Journal 3 brims with every page ever seen on the show plus all-new pages with monsters and secrets, notes from Dipper and Mabel, and the Author's full story. Fans of "Gravity Falls" will simply love this 288-page full-color jacketed hardcover version of "Journal 3"! Plus the book jacket doubles as an exclusive poster! ... |
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В тази книга Георги Пашев представя увлекателната история на първите стъпки на железничарството по нашите земи, както и връзката на това важно за съвременния човек техническо изобретение с българското национално-освободително движение. Без името на баварския немец Хирш не е възможно да се говори за метален път в Източна Европа. Той идва на Балканите, за да сложи край на онези пеши движения, които траяха хилядолетия. Така, осъществил човешки блянове, барон Хирш става символ за напредък. При техническата и промишлената революция на ХІХ век, когато пàрата и електричеството бяха впрегнати да вършат работа, а ... |
Did you miss him? Admit it, you missed him. The demon that terrorized Gravity Falls is back from the great beyond to finally tell his side of the story in The Book of Bill, written by none other than Bill Cipher himself. Inside, Bill sheds light on his bizarre origins, his sinister effects on human history, the Pines family's most embarrassing secrets, and the key to overthrowing the world (laid out in a handy step-by-step guide). This chaotic and beautifully illustrated tome contains baffling riddles, uncrackable ciphers, lost Journal 3 pages, ways to cheat death, the meaning of life, and a whole chapter on Silly ... |
You're fast asleep, and nothing is happening. Or is it? In fact, your body is hard at work. Your lungs are taking oxygen from the air, and your heart is pumping blood round your body. Millions of pieces of information are travelling backwards and forwards to your brain all the time. Muscles are repairing themselves, and in your lymph nodes special cells are cleaning germs and waste from the body. You may think that nothing is happening, but in the extraordinary machine that is the human body, it is very busy indeed... Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles are non-fiction graded readers from the Oxford Bookworms Library ... |
"Ancient Egypt. The Book of Thoth" is a Level 5 reader. Its fun and informative subject matter will capture a child's interest in reading and learning English while reinforcing the basic structures and vocabulary found in most primary courses. Activities pages and picture dictionary can be found at the back of each reader. The book can be used as supplementary reading material with any primary course. The "Macmillan Children's Readers" series offers simplified English reading. The series is divided into six levels. The series brings children real and imaginary stories to arouse their interest. ... |
"Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles" are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. It's an exciting life - full of fast cars, money, and travel. The names of Formula One champions are known all over the world. And everywhere young drivers dream of success one day in Monaco, Melbourne, Monza... But it is a difficult life too. Drivers need strong bodies - and minds. They need to ... |
Bedtime stories based on your favorite episodes. Come one, come all on this multi-narrative collection of "Gravity Falls" stories! Perfect for fans new and old, this collection of tales consist of Dipper and Mabel’s recollections of the adventures they shared visiting their Uncle Stan’s Mystery Shack. The Gravity Falls twist? Each retelling is accompanied by a short "Grunkle Stan" version of the same story, written from his gruff, humorous perspective. Readers have the choice of reading the Dipper and Mabel version, the Grunkle Stan version, or both! ... |
"Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles" are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. Right now, all over the world, people are using energy. As we drive our cars, work on our computers, or even cook food on a wood fire, we probably do not stop to think about where the energy comes from. But when the gas is gone and there is no more coal - what then? Scientists are finding new answers ... |
"Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles" are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. Stephen Hawking was one of the greatest scientists and thinkers of our time, and is famous around the world because he wrote and talked about cosmology - the science of the universe - in a way that people could understand. He had a terrible disease called ALS, and for many years could only move and ... |
Every four years, the world's best athletes come together for one of the most exciting competitions in sport: the Olympic Games. After years of training, competitors in more than forty different sports win and lose their events, and set new world records, in front of crowds of people. The Olympic Games are more than two thousand five hundred years old. So how did they start, how have they changed over the years, and what have been some of the most important times in their history? Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles are non-fiction graded readers from the Oxford Bookworms Library available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - ... |
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles are non-fiction graded readers from the Oxford Bookworms Library available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. What does the world look like from the moon?. How do our bodies work?. Is it possible for people to fly?. Can I make a horse of bronze that is 8 metres tall?. How can we have cleaner cities?. All his life, Leonardo da Vinci asked questions. We know him as a great artist, but he was one of the great thinkers of all time, and ... |
"Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles" are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. "One day, I'm going to be famous", John Lennon said when he was young - and soon he was! His band "The Beatles" became one of the greatest in the world, and people loved them. After John Lennon went solo, he wrote some of the most important songs of all time. He was a family man ... |