The year is 1984. The country is impoverished and permanently at war, people are watched day and night by Big Brother and their every action and thought is controlled by the Thought Police. Winston Smith works in the department of propaganda, where his job is to rewrite the past. Spurred by his longing to escape, Winston rebels. He breaks the law by falling in love with Julia and, as part of the clandestine organization the Brotherhood, they attempt the unimaginable - to bring down the Party. George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four is one of the most famous and influential novels of the 20th century. This terrifying ... |
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За да спаси репутацията си, тя трябваше да се преструва на негова любовница... Благопристойната лейди Кристабел, маркиза на Хавершам, отчаяно се опитва да си върне писма, които завинаги могат да погубят репутацията ѝ. Толкова е отчаяна, че се представя за любовница на прочутия притежател на игрална зала - Гавин Бърн, за да го придружи на едно скандално празненство, където ще може да се добере до писмата. Гавин възнамерява лично да открие писмата и да ги използва за отмъщение срещу благородника, който го е изоставил да расте по лондонските улици. Освен това е много доволен от възприемчивостта на новата си ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. In the Big Eye House, Annie is the only female contestant left in a reality TV show. Viewers follow the contestants' every move and regularly vote to eject one of them. There is a big prize for the winner, and another for any couple to have a romance in the house. What will Annie learn about the remaining four male contestants, and about herself? And which prize will she win, if any? ... |
In a post-apocalyptic world of vampires vs. humans, Yuichiro brings vengeance upon his vampire overlords! After trumpets of the apocalypse proclaim the fall of humanity, vampires arise from the shadows to rule the earth. Yuichiro wants just one thing—to get revenge by killing each and every vampire. Yuichiro is forced to make a terrible decision—his family's lives, or Mika's. Mika tries to convince him to choose his family, forcing the two into a heart-wrenching argument. What will Yuichiro ultimately decide? Meanwhile, Urd and Rigr have captured Sika Madu, the First Progenitor, and demand to know the truth ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. When Edinburgh restaurant owner Alex Maclennan is found dead in his bathroom, Inspector Jenny Logan is called in to investigate. At first his death looks like an accident but Logan begins to think it could be murder. Does his wife, his brother-in-law or his friend know more about his death than they will admit? Logan uncovers the truth about Alex's business affairs and personal life, and devises a plan to catch ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Alex Forley had everything: good looks, money, a beautiful house in London, an attractive girlfriend and a close group of friends. But now he is dead - an apparent case of suicide. Detective Inspector Rod Eliot isn't sure Alex killed himself and he wants the answers to two simple questions.Was it murder? And if so, who did it? ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Ikuko goes to England to study English, promising her boyfriend Hiroshi she will return to Japan to marry him. However, in Birmingham Ikuko discovers a whole new world and falls in love with another overseas student. Ikuko's journey across the world not only teaches her about different ways of life but also becomes a voyage of self-discovery. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. It is 2051. CONTROL, the government of Europe, keeps everyone happy in a virtual reality where music made by dolphins gives exquisite pleasure. When Saul Grant, a writer, discovers the truth about the music, the illusion is shattered. He soon sets out to free the dolphins but CONTROL is aware of his actions and will stop him at any cost. ... |
"1+1=1. Успели българи в тандем" е книга за партньорството между талантливи, ярки, силни и вдъхновяващи личности, които не се страхуват нито от своето его, нито от егото на другия. Такъв е неписаният закон на успеха във всяко партньорство, независимо между какви хора и в каква сфера е то - двамата в тандема да имат и чувстват пълната свобода да бъдат себе си. Веселина Паскова е завършила българска филология в СУ "Св. Климент Охридски". Била е програмен редактор в Националния дворец на културата - София. Съставител е на три сборника "Зелени разкази", в които са събрани творбите на ... |
The international №1 bestseller. From the author of "The Notebook". ... There are times when destiny and love collide. This story is one of them. Hope Anderson is at a crossroads. After six years with her boyfriend, she is no longer sure what she wants, and when her father becomes ill she heads to her family's cottage at Sunset Beach in North Carolina to make some difficult decisions. Tru Walls has been summoned across an ocean from where he was born and raised in Zimbabwe by a letter from a man claiming to be his father. In journeying to Sunset Beach, Tru hopes to unravel the mystery surrounding his ... |
"Точната книжка" за дете на възраст 1 - 1.5 години е с кратки, прости изречения. Свързана е с ежедневния живот, разказва истории, близки до живота на детето. На картинките се появяват детайли. Илюстрациите представят събития, а не само предмети. Тази книжка се базира на постиженията на световната наука в областта на психологията на развитието, създадена е специално за деца на възраст 12 - 18 месеца, имайки предвид специфичните им потребности."Тази серия може да бъде ценен материал, подпомагащ развитието на познавателните способности на детето - забелязване, говорене и мислене. При избора на илюстрации и ... |
Характеристики: географска мрежа; хидрография; територията на България в края на VIII век и нейните разширения при хановете Крум, Омуртаг, Маламир и Пресиан, представени чрез фоново оцветяване и щриховка върху сенкорелеф; военни походи на кан Крум, хан Омуртаг, хан Маламир, хан Пресиан, Никофор I Геник и спечелени битки от българите, години; столици и градове; крепости; проходи; надписи на хидрография, държави, племена, историко-географски области и други; легенда. Картата е двустранно ламинирана. Изработена е от винил с пластмасови лайсни в долния и горния край и шнур на горната лайсна за окачване на картата. ... |