Love will light the way. Soon to be a major motion picture. ... Katie can't leave her house during the day: she has a rare disease that makes even the smallest amount of sunlight deadly. But everything changes when one evening, singing her heart out on a deserted station platform, she meets Charlie. Before the night is out, Katie is smitten. But she hasn't told Charlie her secret. She just wants to have her normal love story, before reality kicks in. Lost in her night-time summer romance, Katie knows that love will light the way. A heartbreaking tale of love, loss and one nearly perfect summer. ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Marina Le Ray. ... This beautiful hardback "Ladybird books" edition of "The Big Pancake" is a perfect first illustrated introduction to this classic fairy tale for young readers. This cumulative tale is sensitively retold, retaining all the key parts of the story beginning with seven hungry boys waiting for their pancake to cook, through to the boys and other people and animals chasing the pancake all the way to the river. "Ladybird Tales" are based on the original Ladybird retellings by Vera Southgate, with ... |
Fifty recipes inspired by the works of Dr. Seuss, for children and grown-ups to cook together! Have you ever wanted to quench your thirst—like a Yink, with a Pink Ink Drink? Or to carve a Roast Beast like the Grinch at a holiday meal? Have you always wanted to say "Yes, thank you, I would like to try Green Eggs and Ham"? Then this is the book for you! From "Pups in Cups" to "Star-Belly Peaches" to "Warm Whisked Wocket Waffles", the simple, wholesome recipes in this unique cookbook are almost as much fun to read as they are to make! Created specifically for children to use with ... |
"A Cook's Book" is the story of Nigel Slater's life in the kitchen. From the first jam tart Nigel made with his mum standing on a chair trying to reach the Aga, through to what he is cooking now, this is the ultimate Nigel Slater collection brimming with over 200 recipes. He writes about how his cooking has changed from discovering the best way to roast a chicken to the trick to smoky, smooth aubergine mash. He gives the tales behind the recipes and recalls the first time he ate a baguette in Paris, his love of jewel-bright Japanese pickled radishes and his initial slice of buttercream-topped ... |
The first in a pair of fast, season-led vegetable books from beloved author and cook Nigel Slater. Greenfeast: spring, summer is a vibrant and joyous collection of the food Nigel eats at the end of the day. Over 110 simply beautiful spring and summer recipes, each with suggested variations, that can mostly be on the table in 30 minutes. This is perfect for people who want to eat less meat, but don't want to compromise on flavour and ease of cooking. From roast spring vegetables with peanut sauce to rice, broad beans and asparagus, or peaches with blackberries and ice cream, this green follow-up to the bestselling ... |
Your ability to change everything - including yourself - starts here. Chemist Elizabeth Zott is not your average woman. In fact, Elizabeth Zott would be the first to point out that there is no such thing. But it's the early 1960s and her all-male team at Hastings Research Institute take a very unscientific view of equality. Except for one: Calvin Evans, the lonely, brilliant, Nobel-prize nominated grudge-holder who falls in love with - of all things - her mind. True chemistry results. Like science, life is unpredictable. Which is why a few years later, Elizabeth Zott finds herself not only a single mother, but the ... |
The Belgica's journey into the Dark Antarctic night. The harrowing, survival story of an early polar expedition that went terribly wrong, with the ship frozen in ice and the crew trapped inside for the entire sunless, Antarctic winter. August 1897: The Belgica set sail, eager to become the first scientific expedition to reach the white wilderness of the South Pole. But the ship soon became stuck fast in the ice of the Bellinghausen sea, condemning the ship's crew to overwintering in Antarctica and months of endless polar night. In the darkness, plagued by a mysterious illness, their minds ravaged by the sound of ... |
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Книгата Нека помним. Истории от историята на автора Росен Петров е: книга за фактите, които трябва да знаем; книга за местата, които трябва да преоткрием; книга за героите, които трябва да помним; книга за нещата, които ни правят българи; книга, която ни показва какви сме били, за да знаем какви можем да бъдем; едно пътешествие в миналото, което може да ни отведе в бъдещето... "Знаете ли, че Европа е била част от провинция Тракия? Че в Мала Азия има Българска планина? Че българката Христина Хранова е първата жена морски спасител в света? Че подпоручик Стратия Мазгалов и войниците му изгарят живи, за да не се ... |
Имало някога едно малко сладко момиченце. Всеки го обиквал от пръв поглед, но най много го обичала баба му, която всеки път се чудела какво да даде на детето. Веднъж му подарила шапчица от червено кадифе, която му стояла тъй хубаво, че то не искало да носи друга и затова хората почнали да го наричат Червената шапчица. На последните страници от книжката ще намерите картинки за оцветяване с героите от приказката. За да оцветите тази книжка препоръчваме да използвате моливи или пастели, за да избегнете цветовете да се отбележат на другата страница. ... |
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Под общата редакция на д-р Анелия Рачева и научна консултация от д-р Тодор Димитров. ... В "Човешкото тяло - илюстрован атлас" ще откриете: 215 прецизни цветни илюстрации; изчерпателен справочник за човешката анатомия; идеална книга за обучение и обща медицина. Този илюстрован атлас ще ви даде необходимата информация за структурата на човешкото тяло, за неговите системи и органи. С помощта на 215-те богати цветни и прецизни от научна гледна точка илюстрации ползващите книгата лесно ще могат да придобият цялостни познания за човешката физиология и анатомия. С обширното съдържание и индекса в края на ... |
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