покрива B2 ниво „ Advanced “ – покрива C1 Системата в три части осигурява 120-140 учебни часа на ниво. Тя е разработена с помощта на доказани експерти, част от учебната програма на Кеймбридж, наречена EAP (The English for Academic Purpose). Програмата е изцяло с академична насоченост. ... |