Comparisons and interactions within/across cultures from Ludmila Kostova, Iona Sarieva and Mihaela Irimia. ... |
...because everyone deserve a fresh start. ... Smart and funny Ruth Hogan, author of The Keeper of Lost Things The first step was learning to read, but if she really wants to turn her life around, Maggsie is going to have to trust other people - and that might just be the hardest lesson she’s ever faced... Small and dyslexic, with a short fuse, bad teeth, a prison record and something to prove, Marguerite McNaughton - Maggsie - doesn't need anybody or anything, thank you very much. She's more than capable of looking after herself. She's also about to discover that everyone needs someone, sometimes. Even her. ... |
Complete and unabridged. ... As well as being one of the major literary figures of the twentieth century and the recipient of the 1923 Nobel Prize for Literature, William Butler Yeats (1865 - 1939) is the greatest lyric poet that Ireland has produced. His early work includes the beguiling When You are Old, The Cloths of Heaven and The Lake Isle of Innisfree but, unusually for a poet, Yeats's later works, including Parnell's Funeral, surpass even those of his youth. All are present in this volume, which reproduces the 1933 edition of W. B. Yeats's Collected Poems and also contains an illuminating ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Някои тайни би трябвало да останат скрити... Бен Хоуп е в Италия на гости на стар приятел. Случайна среща отвежда бившия майор от британските специални части в известна галерия близо до Рим, където за минути се разиграва истинска драма. Маскирани убийци са готови на всичко, за да се сдобият с открита наскоро творба на Гоя. А Бен е изправен пред най-опасната си мисия досега - да спаси заложниците и да отблъсне похитителите. След кръвопролитието пресата го възхвалява като герой, но... не за дълго. Несправедливо обвинен за убийството на италиански политик, Бен се превръща в беглец, преследван от полицията в цяла Европа. В ... |
The extraordinary international bestseller. ... The Capitol Building, Washington DC: Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon believes he is here to give a lecture. He is wrong. Within minutes of his arrival, a shocking object is discovered. It is a gruesome invitation into an ancient world of hidden wisdom. When Langdon's mentor, Peter Solomon - prominent mason and philanthropist - is kidnapped, Langdon realizes that his only hope of saving his friend's life is to accept this mysterious summons. It is to take him on a breathless chase through Washington's dark history. All that was familiar is changed into a ... |
The Lost Storyteller is the heartwarming and evocative debut novel from a stunning new voice in fiction, Amanda Block. Perfect for fans of Ruth Hogan, Jessie Burton and Diane Setterfield. One forgotten book. Seven fairy tales. A lifetime of secrets. Rebecca hasn't seen her father Leo since she was six. Her family never talk about him, and she has long since pushed him firmly to the back of her mind. All she knows is that, once upon a time, he was a well-loved children's TV star. But when a journalist turns up uninvited at her office, asking questions about her once-famous father, Rebecca starts to wonder ... |
4 All-New Adventures! A collection of four all-new strange stories from the sleepy town of Gravity Falls in one original New York Times bestselling graphic novel. Written by Alex Hirsch. As told by Shmebulock. The first story, Face It, is about Pacifica summoning a monster who steals Mabel's face. The second story, Comix Up, is about Stan getting trapped in a world of comics. In Don't Dimension It, Mabel gets pulled into a multi-verse filled with many different Mabels. And in Pines Brothers: The Jersey Devil's in the Details, a young Stan and Ford attempt to catch a supernatural jewel thief. ... |
Atlantic City, 1946. Bill, Constance and Brant can't help but feel like they are missing out on life. Bill craves an existence outside of his father's influence. Brant is willing to play a dangerous game to further his career and make a name for himself. Constance yearns for the freedom to be herself and do exactly what she loves. What these three teens don't know is that their desires will lead them all to a dark secret. Something inky just came to town in the form of a curious machine and a visit from a man named Joey Drew. When mysterious ink stains begin permeating their lives, will these teens ... |
Книга от серията "Lost" ... "Хора... Къде сме?" Четиридесет и осем души, оцелели от катастрофа на полет 815 на "Океаник Еърлайнс", се събуждат на неизвестен тропически остров. Приятели, врагове, "странни птици" - те трябва да се сплотят, да станат добър екип, за да оцелеят. Но островът няма да позволи това да се случи така лесно... Защитничката на природата, Фейт Харингтън, е една от най-ценните фигури, която може да помогне за оцеляването. Изстрадвайки своето минало, разкъсвана между чувството за вина и ниското й самочувствие, Фейт ще трябва да се бори с реалността, заобиколена от ... |
Long ago, Andrew made a childhood wish, and kept it in a silver box. When it finally comes true, he wishes he hadn't. Long ago, Ben made a promise and had a dream: to travel to Africa to volunteer at a lion reserve. When he finally makes it, it isn't for reason he imagined... Ben and Andrew keep meeting in unexpected places, and the intense relationship that develops seems to be guided by fate. Or is it? What if the very thing that drwas them together is tainted by past secrets that threaten everything? A dark, consuming drama that shifts from Zimbabwe to England, and then back into the past, "The Lion ... |
Книга от серията "Lost" ... Джеф Хадли съвсем не е света вода ненапита. Известен художник, скулптор и преподавател, доскоро се е радвал на огромна слава в арт средите. Заради скандал животът му се обръща наопаки и Джеф има нужда да изчезне за известно време от общественото внимание. Когато се качва на полет 815 на "Океаник", той не предполага, че ще стане точно това. Останал един от оцелелите след катастрофата на самолета, Джеф разполага с предостатъчно време, за да преосмисли грешките от миналото си. Животът на острова сякаш го изпълва с новооткрито творческо вдъхновение. Ала новите рисунки на ... |
There is a film of this story. ... "– This is wonderful, Professor Challenger! - I said. – You have found a place which no one knows about - a lost world. A world where creatures from the past still live. – But nobody in London believes my story - said the professor. – People say the drawing and the photograph are fakes - they aren't real. – I want to return to the Lost World. Other people must see the Lost World. Then everyone will know it is real!" From the book This book is in British English. Here you can find: a note about the author; a note about the story; the people in this story; points for ... |