Improve your Skills: Reading for First (FCE) Student's Book prepares pupils for the First Reading tests. The book is full of exercises and examples to help develop key reading skills and build student confidence on how to approach the Reading tasks in FCE. This book comes with Answer Key. Improve your Skills for First is a four-book series for students preparing to take the Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam. The series aims to develop the skills, language and test techniques required to achieve success in the exam. The series can be used for self-study or in class. Each of the 12 topic-based units guides you ... |
Меката книжка Reading S Animals на Hauck ще привлече вниманието на вашето бебе със своите интересни страници. Тя ще забавлява детето, ще стимулира въображението и любопитството му и ще активира сетивата за зрение, осезание и слух. Книжката може да се прикрепи към детската количка или да се фиксира стабилно към столчетата за хранене Alpha+ и Beta+, като трябва просто да я фиксирате с предвидения дървен винт към таблата за игра. Важно: Таблата за игра се предлага отделно и се различава от таблата за хранене! ... |
Книгоразделителят на IF е с гравирани различни шрифтове на фрази свързани с четенето. Книгоразделителя е от висококачествена изкуствена кожа в допълнение с месингова капса и панделка. Той ще внесе модерен и закачлив стил, както и ред в любимото ви хоби. Размерите на книгоразделителя са 4.5 x 16 cm. ... |
Пакет със книжки. ... The Flash Reading Scheme provides a stimulating yet structured approach to developing reading skills. The carefully graded vocabulary throughout its five reading levels enables children to learn keywords whilst enjoying exciting, fun-filled stories. The amusing characters and their adventures with the magic camera have been specially created to capture the imaginations of the young in both familiar and unusual settings. Each illustration has been designed to encourage discussion and interaction, and playful Tiger can be found hiding amongst the pages of every story. All of the books contain advice ... |
The Flash Reading Scheme provides a stimulating yet structured approach to developing reading skills. The carefully graded vocabulary throughout its five reading levels enables children to learn keywords whilst enjoying exciting, fun-filled stories. The amusing characters and their adventures with the magic camera have been specially created to capture the imaginations of the young in both familiar and unusual settings. Each illustration has been designed to encourage discussion and interaction, and playful Tiger can be found hiding amongst the pages of every story. Level Two of the Flash Reading Scheme helps your child ... |
In Soccer Showdowns best mates Michael and Josh play together in their school's cup final on Saturday. But on Sunday - captaining rival teams in a promotion battle - they have to put their friendship on hold. TreeTops Fiction contains engaging novels from top authors and illustrators with the variety children need to develop a love of reading! ... |
Improve Your Business English Skills 2: Reading, Listening & Writing is intended mainly for students of Economics and Business Studies at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) preparing for the Final (State) Examination as well as students doing business and economics degree programs in other universities. This is the second book - a sequel to "Improve Your Business English Skills 1: Use of English" - and spotlights the other components of the exam - Reading, Listening, Writing and Summary. It provides focused training for advanced students of English who want to improve their skills in these areas. ... |
Красиво изработената от канадска елша поставка на IF ви позволява да заемете по-удобна поза, когато четете на маса или бюро. Поставката държи книгата разтворена и е полезна както за четене на художествена литература, така и за специализирани издания, като позволява на ръцете ви да останат свободни. Идеална е и за поставяне на готварската ви книга, докато пробвате нови рецепти. Поставката може да бъде регулирана по височина (под три ъгъла) и да се сгъва, което я прави удобна за пренасяне. Размерите на дървената поставка за книги са 33.5 / 23.5 / 2 cm. ... |
Enabling students to become confident and fluent readers, this four-level series takes students from elementary to upper-intermediate level. The "Effective Reading Student's Book" contains 12 topic-based units that build on the latest research into what makes a good reader. It includes specific vocabulary work and fluency development and each level comes with a complete short story from the "Macmillan Readers" series. ... |
In The Three Musketeers, d'Artagnan goes to Paris with the ambition to become a musketeer - a member of the King's Guards who are the most daring swordsmen in France. D'Artagnan must convince the three musketeers Porthos, Athos and Aramis that he is good enough to join them and to help them stop a terrible plot against the Queen. Exciting and powerful classic stories to enrich and extend your children's reading experiences. TreeTops Classics are carefully adapted versions of must-read stories which introduce your readers to significant authors, powerful plots and characters that have stood the test of ... |
Strategic Reading is a three-level series designed to develop reading, vocabulary-building, and critical-thinking skills. The Student's Book contains 16 thematic units with a selection of engaging topics that motivate learners to relate the reading to their own experiences. Three inviting reading passages in each unit, all adapted from authentic sources, allow students to explore the theme in depth. The variety of original sources including newspapers, magazines, the Internet, and works of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry expose learners to a wide range of writing styles. Preview pages in every unit introduce new ... |
Strategic Reading is a three-level series designed to develop reading, vocabulary-building, and critical-thinking skills. The Student's Book contains 16 thematic units with a selection of engaging topics that motivate learners to relate the reading to their own experiences. Three inviting reading passages in each unit, all adapted from authentic sources, allow students to explore the theme in depth. The variety of original sources including newspapers, magazines, the Internet, and works of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry expose learners to a wide range of writing styles. Preview pages in every unit introduce new ... |