Libro de ejercicios de JOVEN.ES 1 (A1), método de español lengua extranjera para adolescentes (11 - 15 años). Complemento del libro del alumno en el que se presentan actividades de refuerzo de los contenidos estudiados, así como una oportunidad de reforzar las destrezas desarrolladas en ejercicios cerrados y controlados para garantizar un mayor aprovechamiento del curso. Siguiendo la progresión marcada en el libro del alumno, este cuaderno está constituido también en seis módulos que siguen la misma progresión de contenidos: una doble página por cada lección con ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Un apéndice gramatical con las conjugaciones de los verbos estudiados, cuadros de los contenidos gramaticales de las lecciones y una sistematización de los actos de comunicación. Las transcripciones de las audiciones de los ejercicios. Un Porftfolio para que tus estudiantes evalúen sus destrezas a lo largo del curso. Carpeta de lecturas y actividades complementarias para trabajar los contenidos culturales. Incluye: El mundo hispano (conoce los países y lee). Ejemplo: Argentina; Proyecto: Comunicas en español y Glosario por módulos para que los alumnos confeccionen su diccionario de espa& ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Constituido por seis módulos. Cada módulo se compone de: página de entrada con los contenidos que se van a estudiar y las competencias; dos lecciones desarrolladas cada una en dos páginas en las que se presentan los contenidos. Una destinada a la comprensión auditiva y a la expresión oral, y otra destinada a la comprensión lectora y a la producción escrita; una página, Profundiza, para sistematizar los contenidos gramaticales; una página de puesta en práctica y uso, Acción; una doble página en la que se aborda el conocimiento de la cultura, se ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Tras una lección inicial está constituido por los seis módulos: módulo 1: Presenta tu deporte favorito y explica por qué te gusta; módulo 2: Haz un regalo de cumpleaños; módulo 3: Eliges la ropa para cada ocasión; módulo 4: Elige y explica un menú sano y equilibrado; módulo 5: Prepara un intercambio; módulo 6: Responde a una página web. Al final del libro se ofrece: un apéndice gramatical con las conjugaciones de los verbos estudiados, cuadros de los contenidos gramaticales de las lecciones y una sistematización de los actos de ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Lola Lago está a punto de irse a Menorca y disfrutar de unas merecidas vacaciones, pero una llamada de María José Sancho, miembro de la asociación de vecinos de Peñalbina, hace cambiar sus planes. Humberto, un joven colombiano, es acusado de herir gravemente al Tigre, un cabeza rapada con el que había discutido. Humberto ha desaparecido y la asociación de vecinos contrata a Lola para que lo encuentre y demuestre su inocencia. За поредицата "Lola Lago Detective""Lola Lago Detective" е поредица от адаптирани книжки за четене, които покриват нивата от A1 до B1 и са ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Nuevo Espanol en marcha е курс по испански език за младежи и възрастни, който обхваща съдържанието, съответстващо на нивата A1, A2, B1 и B2 от Общата европейска езикова рамка. Изданието съдържа код за достъп до електронен учебник и видео към всеки урок. Учебникът е одобрен от Министерството на образованието и науката (МОН) за използване в системата на общообразователните училища в страната, в гимназиалния етап 8. клас - 12. клас. Подходящ е за онлайн обучение. На страниците на изданието има код за достъп до електронния вариант на продукта. Учебната система по испански език Nuevo espanol en marcha - ниво 4 (B2) на ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
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Selection: Чавдар Атанасов. ... The fun continues! New and even funnier jokes with more amazing illustrations! More laughter and a new reason for your children to pick up and read a book! The jokes are approved by a child psychologist. Read more about the function of humor in the introduction. The first part of the booklet is in a larger font, suitable for beginners in reading. After the middle, the font gradually decreases after children have mastered the skill of independent reading. The book is part of the Jokes for Kids series by Vision Books. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Selection: Чавдар Атанасов. ... Who doesn’t enjoy a good laugh? Children of all ages love telling each other jokes and the wonderful illustrations in this book only add to the entertainment, being pretty funny in of themselves. This book will surely bring joy to the whole family. You can read more on the importance of humor in the introduction. We hope if your children have fun with these jokes they will be motivated to read even more. The first part of the booklet is in a larger font, suitable for beginners in reading. After the middle, the font gradually decreases after children have mastered the skill of independent ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Influential and innovative, James Joyce (1882 - 1941) led the vanguard of 20th-century fiction. Sooner or later, most undergraduates encounter him, and many scholars devote their entire careers to his exuberantly eloquent prose. Joyce's experimental use of language and stream-of-consciousness techniques continues to captivate modern readers and writers, and this anthology offers a first-rate introduction to the Irish author's fiction and poetry. "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man", Joyce's coming-of-age novel, appears here in its entirety. Readers will also find the complete texts of the ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... On a seemingly normal day at the exclusive Reform Club, Phileas Fogg, a gentleman of great wealth and exacting tastes, makes an extraordinary £20,000 wager; he will perform an impossible feat and circumnavigate the globe in just eighty days. Accompanied only by his new French valet, the steady Passepartout, he sets off on a thrilling journey. Adventure, chaos and romance ensue as the daring pair harness the new power of steam to escape their ever-increasing enemies and beat the clock. The exciting adventures of Fogg and Passepartout in Jules Verne' ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Three adventurers set out to kill a sea monster, but all is not as it seems. Out in the vast expanse of the Pacific they find not a beast but a submarine - the Nautilus, an advanced craft captained by the enigmatic Captain Nemo. Captured and hauled aboard, they accompany him through coral reefs, shipwrecks, and ancient ruins. There they hunt sharks, and battle giant squid, not realizing that the greatest danger is Nemo himself, who will stop at nothing in his quest for vengeance. Beautifully illustrated by the French painter Édouard Riou, who worked ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... When the chance discovery of an ancient cryptogram reveals a path to the Underworld, the adventurous Professor Otto Lidenbrock sets off to Iceland, determined to reach the centre of the earth. But nothing can prepare him and his nephew Axel for what they will find beneath the ground; measureless caverns and vast subterranean seas reveal all of the earth's known history and more, while dinosaurs do battle, giant men herd mastodons, and danger and excitement wait around every corner. Richly illustrated by Édouard Riou, the French painter and ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |