In the two-volume book titled "Broken Grounds", you will find many international and national articles in which you will witness the transformational impact of mass communication and mass media devices. The drive that has initiated the reason for which this book has been prepared in two volumes is to trace the marks of this era on different societies and social layers and to explicate the relationships and communication ways which have emerged from it. The study which brings together the different conceptions in national and international level introduces the new quests to its audience through the route map of ... |
The period in which we live corresponds to an era during which traditional grounds once more breaking both in terms of mass media communication forms and applications and its terms of culture, life forms and social rules. In this study is analyzed the period in which walls are being pulled down, when inter-social relations are passing beyond boundaries, to live together (with different identities and cultures), new social discourse and representations that show attempts to make it a part of a shared future correspond to the transformation of mass communication devices and are affected by its power to transform culture. ... |
Essays in honour of Madeleine Danova. The present collection of scholarly research explores cross-disciplinarity and intercultural awareness and understanding across various disciplines, honoring Professor Madeleine Danova's academic legacy. It comprises diverse essays coming from fields such as American, Canadian, African, and English Studies, mass media, intercultural communication and education, comparative literature, and the social and political sciences. Contributors delve into multicultural, historical, and cultural contexts, politics, philosophy, and textuality, as well as literary translation and cultural ... |
Autonomous and embedded systems are the infrastructural fabric of modern technological society and are present as an almost imperceptible environment to each of us. Very soon after the advent of the electronic computer in the middle of the last century, the possibilities of digital control were realized as a substitute for human control over various processes. Accordingly, their use also began - first of all in an industrial environment and in military technologies - a still relatively limited application due to the then high price of the devices themselves, and also due to the need for complex adaptation of the ... |
Why monasteries in Bulgaria are so interesting and one has to devote some of his or her time to visiting them? Probably one of the major reasons is that, due to the historical development of the country, they are among the few,,live" historical monuments preserved to the present day. Some of them are still acting and in the yards one can meet real monks like 500 or more years ago. Monastic scriptoria and libraries set the beginning of Bulgarian culture and preserved Bulgarian nationality, especially during the five dark ages of Ottoman rule. Books were written in the monasteries in the Bulgarian language, the same ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Language barriers in the healthcare can lead to misunderstandings and/or errors, especially when circumstances require health care workers to speak a language other than their own mother tongue. That is why good communication skills are at the core of the modern optometric practice. The present textbook is customized to prepare undergraduate and postgraduate students for a large variety of patient encounters in their clinical practice in English as the universal language of professional communication. Originally designed by the authors for medical opticians, this comprehensive book is highly recommended for those who ... |
Тайните в комуникацията на най-великия търговец в света. ... Джеф Безос е мечтател, превърнал смела идея в най-влиятелната компания в света. Марката Amazon вероятно докосва живота ви всеки ден. Като човек, който постоянно се учи на лидерство и как да комуникира по-умело, Безос успява да развива начина, по който амазонците пишат, работят в екип, правят иновации, представят идеи и продават услуги. Той създаде лесен за разбиране и приложение модел, който израсна от малък екип в гараж в Сиатъл до един от най-големите работодатели в света. Запазената марка на Безос от Кармайн Гало разкрива комуникационните стратегии, които ... |
С подарък - цветни стикери с мебели и аксесоари за детска стая. ... В книгата ще намерите практични и оригинални идеи за дома, в който расте дете: Как да променяме пространството според нуждите на детето Как с малко средства да създадем вълшебно място за открития и игри Как да осигурим комфорт за всички вкъщи ... |
CLIL and Culture. Exam Preparation. Real communication. ... "Преговорната книга Starter – Pre-intermediate (A2)" представлява синтезиран преговор на изученото в предходното ниво на системата "For real – Elementary". Учебният материал в книгата е предназначен за плавен преход към ниво B1, преди да се премине към книгата за ученика "For Real - Pre-intermediate". "Starter" се предлага с безплатна работна тетрадка и аудиозаписи за работа в клас, които са публикувани на сайта на издателство "Просвета". Учебната система "For Real - Pre-intermediate" се състои ... |
Fifth Edition. ... Would you like to get acquainted with the most important techniques every company manager should know? Quickly differentiate the fundamentals from the secondary, leading to the most accurate decisions? And do all of this for both everyday and extraordinary situations? If so, simply read this book. It presents an atypical look at the most successful techniques in business and draws on rich experience. Even within complex topics, easy-to-remember examples lead the reader step by step through the material clearly and methodically. The leading principles are highlighted, as are possible exceptions to them. ... |
Курсът е разработен за специалисти и студенти по маркетинг. 50 урока осигуряват цялата информация за основите на маркетинга, проучвания, реклама, медии и PR, а фокусът върху истински компании дава разнообразие от оригинални текстове. Учебната система "Professional English in Use" съдържа помагалата: Finance ICT Law Marketing Medicine Management Engineering Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ... |
Столчето от Classic World е подходящо за всяка детска стая. То е изработено от дърво и е с изчистен дизайн. Столчето е подходящо за малчугани над 3-годишна възраст и се сглобява лесно. Размери: S: 26 x 25 cm L: 29 x 27 cm Важно: Продуктът пристига в разглобено състояние и е желателно да бъде сглобен от възрастен преди да бъде даден на дете. ... |