The book Contemporary Issues in Accounting. The Accounting Profession studies a wide spectrum of issues, encompassing: the impact of the fourth industrial revolution and the deployment of technological innovations such as Big data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain; sustainability reporting of companies and its expanding standardisation; and accountants' ethical behaviour in the technology-driven business environment. The analysis is focused on the new role and functions of the accounting experts within organisation and the skill set of the future accountants considered sustainable ... |
Книга 7 от поредицата "Bulgarian Academic Monographs". ... This book is the second edition of a book with the same title, but in Bulgarian, published in 1963. Nikola Obrechkoff (1896 – 1963) was a world renowned specialist in the field of the geometry of polynomials. To him are due outstanding generalizations of the Descartes rule, Budan – Fourier theorem, and of several Laguerre’s theorems. In his last publication On some algebraic covariants and the zeros of polynomials he proposed a very promising new approach to the classicial item of the localization of the zeros of polynomials. Unfortunately, this ... |
Petar Beron worked at the Institute of Zoology and the National Museum of Natural History at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as a biologist from 1963 to 2010. Specializating in acarology and biospeleology, he began exploring caves and cave fauna since 1955. He went on expeditions in New Guinea, Indonesia, Mexico, Cuba, China, Vietnam, on the Balkan Peninsula, in Corsica and South America. In his journeys, he discovered many new species of caves and animals. Author and co-author of many books and articles on speleology, zoogeography and acarology. The present publication contains data on 153 species not recorded so ... |
Physicochemical accents. ... The book shows the possibilities of applying of the physicochemical petrological research methods for an in-depth study of the processes of wallrock alterations and obtaining new original data in metasomatic petrology. The author's investigation on mineral equilibria in the system K 2 О-Al 2 O 3 -SiO 2 -H 2 O-SO 3 is of particular importance for studying of the physicochemical conditions of mineral formation during the acid metasomatism of rocks. By investigating the mineral equilibria on this system, it is possible to develop a complete facies subdivision of secondary quartzes mineral ... |
The International symposium dedicated to the 120th Anniversary of Sofia University and the 50th Anniversary of the Commencement of the European Economic Community was organized by the Department of Logic, Ethics, and Aesthetics at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, the Italian Institute of Culture in Sofia, and the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Sofia. It was held at the SU main campus on 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., known as the Rectorate, on September 23-25, 2008 as the news of the bizarre and troubling financial crisis poured in from all sides. The conference organizers observed that since the last two ... |
Dida Kazakova graduated from the Medical Academy, Sofia, in 1979. She carried out her residency in the Helmholz Institute of Ophthalmology in Moscow. She was a Fellow of the European Glaucoma Society in Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, and in the University of Cologne, Germany. While a fellow in Cologne, she wrote her doctoral thesis on the topic of glaucoma surgery. She subsequently obtained her Habilitation in 2013. Assoc. Prof. D. Kazakova is a practicing ophthalmologist, surgeon and lecturer at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". ... |
Bestselling Author of "They Both Die at the End". ... In his twisty, gritty, profoundly moving New York Times bestselling-debut, Adam Silvera brings to life a charged, dangerous near-future summer in the Bronx. In the months after his father's suicide, it's been tough for sixteen-year-old Aaron Soto to find happiness but with the support of his girlfriend Genevieve, he's slowly remembering what that might feel like. When Genevieve leaves for a couple of weeks, Aaron starts hanging out with a new guy, Thomas. Aaron's friends notices, and they're not exactly thrilled. But Aaron can't deny ... |
Financial Market Contagion through the Internal Capital Markets of Global Banks. The book Economic Crises and Financial Contagion is targeted at the applied researcher of financial economics. The methods cover the application of copula analysis, Markov chains and extreme value theory, causal identification based on panel data regression analysis, structural breaks and regime shifts. These tools could be used in various ways: Individual stock market analysis, contagion analysis (among stock markets and banking systems), policy evaluation, event-study and difference-in-differences analysis of important events and crises, ... |
Sergei Ignatov: Professor of Egyptology, New Bulgarian University, Sofia Founder and director of the Bulgarian institute of Egyptology, New Bulgarian University, Sofia M.A. and Ph.D. in Egyptology from St. Petersburg University, Russia. Specialized in All Souls College, Oxford He served as a Minister of Education, Youth and Science, 2009 - 2013 Rector of New Bulgarian University 2002 - 2009 Dean of the Undergraduate School, NBU 1999 - 2002 Head of the eapertment of Mediterranean and Oriental Studies, NBU 1998 0 2002 Has published widely in the field of Egyptology ... |
One of the most accomplished human beings who ever lived, Leonardo da Vinci remains the quintessential Renaissance genius. Creator of the world’s most famous paintings, this scientist, artist, philosopher, inventor, builder, and mechanic epitomized the great flowering of human consciousness that marks his era. "Leonardo da Vinci. The Graphic Work" features top-quality reproductions of 663 of Leonardo's drawings, more than half of which reside in the Royal Collection of Windsor Castle. From anatomical studies to architectural plans, from complex engineering designs to pudgy infant portraits, delve in and ... |
The present book is aimed at summarizing the most of the studies have been carried out during the last two decades on the ecosystems of the lake Srebarna – the most prominent Bulgarian Nature Reserve on the Lower Danube bank. The studies have been performed mostly by scientists and researchers of the newly established Institute of Biodiversity & Ecosystem Research, with close collaboration with colleagues from the Biological Faculty of the Sofia University and other institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and/or high schools/universities of that country. ... |
"Magnificent icons in Bulgaria" is a project of "Metodivs books" publishing house, representing one hundred Orthodox Christian icons, created in the span of a millennium - from X to XIX century, currently part of the collections of the National Archaeological Institute with a museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, National Gallery / Museum of Christian Art, National Museum of Ecclesiastical History and Archaeology, National History Museum and Rozhen Monastery "Holy Nativity of the Mother of God". This priceless heritage of centuries-old icons, certifying the indisputable Bulgarian ... |