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Търсене на: The history ofGraphic design

/ общо 499 продукта /
Думата "ofGraphic" е пропусната от търсенето, тъй като липсват резултати за нея.
Bulgaria: Terra europeansis incognita
Ivan Daraktchiev
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  120.00 лв.
20th Century Classic Cars
Phil Patton
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Цена:  49.90 лв.
Case Study Houses
Elizabeth A. T. Smith
Цена:  189.90 лв.
The History Book
Simon Adams, Philip Steele, Stewart Ross, Richard Platt
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  17.90 лв.
Gio Ponti
Graziella Roccella
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Цена:  36.90 лв.
Logo Modernism
Jens Muller, R. Roger Remington
Цена:  149.90 лв.
Susanne Deicher
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Цена:  36.90 лв.
Professional English in Use: Marketing
Cate Farrall, Marianne Lindsley
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  59.90 лв.
The World of Ornaments. The Complete Plates
A. Racinet, A. Dupont - Auberville
Цена:  49.90 лв.
The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again
Catherine Price
Цена:  29.90 лв.
The Complete Costume History
Francoise Tetart-Vittu
Цена:  149.90 лв.
Glimpses of the History of Bulgaria
Galin Jordanov
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  25.00 лв.
Думата "ofGraphic" е пропусната от търсенето, тъй като липсват резултати за нея.
Продукти отговарящи на търсене: The history ofGraphic design
Bulgaria: Terra europeansis incognita -

Bulgaria: Terra europeansis incognita

Ivan Daraktchiev

Цена:  120.00 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Conceived originally as a tool for familiarizing Western intellectuals with the rich history and culture of Bulgaria and its people, the book presents as well - albeit briefly - the other Balkan nationalities and their interrelations. The case is made for the injustice wrought upon the country by the Great Powers, such that within the last 130 years or so since its liberation from the Ottoman yoke it has been splintered into multiple pieces, each donated to a different neighbour. Specifically, the call is justified for unification between Bulgaria and it's southwestern part that is known under the name of Republic of ...
20th Century Classic Cars -

20th Century Classic Cars

Phil Patton

Цена:  49.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Multilingual Edition: English, French, German. ... Time-travel through the Automobile Age with a collection that puts you in the driver’s seat. 20th Century Classic Cars offers a lush visual history of the automobile, decade by decade, via 400-plus print advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of auto advertising, this book traces the evolution of the auto from horseless carriage to rocket on wheels and beyond. With an introduction and chapter text by New York Times automotive writer Phil Patton, as well as an illustrated timeline, this volume highlights the technological ...
Case Study Houses -

Case Study Houses

Elizabeth A. T. Smith

Цена:  189.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
This is the Taschen 25 - Special edition! The Case Study House program (1945 - 66) was an exceptional, innovative event in the history of American architecture and remains to this day unique. The program, which concentrated on the Los Angeles area and oversaw the design of 36 prototype homes, sought to make available plans for modern residences that could be easily and cheaply constructed during the postwar building boom. The program's chief motivating force was "Arts & Architecture" editor John Entenza, a champion of modernism who had all the right connections to attract some of architecture's ...
The History Book -

The History Book

Simon Adams, Philip Steele, Stewart Ross, Richard Platt

Miles Kelly
Цена:  17.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
The History Book is the ultimate guide to the ancient world, with incredible facts, stunning photographs and artworks and fantastic design. Kids aged 9+ will be enthralled and excited from start to finish. The book contains: the most exciting facts and images to keep kids interested; fantastic design concepts complement each subject to get kids hooked; covers everything from mighty warriors to amazing constructions. Four amazing chapters in The History Book: History Revealed goes back in time to uncover a host of extreme events, ideas and people; in Unearth History, dig deep to discover the mysteries of the ...
Gio Ponti -

Gio Ponti

Graziella Roccella

Цена:  36.90 лв.
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Italian architect and designer Gio Ponti (1891 - 1979) is difficult to pin down. With an extraordinarily prolific output and eclectic style, his oeuvre remains one of the most diverse and groundbreaking in design history. Trained initially in architecture, Ponti soon moved into industrial and interior design, experimenting with ceramics, silverware, and glass. Ponti's key works are spread throughout this extensive overview, including structures of all kinds, from small residential dwellings to high-rise buildings, schools, and office blocks. The home was one of Ponti's recurring interests and central areas of ...
Logo Modernism -

Logo Modernism

Jens Muller, R. Roger Remington

Цена:  149.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Изданието е триезично - на английски, немски и френски език. ... An unprecedented catalog of modern trademarks. Modernist aesthetics in architecture, art, and product design are familiar to many. In soaring glass structures or minimalist canvases, we recognize a time of vast technological advance which affirmed the power of human beings to reshape their environment and to break, radically, from the conventions or constraints of the past. Less well-known, but no less fascinating, is the distillation of modernism in graphic design. This unprecedented Taschen publication, authored by Jens Muller, brings together ...
Mondrian -


Susanne Deicher

Цена:  36.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
A key figure in the international avant-garde, Piet Mondrian (1872 - 1944) was at once an extraordinary painter and leading art theoretician whose influence resonates to this day. Coining the term "Neo-plasticism", he pursued a style of painting composed only of primary colors against a grid of black vertical and horizontal lines and a white base background. Mondrian's vision was that this essential painting would help to achieve a society in which art as such has no place, but rather exists for the total realization of "beauty". With stints in Amsterdam, Paris, London, and New York, Mondrian drew ...
Professional English in Use: Marketing -

Professional English in Use: Marketing

Cate Farrall, Marianne Lindsley

Cambridge University Press
Цена:  59.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Курсът е разработен за специалисти и студенти по маркетинг. 50 урока осигуряват цялата информация за основите на маркетинга, проучвания, реклама, медии и PR, а фокусът върху истински компании дава разнообразие от оригинални текстове. Учебната система "Professional English in Use" съдържа помагалата: Finance ICT Law Marketing Medicine Management Engineering Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ...
The World of Ornaments. The Complete Plates -

The World of Ornaments. The Complete Plates

A. Racinet, A. Dupont - Auberville

Цена:  49.90 лв.
Die Welt der Ornamente. L'Univers de L'ornement. Multilingual Edition: English, French, German. ... Discover a world of decorative ideas with this compendium of history's most elegant patterns and ornamental designs. "The World of Ornament" brings together the two greatest encyclopedic collections of ornament of the 19th century: Auguste Racinet’s L'Ornement polychrome Volumes I and II (1875 - 1888) and Auguste Dupont-Auberville's L'Ornement des tissus (1877) to provide one lavish source book spanning jewelry, tile, stained glass, illuminated manuscript, textile and ceramic ornament. ...
The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again -

The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again

Catherine Price


Цена:  29.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
From the author of "How to break up with your phone". If you're not having fun, you're not fully living. The author of "How to Break Up with Your Phone" makes the case that, far from being frivolous, fun is actually critical to our well-being and shows us how to have more of it. Journalist and screen-life balance expert Catherine Price argues persuasively that our always-on, tech-addicted lifestyles have led us to obsess over intangible concepts such as happiness while obscuring the fact that real happiness lies in the everyday experience of fun. We often think of fun as indulgent, even ...
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The Complete Costume History -

The Complete Costume History

Francoise Tetart-Vittu

Цена:  149.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Изданието е триезично - на английски, немски и френски език. ... Originally published in France between 1876 and 1888, Auguste Racinet's Le Costume historique was in its day the most wide-ranging and incisive study of clothing ever attempted. Covering the world history of costume, dress, and style from antiquity through to the end of the 19th century, the six volume work remains completely unique in its scope and detail. This Taschen reprint presents Racinet's exquisitely precise color illustrations, as well as his delightful descriptions and often witty commentary. Spanning everything from ancient Etruscan ...
Glimpses of the History of Bulgaria -

Glimpses of the History of Bulgaria

Galin Jordanov

Нова звезда
Цена:  25.00 лв.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
"A yet too rare example of a balanced approach towards the Bulgarian past is what you will come upon in this book... You might not share the opinion of what has been laid out here; you might find the events and their explanation well-known or queer - anyway, it is worth reading it." Andrey Pantev, Professor of history ...
Търсене на: The history ofGraphic design Продукти 1-12 от общо 499
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