Учебният предмет биология и здравно образование в 9. клас (на английски език) включва овладяването на знания и умения, които са свързани със структурата на човешкия организъм, с жизнените процеси, извършващи се в него, с акцент върху опазване на здравето, с равнищата на организация на микросистемата (клетката) - единство в химичния състав на живата и неживата материя, структура и значение на надмолекулните комплекси, устройство, процеси и възпроизводство на клетката, приложение на знанията за клетката. Изданието е разработено в съответствие с одобрената от МОН учебна програма по биология и здравно образование за 9. клас ... |
Workbook: Further lesson-by-lesson practice of the material taught in class; More listening practice, with the audio available to download from the Student's Website; Vocab Boost! provides vocabulary learning tips and activities to support students and encourage autonomous learning; Unit Reviews to develop student's awareness of their progress; Self-evaluation Self-checks with I can... statements at the end of every Unit Review to promote conscious learner development; Exam Skills Trainers to practise and prepare for exams including practise of exam techniques and tasks; New Cumulative Reviews consolidate ... |
Workbook: Further lesson-by-lesson practice of the material taught in class; More listening practice, with the audio available to download from the Student's Website; Vocab Boost! provides vocabulary learning tips and activities to support students and encourage autonomous learning; Unit Reviews to develop student's awareness of their progress; Self-evaluation Self-checks with I can... statements at the end of every Unit Review to promote conscious learner development; Exam Skills Trainers to practise and prepare for exams including practise of exam techniques and tasks; New Cumulative Reviews consolidate ... |
Workbook: Further lesson-by-lesson practice of the material taught in class; More listening practice, with the audio available to download from the Student's Website; Vocab Boost! Provides vocabulary learning tips and activities to support students and encourage autonomous learning; Unit Reviews to develop students' awareness of their progress; Self-evaluation Self-checks with I can... statements at the end of every Unit Review to promote conscious learner development; Exam Skills Trainers to practise and prepare for exams including practise of exam techniques and tasks; New Cumulative Reviews consolidate ... |
The Solutions Workbook is the perfect partner to the Student's Book, and helps consolidate the material taught in class. It contains further lesson-by-lesson practice for students to complete in their own time, as well as reference material for those who need extra support. With the audio available online, students can benefit from extra listening practice, and can use the unit review sections to assess their own progress and build confidence. Workbook: further lesson-by-lesson practice of the material taught in class; more listening practice, with the audio available to download from the Student's Website; ... |
Учебното помагало е предназначено за редовно и дистанционно обучение на бакалаври по дисциплината Човешки капитал. Обърнато е внимание на особеностите и характеристиките на човешкия капитал. Специално място е отделено на видовете инвеститори в човешки капитал. В учебното помагало са включени казуси, ролеви игри, тестови задачи, дискусионни въпроси, тренинги и други инструменти, подпомагащи обучението по дисциплината. Целта на учебното помагало е да направи по-лесно възприемането на понятието човешки капитал като дава възможност на студентите да изразят своето мнение по съответна проблематика, да защитят тезата си, да ... |
Modul 3: Language and Culture. Modul 4: Language Practice."Dear students, Congratulations! As school leavers you have embarked on thhe road to mastering your Englishh proficiency. We do believe that Destination English will be of great help in this process. The course book closely follows the syllabus for the 12th grade for level B1.1. The book consists of two parts, each one respectively devoted to Module 3 Language and Culture, and Module 4 Language practice. Module 3 will reveal to you the world of Englishh-speaking countries and important aspects of their geography, history, political structure and institutions. ... |
The Teacher's Book is your teacher-friendly guide and companion to teaching with Pippa and Pop. Here you can find: Teaching notes for every stage of the lesson and how to incorporate different components (the digital pack, the puppet and other). Games Bank involving flashcards and interactive games in Presentation Plus. Guided Play support. Literacy development tips. Formative Assessment support. Guidance on Life Competencies - look out for the shield icons that flag those activities. The Teacher's Digital Pack brings you all the teaching resources in one place, on Cambridge One. The code inside the ... |
The Teacher's Book is your teacher-friendly guide and companion to teaching with Pippa and Pop. Here you can find: Teaching notes for every stage of the lesson and how to incorporate different components (the digital pack, the puppet and other). Games Bank involving flashcards and interactive games in Presentation Plus. Guided Play support. Literacy development tips. Formative Assessment support. Guidance on Life Competencies - look out for the shield icons that flag those activities. The Teacher's Digital Pack brings you all the teaching resources in one place, on Cambridge One. The code inside the ... |
The Teacher's Book is your teacher-friendly guide and companion to teaching with Pippa and Pop. Here you can find: Teaching notes for every stage of the lesson and how to incorporate different components (the digital pack, the puppet and other). Games Bank involving flashcards and interactive games in Presentation Plus. Guided Play support. Literacy development tips. Formative Assessment support. Guidance on Life Competencies - look out for the shield icons that flag those activities. The Teacher's Digital Pack brings you all the teaching resources in one place, on Cambridge One. The code inside the ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. ... Юбилеен сборник в чест на 60-годишнината на професор доктор на науките Стела Дерменджиева на издателство УИ Св. св. Кирил и Методий. ... |
The 10th anniversary edition of the bestselling foundational business training manual for ambitious readers, featuring new concepts and mental models: updated, expanded, and revised. Many people assume they need to attend business school to learn how to build a successful business or advance in their career. That's not true. The vast majority of modern business practice requires little more than common sense, simple arithmetic, and knowledge of a few very important ideas and principles. "The Personal MBA 10th Anniversary Edition" provides a clear overview of the essentials of every major business topic: ... |