Inspiration for "The Kissing booth 2" on Netflix. ... The amazing new sequel to Netflix's smash-hit film, The Kissing Booth! Elle Evans seems to have finally tamed hotter-than-hot bad boy Noah Flynn, but now they're facing a new challenge. Noah's 3,000 miles away at Harvard, which means they're officially a long-distance couple - and it's tough. After all, there's only so much texts and calls can satisfy - and when Elle sees a post which suggests Noah's getting friendly with someone else, she's devastated. On top of that, it's hard to ignore new boy Levi. He's gentle, ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Сиси обича да говори, да пее и да играе. Тя не обича да стои на едно място, да пази тишина и да слуша, което е голям проблем в училище. Прекалената общителност на Сиси се отразява върху приятелствата ѝ и ученето. Ще промени ли Сиси поведението си и ще разбере ли кога да общува и кога да кротува? Тази книга е предназначена специално за най-малките читатели. Съдържа увлекателна история, написана с кратки изречения и подходящ едър шрифт. Допълнителната ценност на книжките от поредицата е, че те учат децата ни как да бъдат по-смели, по-дружелюбни, по-мили и по-добри. Помагат им да преодоляват притеснения, страхове и ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Ниво "Starter" на учебника е базово и подготвя за следващото по ред "ниво 1". Учебникът е структуриран така, че новите знания да се усвояват още в процеса на урока чрез добавяне на множество персонализирани упражнения. Уроците подтикват към участие, като се акцентира върху уменията за говорене и произношение. Основният текст е допълнен от специални секции с ключови фрази и лексика, развивайки способността за самостоятелно обучение. Към учебния материал са включени и целеви уроци за усвояване на граматиката, уроци с културна насоченост и проекти, които усъвършенстват уменията на учащите. Учебната ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Всичко ли може да прости любовта? Франсис Глийсън и Брайън Станхоуп, колеги в полицейското управление на Ню Йорк, заживяват в съседни къщи в предградията. Случващото се между стените на домовете им обаче - самотата на съпругата на Франсис Лина и психическата нестабилност на омъжената за Брайън Ан, е като бомба със закъснител, която ще доведе до трагични събития, които ще променят живота им. Въпреки враждата на родителите им между децата на двете семейства - Кейт Глийсън и Питър Станхоуп, се заражда дългогодишно приятелство, което разцъфва в любов. Но една съдбовна нощ изправя връзката им пред невъзможен кръстопът, а ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. In a small Welsh village Megan and Huw fall in love. But then a tragic accident changes Huw's life and he must move abroad. Fifty years later, Huw and Megan finally meet again. Both their lives have changed and Megan is about to get married. Can Huw convince her that their love is still strong? ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Retold by Joan Collins, illustrated by Chiara Fedele. ... An abridget retelling of the classic story by Louisa May Alcott, suitable for younger readers. It will be a tough Christmas for Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. Their father is away in the american Civil War and money is hard to come by. Though they are poor, te March sisters are full of love for each other and share many moments of laughter and tears, disappointment and joy. Beautiful new illustrations throughout and a gorgeous larger format with ribbon marker bring the magic of this classic story to a new generation of children. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Recognized as one of the best-loved classic children's stories of all time, "Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott is an utterly beguiling novel which tells the story of the courageous and ingenious March sisters; Jo, the independent tomboy; Beth, who is delicate and loving; pretty and kind Meg; and beautiful, precocious Amy, the baby of the family. Their devoted mother Marmee, recently impoverished, must care for them alone whilst their father is away serving as a chaplain in the Civil War. This "Macmillan Collector's Library" ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Based on the story of Louisa May Alcott. Retold by John Escott. ... When Christmas comes for the four March girls, there is no money for expensive presents and they give away their Christmas breakfast to a poor family. But there are no happier girls in America than Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. They miss their father, of course, who is away at the Civil War, but they try hard to be good so that he will be proud of his little women when he comes home. This heart-warming story of family life has been popular for more than a hundred years. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Don't be afraid to take up space. ... I'm going to tell you the word that ruins my entire life: Big, beacause my name is Jemina Small, but I am exactly the opposite. Jemima Small is funny and smart. She knows a lot of things. Like the fact that she's made of 206 bones, over 600 muscles and trillions of cells. What she doesn't know is how that can be true and yet she can still sometimes feel like nothing... Or how being made to join the school's "special" healthy lifestyle group - aka Fat Club - could feel any less special. But Jemima also knows that the biggest stars in the universe are the ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Nothing will get in the way of Millie Price's dream to become a Broadway star. Not her lovable but super-introverted dad, who after raising Millie alone, doesn't want to watch her leave home to pursue her dream. Not her pesky and ongoing drama club rival, Oliver, who is the very definition of Simmering Romantic Tension. And not the "Millie Moods", the feelings of intense emotion that threaten to overwhelm, always at maddeningly inconvenient times. Millie needs an ally. And when a left-open browser brings Millie to her dad's embarrassingly moody LiveJournal from 2003, Millie knows just what to do. She& ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |