English Plus поставя равен акцент върху развитието на четирите основни езикови умения - всяка единица съдържа четене, писане, слушане и говорене. Новият материал е представен както в контекста на урока, така и отделно в табличка. Учебната тетрадка следва материала от учебника и осигурява разнообразни допълнителни упражнения за работа в клас и у дома. Учебната система по английски език за 5. клас се състои от: учебник учебна тетрадка книга за учителя 3 CD с аудиоматериали Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ... |
English Plus поставя равен акцент върху развитието на четирите основни езикови умения - всяка единица съдържа четене, писане, слушане и говорене. Новият материал е представен както в контекста на урока, така и отделно в табличка. Учебната тетрадка следва материала от учебника и осигурява разнообразни допълнителни упражнения за работа в клас и у дома. Аудио материалите може да изтеглите от тук. Учебната система по английски език за 7. клас се състои от: учебник учебна тетрадка книга за учителя + DVD 3 CD с аудиоматериали Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите ... |
Transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment with Harmonize. Students learn more than language as they complete projects on topics that matter to them. Harmonize: collaborate - transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment; create - spark students' creativity as they research, develop and deliver their projects; learn - bring learning in sync with the world outside the classroom with meaningful topics, tasks, and videos; for the teacher - Harmonize gives you everything you need to support your students, in one place. Harmonize makes English immediately useful and ... |
Transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment with Harmonize. Students learn more than language as they complete projects on topics that matter to them. Harmonize: collaborate - transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment; create - spark students' creativity as they research, develop and deliver their projects; learn - bring learning in sync with the world outside the classroom with meaningful topics, tasks, and videos; for the teacher - Harmonize gives you everything you need to support your students, in one place. Harmonize makes English immediately useful and ... |
Учебната тетрадка от системата за обучение English Plus - ниво 2 на издателство Oxford University Press е отлично допълнение към учебника по английски език за 6. клас. Тя съдържа практически задачи, разработени към всяка урочна единица. Упражненията в тетрадката са разделени на три нива на трудност, а в края на всеки урок има кратка обобщаваща част, която служи като обратна връзка за наученото до момента. Към тетрадката няма включени отговори и е подходяща за работа в час. Учебната система по английски език за 6. клас се състои от: учебник учебна тетрадка книга за учителя + DVD 3 CD с аудиоматериали ... |
Retold by Janet Hardy-Gould. ... Hercules is the strongest man in the world, but one day he does something very bad. The priestess at Delphi tells him: "The gods are angry with you. For twelve years you must work for King Eurystheus, and do twelve tasks for him. When you finish, the gods can forgive your crime." Some tasks are easier, and some tasks are more difficult. Can Hercules finish all twelve of them? And what happens when he does? Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on- ... |
Transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment with Harmonize. Students learn more than language as they complete projects on topics that matter to them. Harmonize: collaborate - transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment; create - spark students' creativity as they research, develop and deliver their projects; learn - bring learning in sync with the world outside the classroom with meaningful topics, tasks, and videos; for the teacher - Harmonize gives you everything you need to support your students, in one place. Harmonize makes English immediately useful and ... |
Transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment with Harmonize. Students learn more than language as they complete projects on topics that matter to them. Harmonize: collaborate - transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment; create - spark students' creativity as they research, develop and deliver their projects; learn - bring learning in sync with the world outside the classroom with meaningful topics, tasks, and videos; for the teacher - Harmonize gives you everything you need to support your students, in one place. Harmonize makes English immediately useful and ... |
Transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment with Harmonize. Students learn more than language as they complete projects on topics that matter to them. Harmonize: collaborate - transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment; create - spark students' creativity as they research, develop and deliver their projects; learn - bring learning in sync with the world outside the classroom with meaningful topics, tasks, and videos; for the teacher - Harmonize gives you everything you need to support your students, in one place. Harmonize makes English immediately useful and ... |
Transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment with Harmonize. Students learn more than language as they complete projects on topics that matter to them. Harmonize: collaborate - transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment; create - spark students' creativity as they research, develop and deliver their projects; learn - bring learning in sync with the world outside the classroom with meaningful topics, tasks, and videos; for the teacher - Harmonize gives you everything you need to support your students, in one place. Harmonize makes English immediately useful and ... |
Transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment with Harmonize. Students learn more than language as they complete projects on topics that matter to them. Harmonize: collaborate - transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment; create - spark students' creativity as they research, develop and deliver their projects; learn - bring learning in sync with the world outside the classroom with meaningful topics, tasks, and videos; for the teacher - Harmonize gives you everything you need to support your students, in one place. Harmonize makes English immediately useful and ... |
Transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment with Harmonize. Students learn more than language as they complete projects on topics that matter to them. Harmonize: collaborate - transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment; create - spark students' creativity as they research, develop and deliver their projects; learn - bring learning in sync with the world outside the classroom with meaningful topics, tasks, and videos; for the teacher - Harmonize gives you everything you need to support your students, in one place. Harmonize makes English immediately useful and ... |